Me + You = Magic

The Art of Writing Captivating Copy That Converts

You don’t really know how to market your business. If you did, you wouldn’t be wondering how to stand out from your competition or struggling to articulate who you are in your messaging.

The reality is that you may know the technical ins and outs of marketing, but you are missing one critical element: the ability to create the magical “meeting of the mentor” moment.

In this brass tacks session, Aleya Harris will walk you through how to build a compelling marketing funnel and write spellbinding copy that catalyze lifelong client relationships.

Takeaways Include:

  • Discover the process to build a marketing funnel that will keep you consistent, work with the algorithms, and allow space for radically authentic copy that makes prospects take notice

  • Learn the keys to writing copy for connection and conversion

  • The top 5 highest converting words to encourage your ideal customer to buy from you

  • How to leverage AI (or not) in your creative process

  • Understand word vibration and word resonance 

  • Understand how to write marketing copy that is persuasive, engaging, and tailored to the needs and desires of your target audience

  • Get an overview of narrative-based marketing


This episode is the second in the "Stage to Stream Series" where Aleya covers content excerpts from her popular speaking topics so you can learn and experience growth wherever you are.  Why should live audiences get to have all the fun?


To book Aleya to edutain your audience at your next event, please visit to check out her speaking topics, reels, and why.  Click "Schedule a Call" to secure the speaker with "that something new" you've been looking for.


If you are a Corporate Event Planner, Head of Marketing, Learning & Development Professional, Executive Assistant, Destination Management Company, or Destination Management Organization who is looking for a top-quality, energetic speaker, you should definitely hop on a call with Aleya.


About Aleya Harris

Aleya Harris, CPCE  is the spark for your spark (TM). She is a powerhouse StoryBrand Certified Guide, BioEnergetic Business Consultant, empire-building CEO of The Evolution Collective Inc., host of the Radical Rebirth Retreat, LLC, host of the award-winning Flourishing Entrepreneur Podcast, and international award-winning speaker. She’s committed to helping entrepreneurs, executives, leadership teams, and thought leaders differentiate themselves through radically authentic strategy, coaching, and training.


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There is a lot of information in this episode that will help you get into greater energetic alignment to boost your glow and cash flow... but it doesn't even scratch the surface.


To dive in, download the 25+ page Recalibration Guide at 


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The Evolution Collective Inc.: 

Radical Rebirth Retreat, LLC: 




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  • Aleya Harris [00:00:00]:

    You. Did you know that businesses that leverage captivating copy experience a 78% increase in conversion rates? Copy is not just a bunch of words on the page or fodder for search engines. It's a powerful tool that can make or break your success in the online space. But the problem is, you sit at your computer, you stare at a blank screen, and you really have no idea how to come up with the perfect words that will help you convert website visitors, build your personal brand, allow others to understand why they should work with you. Allow others to understand why your radically authentic story is worth them hearing. It's such a struggle. It's such a struggle. But you're in luck. In today's episode, me plus you equals magic. The art of writing captivating copy that converts. I'm going to let you in on lots of secrets, actually, but three parts of really good copywriting so you can write and tell that radically authentic story and reach your goals. If you have been struggling to figure out how to convey your unique message, then, my friend, this episode is for you. All right, let's go.

    Yuliya Patsay [00:01:41]:

    Welcome to the flourishing entrepreneur podcast with Aleya Harris. If you're looking for actionable ways to stand out from the crowd by standing in your power, you've come to the right place. Each week, we help you and your fellow empire building entrepreneurs become radically authentic and tap into your unique story to attract your ideal clients. Listen in and learn how to use energy alignment techniques and tried and true marketing strategies to transform from a leader to a legend. And now, your host, powerhouse story brand certified guide, award winning marketer, bioenergetic business coach, and Japanese whiskey lover, aleya Harris.

    Aleya Harris [00:02:36]:

    So this episode is episode number two in our stage to stream series. And actually, this is really fresh. I'm recording this on Tuesday, July 25, and it's releasing tomorrow. But yesterday I was on stage at Nace Experience giving this exact same session. And of course, because of our limited time together, I can't fit all of it in. But I'm going to give you the juiciest, most delectable parts of it for you to consume this episode. Me plus you equals magic. The art of writing captivating copy that converts is actually near and dear to my heart. I created this because at my core, well, there's actually lots of little things running around in there. But one part of my core is that I'm a copywriter. I love words. I've always loved words. I was the little kid in school that tried to quote, unquote, whisper and always got in trouble because I was talking all the time. I know you're not surprised at this. You can't possibly be surprised about this, right? So words and developing words and understanding words. And I'm not just talking about like, oh, I like words coming out of my mouth. I like to study etymology of words. Where do words come from? What do they mean? I love studying other languages. I like using, as my husband calls it, big vocab words. That to me don't feel like big vocab words or $100 million dollar words, because I want to use the exact word for that exact experience. Because I understand that each word has a different vibe, has a different feeling, has a different whole experience that you can translate to other people to effectively communicate exactly how you feel, what you think, and what you want. So in this session, we're going to go over three different segments so that you can do the same thing for your ideal client. If you're in a career and you're trying to reach that next level of your career, if you're trying to convey that message, even heck, to a potential lover, love a lover, Amister, love a lover, you can use the power of words to do so. This session specifically focuses on marketing words. And I want to point something out. Words create things. If you want to get biblical with me real quick, god spoke and the world was created, right? That whether you believe in God, in the Bible or not, is actually a great representation of the power of words, the vibratory essence of words. The first part that we're going to go over actually talks about word vibration. It's the spark, the spark of each words. Words matter, right? So if we quote Maya Angelou, who has this beautiful quote that says, words are things, they get on the walls, they get in your wallpaper, they get in your rugs, in your upholstery and your clothes, and finally into you. If your words are not getting inside of your ideal clients, then you are probably not using emotional resonance within words, the spark of words. Because anybody truly can plug in words to a formula on a word processing document and trying to do the SEO games that we love to play, especially for those of us that don't really know what we're doing when we come to SEO, right? And most likely we're trying to game the algorithm and we're playing losing games. If you want a different approach, you need to first use word vibration, word resonance, to think about words differently, think about the power of words to create things differently. So we're first going to talk about the spark. Then we're going to talk about the art of copywriting. And then we're going to talk about the science of copywriting, spark, art, science, sass. We're going to get sassy with it. Oh, yeah, we're going to get a little sass in the copywriting experience, spark, art and science. So I've thrown around the words, word vibration already a lot, and you're probably like, okay, cool. That's cool. I don't know what the heck you're talking about. Well, I want to take it up a level, right? Everything in the universe, including words, is made up of energy and has a unique vibrational frequency this sounds woo. And it can be woo. I mean, if you're hanging out with me, you're probably, I mean, at least a little woo, right? I mean, you gotta you I mean, you gotta be we're like on episode 70 something, almost 80 something, right? Like, if you've been hanging out like, we do woo here, we do well, but it also is corroborated by physics and quantum physics, the way that particles and atoms and molecules interact with one another. Words can emit positive or negative energy based on their vibrational qualities. And then you can use said energy to motivate and inspire the people that you are talking to to take action. I'm going to give you a more tangible example of this. You can look this up. This is not my thing. It's the rice story. The rice I think it's actually called the rice experiment, should you be so inclined to Google. But you basically can do it. You can also try it at home if you are really into it. You take two jars of rice with water in them and then you separate them. One you put in the light and one you talk to every day. You go, oh, my gosh, you're the most beautiful rice I've ever seen. My life is better with you. I love you, rice. I love you, I love you. Oh, how are you today? How is the sun kissing your little rice cheeks? Oh, how are you? Each grain of rice is perfect. You are perfect. Okay, first of all, I would love if I talk to myself more like that, right? That's an aside. But let's move on to the next jar of rice. The other jar of rice you keep in the dark and you say negative stuff to it like you crappy rice kind of rice. Are you? How dare you think that you can do anything besides being crappy rice? You're probably mostly plastic, aren't you? Oh, I've never seen more horrible rice in my life. I hate you. I loathe you. You're nothing. You're not worth it. You're not worthy. You're horrible. After about 30 days or less, the rice that you every day spoke love into high vibe words is going to smell florally, sweet, slightly fermented, maybe kind of like a nice beer. Do not drink it. Do not eat it. Should you try this at home? And the rice that you spoke nastiness to is going to be moldy and dark and black and disgusting, and it will be putrid. Because you were creating with your words, you created a positive environment, a positive experience, something of growth and development for the first jar of rice, the positive jar of rice. And for the second, you created an environment that even the rice didn't want to be in. So it decided to just die. It just died. That's what happened. It just died. So, first of all, I want to take a beat here and kind of go back to what I mentioned for a second of how are you talking to yourself? What is your internal environment like? And how do you speak to others? If it is more like the second jar of rice that is putrid and rotten, and you wonder why things are not working in your life. Well, I hate to break it to you, but I mean, that's kind of on you, boo. Like, you doing it. You doing it. So watch the words that you are saying and watch the thoughts that you are thinking, because they are creating your environment. You can create positive environments for the people that you're trying to attract, your ideal clients, your customers, opportunities that you want to bring towards you by using High Vibe words. These are words like love, gratitude, joy, peace, compassion, harmony, abundance, healing, empowerment, serenity. These are all high vibe words. These words and the feelings associated with them are uplifting and positive and associated with higher emotional states. You use High Vibe words when you're trying to motivate your ideal client towards an aspirational identity or a new vision. Low Vibe words, on the other hand, like hate, fear, anger, greed, jealousy, guilt, shame, resentment, despair, violence, all of those words associated with negative emotions, conflict, and lower states of consciousness, right? You use those words when you're trying to encourage your ideal client to avoid something, to avoid feeling. Like these words make them feel to avoid a mistake, the mistake of not working with you. If you don't work with me, you may end up feeling something like this. I don't want that for you. Come to a higher state of consciousness because I know I can help you and I can solve that problem that you're dealing with. So you're using high and low vibe words to motivate. Let me give you an example. High vibe word, right? Okay, this example. So I postpartum struggled with many a thing, and then, to add insult to injury, my hair started falling out. And if you've ever seen a picture of me or seen me in person or talked to me on Zoom, right, I have hair. It's one of my most favorite things about myself, my hair, and there's a lot of it. And when I was pregnant, there was even more. There was a grand abundance of hair, and I was loving every moment out of it. And then, like, four or five months or so postpartum, it started coming out, and not like, a little bit, I mean, coming out like, I thought that I was ill, like hand clumps. When I would go and wash my hair, I would end up with not like, tennis ball worth of balled up hair, but like, softball worth of bald up hair, right? Every single time. And so then my hairline was receding, and I was having very thin moments. So I promise I have a point to this story. Stay with me. So then I went and I, with my mom's help, found this company called Neutrophil and I'm not being paid by them. So this is not an ad. Do what you want with your hair if you have hair problems. But Neutrophil really helped me get my hair back. And so when I was writing this presentation though, I had just started to see my hair coming back and so I was really excited. So all of the examples that I give right now are about me and my hair. So if you want it to motivate someone who's having postpartum hair loss using high vibe words, this is what you would say. You would say after using our products, you will love your luscious locks and feel grateful you started taking our supplements at the first sign of shedding love and grateful are high vibe words. If you want to help someone who is experiencing postpartum hair loss, avoid a mistake. You would say there's no need to feel embarrassed about hair loss. We know you've tried other products in the past that haven't delivered on their promises and you are scared to try something new. Instead of saying stuck in frustration and anger, use our proven hair recovery system to get results. Embarrassed, scared, frustration, all of those are low vibe words. So we've talked about the Spark, and then after I go through spark art and science, we'll take a little beat and then I'm going to go through a meditation with you. And actually this visual meditation will kind of help you get into the mindset of writing better copy and will help you understand how powerful your copy really is and how powerful the words that you say are. But I have a confession to make before I even tell you this meditation and before we do it together, I didn't write it. Chachi PT wrote the guided visualization that we're going to go through. And I'm telling you that because I know when it comes to copywriting, chat GPT is the highest, hottest thing on the block, the hottest thing moving. And I get it, there are limitations, but it was really great and giving a pretty decent and I say decent because I'm a little bit of a judgy person when it comes to meditation and visualizations because I think I do them really well. But it gave me a decent visualization, one that I felt was good to give to you because I don't just give you guys crap, I give you the best that I can give you. So I say all that to say if you are feeling stuck in copy creation, using Chad GPT to kick off your ideas and to help you come up with something great is good. Should you use it for final copy? No. Why? Because Chat GPT doesn't really understand word vibrations and word resonance and doesn't really do a couple of things well. And we're going to get into that a little bit later. But I do want to have you put a pin into it that after we take a beat, we are going to do a visualization together that Chat GPT created. And I think it was pretty spiffy that we now have the technology to do that. Okay, we've gone into the spark. Now let's get into the art. Copywriting really is the art of assembling words to build lucrative relationships. It's art because there's still intuition and style that is involved in good copy. You can take people who have the same certifications, who have the same background and the same years of experience and one will be a much better copywriter than the other because one has better intuition or one will be a better copywriter for a certain genre or a certain industry than another because of personality and so many other factors. There is an art. It involves a certain genesequois that great copywriters have that really cannot be taught. So I also want to underline this because if you're a copywriter listening, you're like, Aleya, WTF why do you have this episode telling people that everyone can be a copywriter, everyone cannot be a copywriter? This is for you if you're trying to just get your messaging across, communicate in daily life. If you maybe are not at the level where you can afford a truly magnificent copywriter and you're wanting to do it yourself, or if you're wanting to just get some ideas out and then take them to a copywriter for them to be able to assemble for you, great copywriting cannot be taught. I say that again. You can teach someone a framework. You can teach someone how to grammatically put things together, but great, truly great copywriting. Copywriting that makes you go, oh, wow, laugh, giggle, cry. That cannot really be taught. You need to go to someone for that. You're not learning that in this episode. I love you, but no but. Once you understand word resonance, you're ready to incorporate that with other techniques to encourage customers to buy from you, to encourage opportunities to want to converge with you if you know a couple of things. And I'm going to right now, give you some of the paint, I guess, to paint with if you're going to start your artistry journey. These are the 15 most impactful and persuasive words in website copy. Are you ready? I'm just going to read them out. I'm going to read them out and you're going to probably want to rewind this. They're you or your save. Instant, easy now. Free. Proven results. Guaranteed. Trusted. Exclusive, limited, exclusive, bonus. New and discover if you can help personalize your copy. Show how you save someone time, save someone money, reduce risk, help them feel special. Or show how something is fresh. Your copy is already going to be heads above copy that is more descriptive rather than persuasive. Because your job when you're writing copy is to be persuasive. Marketing copy. If I just tell you the sentence. Come try our system that has gotten proven results for clients before you and it will help you save time and save money. It's trusted by your I don't know, your compadres. And if you try now, you'll get an exclusive, limited time bonus. That was really like, okay, well, tell me more. You don't even know what product I'm talking about, right? Like, rewind it a little bit. Go back, flip that like ten second back. Oh, wait, do that. You listen to it again. You're like, wait a minute, she just said all of these words and it piqued my interest. But she didn't actually say a product. No, I didn't. That's the power of these words. They're more persuasive. Because in that little blurb, I told you how I would help you save time, save money, reduce risk, feel special, right? Personalized it. That already is huge when it comes to copy. So, like, good copy is buy our hair loss products and experience longer, thicker hair. That's good. Copy, not bad. Great Copy is closer to discover our proven hair loss system that will help you love your new luscious locks. Buy now and get an exclusive bonus that will fast track your results guaranteed. Whoa. Like, which one made me want to buy? The second one makes me want to buy more. And that is the point of copy. Good Copy. Copy that converts is persuasive, engaging, and tailored to the needs and the desires of your target audience. If it is clear and removes the fog of working with you, it is going to get you more money than copy that is flowery and you use a thesaurus to develop. It isn't the best service provider professional that gets the client, it's the clearest. The one that requires the least amount of effort on my part to understand in order to be able to work with you to solve my problem. So if you are clear and then you're using persuasive words, you are heads above most copywriting. Now, let's talk about the science of copywriting right now. You kind of have, like, words that you've put into little sound bites, but there's no pathway to purchase. And I like to use narrative based copywriting to get a pathway to purchase. My favorite narrative framework is the Story Brand Framework by Donald Miller, which is based off of a Hero's journey. The hero's journey that was codified by Joseph Campbell. And it helps you paint the picture from where your client is now to where they need to be and how they need to work with you to get there. It also helps to make sense of their problem, your solution, and their journey to achieve their transformation. Narrative based marketing intuitively builds emotional connection. It intuitively carves out differentiation in a unique brand identity. It builds trust and credibility, allows for memorable content, and helps you get them moving. Because if your clients are not or your prospective clients are not actually moving forward. They're just kind of like reading, going like, oh, that's cool. You're not writing copywriting content where it's like, oh, that's good to know. Copy needs to be moving people into action. So copy. If I were going to take our same hair care journey story and put it into a narrative based framework, it would sound something like this hey, Aleya. Because we know this is autobiographical, right? Hey, Aleya, we know that you want luscious hair locks, but your hair keeps falling out and that makes you feel really embarrassed. We believe you should not have to go bald just because you had a baby. Trust us, we get it. Our founder started this company after postpartum hair loss herself. So that means she has meticulously created a clinically proven system that customers like Susie, who says that it's the best thing she's ever tried and it got her hair back. Customers like her have gotten the results, and you can too. Look at Susie's before and after picture, right? If you want results like Susie, we know we can get them for you. The first thing that you need to do is buy our product now. Use it daily, and you will reverse hair loss guaranteed. In the meantime, make sure you sign up for our hair tips and get an exclusive bonus. So that our job here. Our whole point of existing to help you, Aleya, is so you can love your thicker, fuller hair. You'll get peace of mind when you wash your hair because it won't continue to fall out in clumps. Make sure you buy now so that you don't have to be scared to wash your hair anymore or jealous of other people who have their full mains of hair. We want you to feel empowered and confident in your hair care journey. What did I just do? I used the story Brendan framework. I used word resonance. I used some of the most highly converting words and I put them in a story. So I painted the picture from where the character was before to where they're trying to go, what they need to avoid and how they need to take action and why we as a company are the ones to guide them along the lines to do it. If you can do that, and you can use narrative based marketing to do it, you're putting it all together. A framework is wonderful. To learn more about Building a story Brand and the framework, I would highly recommend you purchase building a Story Brand by Donald Miller. You can get it wherever you buy or listen to your books. One of the things that I want to articulate here is that when you build a story, you don't want to build a flat story. You want to build a story in 4D by including time when you're going to tell your story to your client. When are they in their journey? When do they need you? The most that will change the words you use and will increase your connection. So are you meeting me after I've already seen my hair fall out? Well, that's one story. Are you meeting me when I'm pregnant? But I talked to my friends about their hair falling out. Are you meeting me two years later and I'm still experiencing some type of hormonal imbalance, right? When are you meeting me? When is the point in the story when I need you the most? And you can say why you are the most uniquely suited for me. If you don't choose a particular time, you end up watering down your message. Because there's a difference between offering hair loss supplements and offering hair loss supplements for postpartum hair loss. Right? Postpartum hair loss means that I've given birth already and I'm now at this point in my life. That's a very specific point. You need to make sure that that inciting event increases the pain. And then people are wanting to buy from you, right? In that point of pain. And because you know that you can help, you're not manipulating them, you're helping them avoid greater pain, discomfort, embarrassment in the future. That's where the magic happens. Now, let's talk about AI. So most of the time when you're writing, it's kind of a painful experience, if we're honest, right? Even for copywriters. We got that tortured artist, tortured artist situation going on. But AI is really great to help you ideate ideas. AI is really great to help you turn a blank page into something that is no longer blank and gets you moving. It helps you write copy, but it doesn't do great at final copy. The final copy is really vanilla. Even with all of the inputs and all of the prompting, et cetera, it's not truly, truly, truly, truly captivating copy. The copy that I've read you so far has been copy that I wrote based on the ideas in the presentation and maybe with some spark of copywriting assistance from AI. But it's copy that, you know, just like video killed the radio star, has AI killed the copywriter? I do not believe. Not yet at least. There's still keep kicking out there copywriter. You still got a little bit left in. I don't know what the future holds, but as of the time of this recording, there's some things that AI really does not do well. It can't implement our SaaS framework very well, spark art and science. It needs a lot of help and still some editing. And it doesn't give you copy or ideas that are truly unique because it's pulling from the contributed lexicon of humanity. Right? You want to make sure to come up with your own ideas, your unique ideas. It also has no intuition. It's a machine, so it has no intuition. It can't feel like does this feel right? Does it not feel right? It can't use its body as a guide, as we've talked about before. To help understand if it's moving in the right direction. And it had a really hard time maintaining a consistent, controlling idea. It could put all of the things in place, but I at least had a hard time getting it through the entire vein of a conversation or a story, maintaining the red line, the through point, the controlling idea and it really is not going to get you final polished copy that converts. You are still going to be involved in sassing up your own content. We, dear listener, have reached the end of the content piece for this episode where we've been talking about how to write copy that converts. Let's take a beat and we'll come back and we'll do a little bit of a visualization to get you in the place where you can write better copy. I do remind you that this presentation in all of its live glory because there's so much that I wasn't able to include like the top ten elements of creating highly effective copy headline, example. Plus then you miss all my little dancing and stuff on stage. It's a whole show. If you want to book me to speak at your next events, I am available for keynotes and experiential sessions. Make sure to go to Speaking to check out my topics and to book me. If you are a corporate planner, a learning and development professional, a marketing professional, I would love to talk to you. I'd love to help you bring your leadership, retreat your event to life. Be that spark for your spark. So again, go ahead and schedule a call with speaking Speaking okay, let's take a beat and then we will do an Aigenerated guided visualization together to help you write better copy that converts. Find a comfortable position, either seated or lying down, and gently close your eyes. Take a breath in, filling your lungs with air and slowly exhale, releasing any tension or distractions from your mind. Bring your awareness to the power of words. Recognize that each word carries its own unique vibration. Capable of evoking emotions, shaping thoughts and influencing actions, words have the potential to create connections, inspire change, and transform lives. Take a moment to reflect on the words that have impacted you deeply in the past. Consider the positive, affirmations, supportive messages or uplifting quotes that have resonated with your soul. Allow those words to come to mind, feeling their vibrational energy surround you now. Shift your attention to the words you choose to communicate with others. Whether in your marketing copy, conversations or written communication, every word has the potential to create a ripple effect in the hearts and minds of your audience. Visualize yourself sitting at your desk, pen in hand or fingers, hovering over the keyboard. Feel a sense of purpose and intention as you embark on the journey of writing copy that converts. Envision your ideal audience, eager and receptive, waiting to be touched by your words as you. Contemplate the message you wish to convey. Allow yourself to tap into the highest vibrational frequencies within you. Feel a sense of love, compassion, and authenticity flowing through your being. Let these qualities infuse every word you write emanating a resonance that captivates and inspires. Imagine your words reaching out like a gentle breeze, gently touching the hearts of your audience. Sense the emotional responses they evoke, the connections they foster, and the transformation they ignite. Recognize the power within you to create a profound impact through the art of words. Take a moment to express gratitude for the opportunity to communicate with others in such a meaningful way. Appreciate the ability to inspire, educate, and connect through the carefully chosen words you share. Sh. Now slowly bring your attention back to your breath, feeling the gentle rise and fall of your chest. Take a deep breath in inhaling fresh energy and exhale, releasing any remaining tension or doubt. When you are ready, gently open your eyes, carrying with you a renewed sense of purpose and awareness of the transformative power of words. Trust in your ability to write copy that not only converts, but touches the hearts and minds of your audience, creating lasting connections and positive change. Remember, as you continue your journey, the energy you infuse into your words will reverberate far beyond the page, leaving an enduring legacy in the lives of those you reach. Thank you so much for joining me here today on the Flourishing Entrepreneur podcast. My name is Aleya Harris. This is the second episode in our stage to stream series where I am bringing you my wonderful topics that I say in front of live audiences. And I'm bringing them directly to you, my dear listener, so that you can benefit from them as well. Again, if you are looking to book a speaker to bring energy and a unique perspective to your audience, who maybe is feeling burned out, battered, lost, or maybe your audience needs help with strategy, or maybe your audience just needs to feel good, then I invite you to book me to speak at your next event. Again, go to speaking and schedule a call there. I'd love to speak with you. Until next time. I'm wishing you lots and lots and lots of love, light, and abundance. Bye for now.

    Yuliya Patsay [00:38:17]:

    Thank you for listening to this episode of the Flourishing Entrepreneur podcast with Aleya Harris. Vibing with what you hear. Leave a five star review to spread the love and be sure to click subscribe. We wish you love, light, and abundance. See you next time.


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