Boost Your Glow and Cash Flow

Mindfulness Techniques to Beat Business Burnout

Running an empire is hard work and, at some point, most entrepreneurs find themselves on the wrong side of “work/life balance.” With clients to please, employees to lead, P&L statements to review, content to create, and a seemingly never-ending to-do list, it’s easy to start falling into mental and spiritual misalignment with one’s business.

But when your head isn’t in the game, your business faces the consequences.

In this interactive podcast episode based on her popular stage topic of the same name, Aleya walks you through the seven Abundance Keys (Chakras) that drive energy levels and willpower — and how to recognize when they’re out of balance.

Aleya shares her favorite strategies to overcome burnout and rediscover one’s inner glow, effectively supporting profit growth, mental wellbeing, and an empire that is built to last.

Takeaways Include:

  • How to monitor for red flags that signify misalignment in your body, your mind, your spirit, and your business

  • Three must-know techniques to recalibrate your energy with your business goals

  • How money, communication, and energy tie into one another — and what to do if you recognize one (or more) is out of whack

This episode is the first in the "Stage to Stream Series" where Aleya covers content excerpts from her popular speaking topics so you can learn and experience growth wherever you are.  Why should live audiences get to have all the fun?

To book Aleya to edutain your audience at your next event, please visit to check out her speaking topics, reels, and why.  Click "Schedule a Call" to secure the speaker with "that something new" you've been looking for.

If you are a Corporate Event Planner, Head of Marketing, Learning & Development Professional, Executive Assistant, Destination Management Company, or Destination Management Organization who is looking for a top-quality, energetic speaker, you should definitely hop on a call with Aleya.

About Aleya Harris

Aleya Harris, CPCE  is the spark for your sparkTM. She is a powerhouse StoryBrand Certified Guide, BioEnergetic Business Consultant, empire-building CEO of The Evolution Collective Inc., host of the Radical Rebirth Retreat, LLC, host of the award-winning Flourishing Entrepreneur Podcast, and international award-winning speaker. She’s committed to helping entrepreneurs, executives, leadership teams, and thought leaders differentiate themselves through radically authentic strategy, coaching, and training.

Get Your Recalibration Guide

There is a lot of information in this episode that will help you get into greater energetic alignment to boost your glow and cash flow... but it doesn't even scratch the surface.

To dive in, download the 25+ page Recalibration Guide at 

Connect with Aleya Harris

Speaking & Media:

The Evolution Collective Inc.:  

Radical Rebirth Retreat, LLC:  




Links Mentioned on this Podcast

  • Aleya Harris [00:00:00]:

    You today. We're taking it back, back to the roots of this podcast and dealing with the issue of burnout. We're a little more than halfway through 2023, and we are all collectively trying to push to the end. But if you are dim and your bank account is slim, know that your glow does in fact, affect your cash flow. And if you would like a little bit of a glow up, then, my friend, this episode is for you. All right, let's go.

    Yuliya Patsay [00:00:44]:

    Welcome to the flourishing entrepreneur podcast with Aleya Harris. If you're looking for actionable ways to stand out from the crowd by standing in your power, you've come to the right place. Each week, we help you and your fellow empire building entrepreneurs become radically authentic and tap into your unique story to attract your ideal clients. Listen in and learn how to use energy alignment techniques and tried and true marketing strategies to transform from a leader to a legend. And now, your host, Powerhouse Story brand certified guide, award winning marketer bioenergetic business coach, and Japanese whiskey lover, Aleya Harris.

    Aleya Harris [00:01:40]:

    This episode kicks off a series that I am lovingly calling from stage to stream. What does that mean? It means that I want to share some of the stage experience that you would get from me, ALEA Harris, the award winning international speaker on my podcast. Because the content is really good, there's no reason why you should just be able to benefit from it when you're sitting with me in front of me in an audience. Of course, my sessions are usually about an hour long, 45 minutes, or sometimes a couple of days if we're doing some retreat facilitation. So I'm going to have to kind of pack some stuff in here and give you some excerpts. I want to make sure that you get all that you need to be able to flourish, of course, in business and in life. If you do want to see more of my speaking topics and really a cheat sheet as to what's coming up with future episodes, make sure you go to my brand new website, speaking. speaking. Today's topic is boost your glow and cash flow. And this topic uses the seven chakras to help you understand where you're out of alignment and where you need to get back into alignment. So if you are driving, then just take mental notes and be very careful. And if you are stationary, I invite you to take out a workbook or journal so that you can write down where you're in or out of alignment. So you're just going to create two columns, one that says in alignment, one that says out of alignment, and then you're going to create seven rows, one for each of the chakras. And as we go through, you're going to make a check whether you're in alignment and out of alignment. Why do I want you to do that? Well, it's really easy to feel overwhelmed, especially right now. We're in this cancer new moon situation. I don't know about you, honey child, but my emotions are all over the place, all over the place. So it could be like, oh my gosh, I'm listening to ALEA to try to figure out how to get my glow up. And I'm just now more overwhelmed than I started. And so we're not trying to do that. So I want you to help prioritize what you will help address when you're done by using that nifty little check marks. And again, if you're driving or otherwise occupied, I sometimes listen to podcasts with my beautiful baby ruby Coral, in my lap. So I do not have use of my hands. Then just take some mental notes, because we need today to get to the root cause of what is causing your blockages. Because at the end of the day, it's really all about how you are moving through this planet, moving through this world. And if you're not flowing, then you're not able to catch that ride of financial abundance, that ride of emotional abundance, that ride of spiritual abundance that you're trying to attract in your life. So we're going to go through each of the seven chakras. I'm going to do it pretty quick style. If you want to have more in depth information, I do invite you to go to WW Dot Recalibrate alayaharris. Comrecalibrate to get the Recalibration Guide. The Recalibration Guide is about 25 ish pages of all of this juicy stuff. It has exercises, videos, book recommendations, article recommendations, explanation of each chakra and what it means when it's aligned and when it's misaligned. So I encourage you to go to not flourishmarketing. Co oh, my gosh, I'm trying to get out of it, trying to get out of it, trying to move on to the new recalibrate. It's going to take me a second. Okay, so let's start off with chakra number one, which is trust. Trust is located in your little hip area, the base of your spine, the base of your body, and also usually incorporates the legs, feet. It's the bottom. It is your safe, grounded self. You are bold and feeling this grounded sense of trust when you're aligned. But when you're misaligned, you're moving forward with a lot of anxiety and fear. When you're moving through anxiety and fear, you're making fear based decisions. And fear, as I'm sure you know, are false expectations appearing real. So if you base your decisions on falsehoods, they're being put on shaky ground. So as you begin to move forward, you're trying to climb up, climb up, climb up, and the foundation is crumbling underneath your feet. So if you have that misaligned sense of trust when you're moving forward to buy that new building, to launch that new service, to go out and, I don't know, develop that new speaking topic, whatever it is, but you're doing it from a sense of fear. You will not be successful. The next one that we're going to talk about is compassion and creativity. When you are aligned in your compassion creativity center, which is right underneath and around your belly button, your genital areas often mixed into there, your lower back. When you're aligned, you're feeling joy and flow. You are just able to create, create love other people, love yourself, be able to be there for other people in a way that doesn't compromise yourself. And be able to not only be creative as like, oh, I'm just this creative genius, but to do the little things, like maybe it's a really good meal that you're able to create, or it's a really good blog post that you're able to write, right. That creativity comes from a place of joy and flow. When you're misaligned, you have a lot of self judgment and you're feeling stuck. This is when your inner Jessica Beautiful unicorn rabbit comes out, right? If you haven't listened to my podcast, my limiting character's name is Jessica beautiful Unicorn Rabbit. I don't know if you've seen who framed Roger Rabbit. Jessica unicorn beautiful rabbit is Jessica rabbit with a little bit of a twist because she was fabulous. But in my mind, she's decked out in all of these furs and all this stuff with these shopping bags. And of course, the fur is pink, and she's just trying to hold up this perfection that's unattainable, that's unattainable. And she's buckling under the weight and she's judging me. Little leia, just regular leia, no unicorns or beautiful rabbits involved. Judging me for being me, my beautiful, imperfect self, my soul, having a human experience. And so when Jessica gets to chatting with me, I know that I am misaligned. When I have that judgment come up, as soon as Jessica says, no, that's not a good idea. Who do you think you are? Why are you going to do that? Well, the people are going to see you for who you are. What do you mean? You're going to stand for being radically authentic. Radical authenticity means people will have to see you. You will need to be vulnerable. As soon as she starts talking, I know that I'm heading into dangerous territory and being unaligned with compassion and creativity. When we're talking, then, and we're moving up a little higher into the next chakra of willpower and self esteem. It's right underneath your rib cage, right where not your tum tum, not your pancita. Your stomach, though. You're the actual stomach. Where your food goes first, I guess. And that is where your willpower and self esteem lies. When you have this willpower and self esteem, you execute plans with purpose. You know when to rest. You're able to move forward not just with sheer force, but you tap into that feminine and that masculine energy, right, to be more aligned. But when you're misaligned, you're burned out. You are battered, you are lost. You are feeling like you do not have an ounce in you left to give. And if you did, it would actually leave you incapacitated on the floor, right? You are donezo, my friend. And if that is you, I want you to take a second to honor that space and to honor all of the things that you've accomplished and all of the energy you've expended. Energy. If you think about energy from more of a quantum physics perspective, no energy is ever destroyed or lost. This is from a soul perspective. No soul is ever destroyed or lost, right? So any energy, any love, any good vibes, if you want to say like that, that you put out into the world comes back to you. All of that work, all of that effort, all of that focus and tenacity and determination that you've used up until this point is waiting to come back to you. It's doing its thing out in the world. It's generating energy. It's generating beneficial outcomes and opportunities for you because that is the intention you set when you were doing all of that hard work. So congratulations to you for setting your life in motion, for setting your life in momentum. However, it's time to sit down, girl. It's time to rest. It's time to rest. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to go through all seven. We're going to take a little pause. I'm going to come back and I'm going to give you a couple of recalibration techniques from that recalibration guide that will help you not only recalibrate your willpower and get that burnout center, that willpower and self esteem center in line, but it will also help you kind of align everything all together. So don't worry, help is on the way. Right now we're just assessing. We're assessing where we're aligned and where we're misaligned. But I'm not going to leave you hanging. Just like me, like, oh, girl, well, you messed up, so good luck. No, we're going to come back and I'm going to give you some techniques to use. But before we do that, let's move into our heart center. This is the chakra, or I sometimes refer to them as abundance keys, where we have gratitude and charisma. And when you are living in gratitude and charisma, you show up as your whole self. You are grateful for the pain, you are grateful for the joy, you are grateful for the anoints, you're grateful for where you were rerouted, where you were misdirected. And all of it becomes part of your story. That charisma piece means you are attractive. You are attracting what you want, who you want. Opportunities are flowing when you are in this place, this place of gratitude for what was, what is, what will be, regardless of the judgment you put on it. Oh, my gosh. The weight that lifts literally off of your chest is huge. But when you are misaligned, that is when you feel disjointed, scattered and frazzled. That is when you're not able to see the good through the bad, you're not able to see the silver lining. You're not able to get your brain to function in a way that makes you want to move forward. Right? This is exactly how I felt when I had postpartum depression. I couldn't get my brain to work. Definitely was not showing up as my whole self. And I 1000% could not see the good through the bad. I had my beautiful baby and she was cool and all, but I was like, oh my God, this cannot last forever. I feel like a shell of myself. So when I was in that, the best thing that I could do was constantly repeat what I was grateful for, even if it was, I got some great breakfast today. I'm grateful for the blueberries I just ate. I'm grateful for the fact that I made it a full day without having any baby bodily fluids on me. That didn't happen very often. Whatever it was, I made sure to just have gratitude. Because when gratitude is blocked, you might as well forget about attracting the type of abundance and opportunities in your life that you're looking for. The way that the abundance cycle works is sowing and reaping. Sowing and reaping and gratitude in the process, right? What are you sowing? You're sowing intention, you're sowing belief, you're sowing money, you're sowing effort, and you are sowing gratitude. Grateful for what is to come when you receive it. You're grateful for that it came, right? So as you're reaping, you're grateful for all that. It took all of the beings of light that conspired in your favor to bring you what you asked for. Because I remind you now and forever, my friend, that you are a powerful creator. A powerful creator. So as a powerful creator, you need to use your creation tools. And gratitude is one of those creation tools. It's the center of your heart. Center. That's where it lives. Gratitude and charisma, they live there, but also it is the place and the tool that you can use as quickly as possible. Sometimes that might be a minute, sometimes that might be a day, sometimes it might be longer. But as quickly as possible, get back into that abundance flow as we move up a little bit higher into your throat. We are talking about honest communication. When I say honest, am I saying that you're a liar? The liar? Did you lie with a little white lie? No, I'm not talking about lying. I'm talking about authenticity. It's very easy to not be honest with yourself and not lie at the same time. So you can go out into the world and say, well, what I really want on the inside is what you're saying. What I really want right now is to take a nap. When someone asks me how I am, however, I'm going to say, oh my gosh, it's so wonderful. My life is great. I'm so busy. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's wonderful. Well, life is wonderful and you are busy. But how are you? You're tired. It's okay to say you're tired, right? Honest communication would sound more like, I have a lot going on. I am tired. I'm planning some rest coming up, but I'm really grateful for everything that's happening. I want to be careful not to blow out my willpower chakra, so I'm going to make sure to take a rest. Thank you so much for asking. Right. It's about showing up fully, not masking, removing the veil of what you think other people need or want to hear and see from you and being the person that you truly are. Now, does this mean dumping on everybody? No, I don't dump on y'all. I got all kinds of hooga booga going on with me. But I come to you when I can feel like I can be of service. Now, if you ask me, how am I feeling? Well, let's see. How am I feeling today? I'm recording this in Nashville. I am based normally in La. In Burbank, if you didn't know that, and I'm about to record the story brand livestream today. I love teaching on the story brand livestream by the lot. It's a lot of fun. And I am actually feeling pretty good. But if I'm honest, I wish that I had recorded this at home so I didn't have to bring my big old mic with me. But I have on my Barbie core pink and I have my makeup on, my hair done, so I'm feeling pretty awesome, actually getting ready to go into my day. That is how I'm honestly feeling. Do I also wish that I had gotten more sleep? Yeah. But the first night in a hotel room, I usually don't sleep very well. So there's that, right? That's how I'm honestly feeling. But if I had some type of deep, deep, deep, deep core issue that I was dealing with I'm going to go and talk in a small group, talk to a friend. Not blast it on Instagram. Not blast it. On Facebook until it can be of service, or until I feel like someone can relate, or until I feel like I might be able to provide words to a challenge that you are having that you can't articulate for yourself. Being of service, that's my particular brand of communication. You might communicate differently. That's your jam. But if you're not communicating easily, if you're not communicating from a place of radical authenticity and you're lacking clarity within yourself, within the words that you're saying, within the messages that you're putting out, then, my friends, you know that you are misaligned with your communication. Focus on intuition. Let's move up a little higher to the center of your third eye. You have strong intuitive cues when you are aligned. You are not only connected to spirit, probably your spiritual guides, your ancestors, the way that the world has worked. There's a flow that happens to life and you're able to feel that flow and understand when you're off and when you're on, right? That is huge. That is super huge to feeling that flow of abundance. Because sometimes with abundance you have to know when it's time to let the ground rest, right? When you are sowing and reaping and sowing and reaping and sowing reaping. It's like planting and over planting a field and you've suck that field dry. And sometimes you need to let that ground rest. But if you keep trying to sow and reap and sow and reap and sow and reap and that particular plot of Earth has nothing else to give you, you will just blow out your willpower. Chakra, you'll start breaking the trust that you've developed with yourself and the universe because you won't be getting the results that you desperately want, but that you know are not going to come right now using this method, right? So I need you to be more focused into your intuition, more connected to understand where is your abundance coming from. Be open to receiving in ways through avenues and opportunities that you might not expect to have received through, as opposed to just staying heads down and working. Grinding, grinding, grinding, grinding it out. When you are misaligned, you're disconnected. And that's when you're trying to plant and reap from a field that has nothing to give you. I want you to be able to be centered so that you're not using so much effort, so much power, so much force when you can just flow. We're going to talk about connection again when we go through a couple of tools to get into greater alignment. And then the very last one here is love and connection. This is your crown chakra. It's like the top of your head and a little above your head. This is when you stop thinking about yourself. You are so fully connected that you can see the bigger picture. You can see what needs to be given in the world where there is lack, the holes that you can fill. It then becomes not about how much money can I make, but how much can I serve? What is the highest good that we can all reach together? However, when you're misaligned, you're more like a used car salesman. You're desperate. It's like that guy or girl or whatever that you dated. And they were always super clingy, super clingy. They were like, what you doing, what you doing, what you doing, what you doing, what you doing, what you doing? Like that. They were desperate. They had their claws in you and they were not going to let go because they were desperate to be loved. Often that comes from low self esteem. We're not even go there. Just work with this analogy, right? That is what you're doing to life. It has a basis in fear, but also a lack of connection. You don't see your full picture in the world, so you're not able to find your place in it. So you cling to whatever you can see, you cling to whatever you do have. And when that happens, you'll only be able to attract the abundance that is currently in your hand, as opposed to looking up, looking out, getting a better perspective, right? Getting a higher perspective and realizing that the world, the world that you will never be able to even fully embrace, no matter how big you spread your arms, the world is truly yours. You are operating not only with love, but with loving. Love in action, love as a verb, love as movement. Love connects is the force, what I like to call the force that connects atoms and molecules together, right, is the energy and that helps establish and organize and is organized by the information that says I. Then all of the beings and the particles of me, ALEA Harris, are formed and connected by love. You can say my cells are in love with each other. They are actively loving each other. That is where health comes from. That is where vibrance comes from. That is where joy comes from. Down deep on the atomic level, loving as a practice, as an action, as a verb, is how you get connected, right? So we've gone through all seven as a recap because they were like, oh, wait, go back, go back, go back. I missed one. We started with trust, then we moved up to compassion and creativity, then willpower and self esteem right underneath your ribcage in your solar plexus area. Then we moved into your heart center with gratitude and charisma. Then we moved to your throat with honest communication, up to your third eye with focus and intuition. And finally your crown chakra of love and connection. So I ask you, if you've been following along, where are you aligned? Where are you misaligned? What are the priority areas that you would like to address? We're not going to go over each and every single one of these areas here on the podcast, but you can again download that recalibration, recalibrate again, you'll download that recalibration guide. It's about 25 ish pages that goes through each of these seven, talks about where you're aligned, talks about where you're misaligned, and helps give you in depth exercises to get back in alignment. Okay, now take a pause, take a beat, and we'll be right back to give you just a couple of things that you can do to affect your overall system holistically and get back into alignment if you have fallen out of it. Okay, now that we've gone over what the seven chakras are and how they feel when you're aligned and misaligned, let's talk about just a couple of techniques that you can use to figure it all out. And again, I'm only giving you a couple here. This is an excerpt of my stage topic boost your glow and cash flow. If you would like to book this topic for your audience, where we do a lot of interaction, a lot of in person exercises, and a guided visualization, make sure you go to speaking and schedule a call to book me to educate your audience. The first recalibration technique we're going to go over on this podcast, however, is about energetic hygiene. So I know you ain't stinky. You ain't stinky. I mean, I can't smell you from here, but you probably aren't stinky unless you're listening to me when you jog. And then maybe you should take a shower after this, but most likely like on GP going through your life, you are not a stinky human, but your energy might be. Y'all know, it's kind of tough love. My bad, my bad. It's kind of like a tough love moment because most people do not practice energetic hygiene. We go through life, we pile stuff onto us. We go out, we let other people pile stuff onto us when we pick up stuff, and then we bring it back. We shower, which helps, but then sometimes we don't. We then we roll around and we sleep in it. We wonder why we're grumpy and not rest and why our back hurts and all of this stuff, right? It's kind of like walking around barefoot everywhere. I'm not talking about just walking around barefoot in your house or your room, but I'm talking about it's like walking around, no shoes on skin to floor, walking outside, walking in the dirt, walking on the street, walking in your office, all the places. And you come back and then you just take your pillow and you rub your feet on your pillow and then you lay down in it. That feels clean. No, it doesn't. No, it doesn't. Oh, my God, that's so gross. I just totally grossed myself out. That is what it is like when you do not practice good energetic hygiene. Just like you wash your body, just like you hopefully wear shoes. Or if you don't, I guess you hopefully wash your feet before you get in bed. If not, you really should. Just like all of that. You want to make sure to clear your energy and clear it throughout the day. One of the best ways to do this is actually pretty easy. You just say the following. I ask for the light, the highest purest form of light, to surround, fill and protect me now for the highest good, clear, disengage, disconnect. For the highest good. Thank you. That's it. You can say it out loud. You can say it to yourself inwardly. When I do it, I like to take my right hand and swipe it up and down my third eye from my third eye, down the bridge of my nose and back up again. And I just do clear, disengage, disconnect. You will feel like, oh, maybe I don't feel like anything I don't feel like anything. Do it multiple times throughout the day. Give me three days, then you can email me Aleya at aleya. H-A-R-R-I Feels like the Mickey Mouse Club. M-I-C-K-E-Y. Anyways, you email me and let me know how you feel because I guarantee you, the more energetically clean you are, the easier it will be to connect. And your energy and your being will also be able to write itself. When you are doing this energetic clearing, you can, I say, take it one step further. Clear your space. Ask for the space to be filled with light. You can use, like palo santo. You can use sage. I like to safely don't burn nothing down inside of one of those disposable pie things, like the little foil ones on top of a sheet tray that I do not like. Going to be brown and nasty, right? Like this is just for this purpose. I put the foil bowl on top of the sheet tray. And inside that foil bowl, I put Epsom salt. It can be scented. I put some essential oil that's based off of whatever my purpose is for the clearing of that moment. And then I put some rubbing alcohol in there and I light that sucker on fire and I go out throughout my space and it's like a deep cleaning scrub. Now, mind you, this is like real fire. It's not like sage smoke. It is fire. So watch your eyebrows and watch any clothes you have hanging up. Be careful. I'm just saying be careful when you do this. And you go around your house, you have them on the sheet tray because the little foil bowl will be hot. So you don't want to just have it on the bowl. You have the foil bowl on that sheet tray that you don't like. This is a sheet tray that will not come back from this. It's not going to make it through this experience. It will have probably like a little burn mark on it and that's okay. And when I do it, I go through and I chant often anahue, which sounds like anaihu. And I chant that throughout the space, my home. And then you can also chant the ohm, if that whatever you feel connected with what you're doing and you want to open up windows, open up the door, let things go, that's another way of clearing your space, clearing yourself. Clearing people take for granted because they can't see it. It's not like dirt in the corner or your messy desk or whatever. You can't see the dirt, so you don't think it's there. But my friend, it is very much there. As you clear, you will be able to open up yourself for greater, greater, greater, greater, greater abundance and clarity, literal mental clarity, to make better decisions, to understand what you even need in that moment to heal yourself. It is. Very crucial to practice energetic hygiene. Energetic hygiene is super important. The other thing that I want to focus on, we talked a little bit on the chanting, which is super important that I've gone through that multiple times here on the Flourishing Entrepreneur podcast. I also want you to know how to tap into your intuition as you're beginning to explore so that you know what a yes is and what a no is. Because if you don't know what a yes is and you don't know what a no is, you won't be able to really move forward with making stronger decisions. So I want you, if you can safely wherever you're listening to this, and if you can't just keep listening and continue to be safe, I want you to tap into your body and use it as a guide. So close your eyes. Close your eyes, and I want you to tell me how it feels when you physically hear these three phrases. Phrase number one, it's midnight, and you just got a text from your high maintenance client whose project is not due for the next six months. Where did you feel that? It's midnight. You just got a text from your high maintenance client whose project is not due for the next six months. Where did you feel that? In your body. Number two, you just got a new Louis Vuitton bag delivered as a thank you from your most recent client. Where did you feel that? You just got a new Louis Vuitton bag delivered as a thank you from your most recent client. And number three, you look around and you realize that all of your hard work is paying off. You look around and realize that all of your hard work is paying off. Where do you feel that in your body? Okay, so most of the time you can open your eyes up. Most of the time, people get that first one from that high maintenance client. It's like wherever that feels like to you, wherever that sound, the heck is going on in your chest, maybe in your stomach, maybe a whole body anger someone. One time I did this in a live session, there were several hundred people, and she raised her hand because I was asking for feedback. She goes, my whole body's on fire. I said yes. That's also how I would feel too. The second one, you referee the Louis Vuitton bag. Some people feel in their shoulders, like, woo, like this light, or in their heart, whoa, we're in this excitement jump, this little flit in their stomach. And when most of the time, a lot of the time doesn't have to be the same for you, but a lot of the times when people look around and realize that all their hard work is paying off, it's like a full body experience. This lightness, this full body exhale. Now you know what yes feels like. Yes. Different versions of yes, right? Those last two a no or a hell? No? Is that first one that soonly, that high maintenance client? Right? I want you to know what no feels like and what yes feels like. So as you're going through these decisions, you pay attention to your body as you're going through and making business decisions, deciding if you should purchase something, deciding if you should hire that person, deciding if you should make that career move, deciding if you should apply for that job. I want you to check in with your body and know, is this a no or is this a yes? Okay. Those are the two I know. Only two. I know I'm sad, but I don't want this to be super long. Two recalibration techniques I have for you to get more. Again, go to Recalibrate and have me teach this to you and or your audience. Or if you are a corporate planner or a DMC or a DMO and you would like to hire me as a speaker, go to slash Speaking to book a call with me so we can do this thing in person. I would also be remiss if I didn't mention bioenergetic business coaching. I'm a bioenergetic business consultant and through the Evolution Collective, I help people pinpoint exactly what is wrong with their energy using the Ness Bioenergetics Wellness system. If you want to learn a bit more about that, you can go to About scroll down. There's a video there that explains all about how we can fast track this pinpointing of what's aligned and what's misaligned and get you results rather quickly by helping to understand exactly where your energy is off so we can get it back on track. Okay. If you have any questions at all, comments and concerns, make sure you send me an email to Obviously, that's my direct email. It's my name. I want to hear from you and I definitely want to partner with you on this journey. All right, well, that's it for this episode. This is again the first in a series of my stage to stream series all about taking the goodness that I share with live audiences and bringing it to you here on the podcast so you can get just a little taste of what it would be like to be sitting with me live and in person, if you haven't already. All right, until next time, my name is Alaya Harris. This is the Flourishing Entrepreneur podcast, and I am sending you lots and lots and lots of love, light and abundance. Bye for now.

    Yuliya Patsay [00:39:54]:

    Thank you for listening to this episode of the Flourishing Entrepreneur podcast with Aleya Harris. Vibing with what you hear. Leave a five star review to spread the love and be sure to click subscribe. We wish you love, light and abundance. See you next time.


Me + You = Magic


Intention, Movement & Release: How to Move From Sick and Tired to Flourishing