Elevate Your Narrative, Transform Your World

✓ Stand out from the crowd

✓ Increase your value

✓ Conquer limiting beliefs and behaviors

Elevate Your Narrative, Outpace the Competition

In the crowded market landscape, uniqueness wins.

Aleya Harris wields storytelling to carve distinct paths for brands eager to lead, not follow. Her strategic approach transforms your narrative into a powerful tool for connection and differentiation, ensuring your story not only resonates but reigns.

Watch Aleya’s speaker reel below to see how she will spark your spark™

A Dash of Humor and Heaps of Tangible Takeaways Make Aleya’s Presentations Unforgettably Engaging

As Aleya “edutains” you and your participants, you will feel equipped and inspired by an expert practitioner who can answer questions on the fly and adapt to various settings.

Aleya does not simply regurgitate what she has heard in a course or what is trending on Google. She leverages her multifaceted experience, current client work, and access to primary research to ensure each moment is valuable.

Your attendees will feel good about their investment and be excited to return to your event next year or continue listening to your podcast.

  • “The difference between Aleya and other presenters is her energy and charisma. She is a total gem! Aleya has a panache for delivering nuggets of strategy layered in warmth, connection, and a dash of humor.”

    Courtney Wolf, Educate | Empower | Encourage

  • “Aleya takes time to research the audience and deliver content that is a match for their needs."

    Michelle Loretta, Be Sage Consulting

  • “Queen took it to church! She was thorough, happy, knowledgeable, pleasant, pretty, professional. You name it!”

    Sheree Norford, Tranquil Wedding Vows

Aleya's Signature Talk 🎤

Aleya's Signature Talk 🎤

Vanquish the Villains on Your Hero's Journey:

What's Stopping You from Reaching Your Happily Ever After?

Do you ever feel like something is holding you back from reaching your full potential, leaving you stuck, frustrated, or even on the verge of burnout? You’re not alone, and you don’t have to face these challenges without guidance.

  • Join Aleya Harris, a Strategic Storytelling Consultant, in this high-energy, interactive session designed to help you identify and vanquish the limiting beliefs and behaviors that hinder your progress.

    Aleya will take you through the key stages of the Hero’s Journey, using narrative to help you understand your path and the common pitfalls that can derail you. By addressing these internal and external obstacles, you will gain the tools to transform your journey, achieve your goals, and experience those transformative 'Aha' moments. This is your chance to rewrite your story and claim your happily ever after.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Understanding the Hero’s Journey: Learn the three critical stages of the Hero’s Journey—Departure, Initiation, and Return—and how they apply to your business and personal growth. Discover how storytelling and narrative can provide clarity and direction on your path to success.

    • Techniques to Overcome Limiting Beliefs: Equip yourself with key techniques to conquer the villains at each stage of your journey. Gain practical strategies for overcoming limiting beliefs, building confidence, maintaining focus, and finding your purpose to keep your momentum going.

    • Mapping Your Success Path: Create a personalized roadmap for your Hero’s Journey. Understand how to leverage your strengths, overcome internal and external barriers, and stay motivated to reach your ultimate destination of success and fulfillment.

    Join us for an engaging session that blends storytelling with actionable insights, and leave with a renewed sense of purpose and the confidence to conquer any challenge that comes your way.

Aleya’s Additional Speaking Topics

Aleya always customizes each topic based on the audience, event goals, and format to maximize engagement

  • In the high-stakes arena of private equity and venture capital, the difference between a portfolio company that thrives and one that merely survives often hinges not on what you present but on how you present it. Are you leveraging the full power of your narratives?

    Join Aleya Harris, an award-winning Strategic Storytelling Consultant, as she unveils the transformative power of storytelling in the private equity and venture capital sectors. With a proven track record, including escalating a company’s valuation from $2M to $51M through strategic storytelling, Aleya will guide you through enhancing your portfolio companies' market presentations. This session will equip you with the tools to craft compelling narratives that effectively highlight the unique value and future possibilities of your investments, attracting more attention and achieving higher valuations.

    Learn how effective storytelling transcends basic communication to create a deep resonance with stakeholders and potential investors. By transforming complex data and achievements into engaging and relatable stories, your portfolio companies can stand out not just for their financial prospects but for their visionary outlook and market position.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Crafting Compelling Narratives: Master the art of converting complex investment data into engaging stories that capture the essence and potential of your portfolio companies, making your pitches memorable and attractive.

    • Enhancing Stakeholder Engagement: Discover strategies to deepen emotional and cognitive engagement through storytelling, thus improving stakeholder and investor relations. A well-told story not only informs but also inspires, fostering a deeper connection and commitment to the company's future.

    • Driving Valuation and Interest: Learn how narratives can significantly influence perception and, by extension, valuation. Through real-world examples and actionable techniques, gain insights into how strategic storytelling has led to substantial increases in company valuations and investment interest.

    • Transformation Experience: Attendees will leave the session equipped with not just theoretical knowledge but practical tools and strategies to transform their approach to investment communication. By integrating strategic storytelling into your communication arsenal, you will enhance the perceived value of your portfolio companies, turning potential interest into lucrative investments and partnerships.

    Join Aleya Harris to discover how you can turn your portfolio companies into compelling stories that resonate with heart and mind alike, setting the stage for unprecedented growth and valuation.

  • As you look across the industry landscape, all you see is how the once extraordinary has become trite. Here's the worst part: try as you might, all your innovative ideas have also been assimilated into the common lexicon, and you find yourself languishing in a sea of sameness. All you want is to stand out, but the more you try, the more you get frustrated because your brilliant efforts are short-lived. It has become exhausting to stay ahead of the pack with game-changing creativity only to watch the masses steal it.

    There is a better way to transform from a leader and claim your rightful spot as a legend.

    In this interactive session, Aleya will teach you how to use storytelling elements to stand out by standing in the power of your unique journey. She'll leverage her expert knowledge of the StoryBrand SB7 Framework, the hero's journey, and energy-recalibration techniques to help you develop a theft-proof narrative that will articulate your uniqueness, connect with your ideal client, and leave an enduring legacy.

    Takeaways Include:

    • How to tell a captivating story that differentiates you from the competition and takes your business to the next level

    • How to combine your story with that of your ideal client to create the magic "Meeting the Mentor" moment that catalyzes connection, transformation, and abundance

    • Tangible storytelling, introspection, and copywriting techniques to craft your narrative and immediately improve your marketing messages

  • In a world where corporate cultures often prioritize productivity over connectivity, "Building Bridges, Not Barriers" offers a refreshing and impactful approach to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) through strategic storytelling. Aleya Harris, an expert in transforming organizations with radically authentic storytelling, brings to light how intentionally inclusive narratives can forge innovative, productive, and profitable cultures.

    This session is not just about storytelling; it's about excavating and sharing stories of challenges, triumphs, fears, dreams, and pains in a way that is free of judgment and full of empathy. Aleya will outline tangible ways to weave these individual narratives into a cohesive cultural tapestry that respects each person's authentic contribution. It is more than an exploration of DEI through storytelling; it is a blueprint for building a thriving, inclusive culture where every story matters and contributes to the collective success. Join her in this transformative experience and redefine the narrative of your organization.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Excavate and Clarify Individual Stories: Discover techniques to help team members unearth their personal stories, focusing on vulnerability and authenticity. This process is the cornerstone of building a culture that values every individual's journey and perspective.

    • Structure for Sharing and Connecting Stories: Learn how to create opportunities within your organization for individuals to share their stories in smaller teams. This approach fosters deeper understanding and identifies common threads, forming the basis for a collective cultural narrative.

    • Link Storytelling to Operational Excellence: Understand how to leverage the power of storytelling to enhance collaboration, communication, and problem-solving. Aleya will guide you in integrating storytelling into the fabric of your organization's operations, showing how relational connectivity is essential for true operational excellence.

  • Toxic corporate cultures poison profitability. Even the best leaders and organizations grapple with trying to manage a P&L amidst communication breakdowns, resistance to change, generational misunderstandings, and decreased employee engagement. Unfortunately, many waste their time putting out the fires these problems cause with “come to Jesus” one-on-ones and lackluster all-hands sessions because they don’t have the tools to help individuals and teams heal, transform, and transcend to get back on track.

    In this interactive session, Aleya Harris will guide you to discover how the art of radically authentic storytelling can be a catalyst to create a flourishing culture that incorporates inclusivity, innovation, and purpose.

    Through real-world examples, engaging anecdotes, and actionable insights, Aleya will give you tangible tools to understand the profound impact of storytelling and how to use it in your personal life and organization to shape a brighter future for your workplace community and your bottom line.

    Key Takeaways:

    • The Art of Culture Crafting: Learn proven cultural story crafting frameworks you can implement immediately to heal rifts, increase collaboration, and foster innovation. Understand the critical role of storytelling in driving change, fostering inclusivity, and transforming corporate culture.

    • Radical Authenticity in Action: Explore the concept of radical authenticity and discover how it can revolutionize your approach to leadership, communication, and cultural transformation. Participate in hands-on exercises that cultivate the psychological safety needed to excavate and share stories with your team vulnerably. Take these exercises back to your daily role to begin to transform your team dynamics.

    • Culture as a Revenue Catalyst: Delve into success stories of organizations that have harnessed the power of radically authentic storytelling to create inclusive, purpose-driven cultures. Gain practical strategies for employing storytelling as a strategic tool for cultural change.

Get a Sneak Peek of Aleya Delivering Her Speaking Topics

Listen to the audio versions of current and archived topics on The Flourishing Entrepreneur Podcast

These episodes are part of the popular “Stage to Stream” series.

Aleya’s Content is Based on Her Proprietary Flourishing Empire Framework

The Flourishing Empire Framework (FEF) combines energy alignment and business strategy to build a flourishing empire. Gone are the days of compartmentalization and cookie-cutter strategy.

Your audience will rediscover their passion and learn how to embrace their radically authentic story.

Aleya Transforms Hearts & Minds from the Stage

Get Real

If you don’t tap into yourself, you will continue to sound like everyone else. Aleya helps audiences excavate limiting beliefs, shift their mindset, and find their true essence.

Get Clear

Aleya uses proven storytelling frameworks, including StoryBrand, to turn authenticity into a clear narrative.

Get Connected

Craft words that communicate your new long-range vision. Aleya helps build and interweave stories so clients, relationships, and opportunities you adore will find you incomparably irresistible.

  • “One session in, and Aleya Harris just paid for my trip. Amazing. #carnegieconf"

    Andrew Meyers

  • “Great talk! Took more notes than any presenter ever 😂😂”

    Rob Chapman

  • "You are something special Aleya! We are so fortunate to have you join us and kick us off with exactly what we needed to feel and hear. Thank you so much for being a part of this!"

    Meghan Dalesandro

Aleya’s Speaking Samples

  • "Last year I had the honor of watching Aleya speak at the Conversion Conference and she was amazing. As I get all the speaker evaluations Aleya had the highest scores. So if you are looking for an amazing speaker or someone who can help you to become an amazing speaker, look no further than Aleya Harris!"

    Martin Greif, Conversion Conference Owner

  • "Your energy is what makes you so fantastic at public speaking because it is so captivating and envelops the audience in what is possible for them! Every time I see you speak, whether that's at a workshop or clips of your public events, I feel ignited to go create positive change. That's such a special talent to share and make an impact on so many!"

    Jamie Dykstra

  • "It was phenomenal to hear you speak. Totally transformational. Honestly, in the decade and a half that I've been going to conferences, you are the best speaker we've ever had."

    Amanda Wiss

Download the Media Kit

Check out Aleya’s media kit for everything you need for your event marketing, podcast promotions, and collateral.

Inside, you can ohh and ahh at her headshots, speaking topics, bio, reels, and more.

Book Aleya

Bring the Energy to Your Next Event

Aleya is available for Keynotes, Experiential Sessions, Workshops, Executive Leadership Retreats, and Podcasts