Intention, Movement & Release: How to Move From Sick and Tired to Flourishing

Aren't you tired of being sick and tired... and tired, and tired?

In this episode, we are talking about three steps for you to take to move yourself from the place of stuck to a place of greater peace, abundance, and happiness. If that sounds like what you need, then, my friend, this episode is for you.

Key Takeaways:

  • Intention is Everything: Setting a clear intention is the first step towards releasing energetic blockages and attracting abundance. Aleya shared her powerful experience during a hot yoga class where she set the intention to release and experienced a profound emotional healing.

  • Embrace Personal Power: In her journey to motherhood, Aleya faced emotional healing related to her C-section scar. She emphasized that our biography becomes our biology and discusses the importance of personal power and self-healing. Discover how harnessing your personal power can lead to abundance in all areas of life.

  • Move, Release, Flourish: Feeling stuck and burdened? Aleya offers three simple steps to help you move from that space to finding peace, abundance, and happiness. Don't miss out on these powerful strategies that can shift your energy and transform your life.


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Aleya Harris, CPCE  is the spark for your spark(TM). She is a powerhouse StoryBrand Certified Guide, BioEnergetic Business Consultant, empire-building CEO of The Evolution Collective Inc., host of the Radical Rebirth Retreat, LLC, host of the award-winning Flourishing Entrepreneur Podcast, and international award-winning speaker. She’s committed to helping entrepreneurs, executives, leadership teams, and thought leaders differentiate themselves through radically authentic strategy, coaching, and training.

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  • Aleya Harris [00:00:01]:

    Aren't you tired of being sick and tired and tired and tired? If that's you, then it's time to do something different. In this episode, I'm talking about three steps for you to take to move yourself from the place of stuck, of heavy, of burdened, of random ailments, of just stuff that is not working for you anymore to a place of greater peace, greater abundance, and greater happiness. If that sounds like what you need and you're just wanting to try something a little bit differently, then, my friend, this episode is for you. All right, let's go.

    Yuliya Patsay [00:00:50]:

    Welcome to the flourishing entrepreneur podcast with Alia Harris. If you're looking for actionable ways to stand out from the crowd, by standing in your power, you've come to the right place. Each week, we help you and your fellow empire building entrepreneurs become radically authentic and tap into your unique story to attract your ideal clients. Listen in and learn how to use energy alignment techniques and tried and true marketing strategies to transform from a leader to a legend. And now, your host, powerhouse story brand certified guide, award winning marketer bioenergetic business coach, and Japanese whiskey lover, alia Harris.

    Aleya Harris [00:01:45]:

    I cried this morning during my hot yoga class and it was awesome. Let me back up a little bit. So at the beginning of my hot yoga class, the teacher said, make sure that you set an intention for the day. And I was like, oh, should I set the intention? And I want to put myself in the energetic place to attract more financial abundance. Should I had all this thought. So then I heard this voice say in me this one word that was release. So I said, okay, I guess that is my intention is to release. So I go through this whole class and if you haven't taken hot yoga, it's kind of intense. So the room is heated to like 95 to 100 ish degrees, and you're doing yoga and you're sweating your little chakungas off and you get deep into your muscles, deep into stretches, deep into strength that you didn't know that you really had. And it is one of the best ways I found to relax. So I go through this class, I'm feeling good. And at the end, we're on our back. So imagine this. I'm laying on my back, my knees are bent, and my butt is up. So I'm in what's called a bridge pose, right? So it's like a diagonal slope from my chest from my knees down to my chest, right? And when you're in that type of position, you are like holding your ABS and clenching your butt. Keep yourself in the air, right? Keep it all up. All up in the air, all tight. And that's how I was tight. And then I heard the word release and I knew that it meant to release my lower stomach. And I released it just a little bit and I started crying. Why? Well, my lower stomach is right where my C section scar is. And my baby girl, Ruby Coral Harris. Check her out on Instagram at ruby Coral Harris. She is eight months old. And for eight months, I have been surfing the wave of motherhood and trying to reconcile what it is truly like to love a being whose entree into this world caused me so much pain and struggle and anguish. And all of the feelings around labor, delivery, motherhood, the stress around when she was being born, all of that. The trauma lived in this scar. Lived in this scar. And I've been super poochy. Don't be hating on me. But I was really blessed. Only gained 16 pounds when I was pregnant. And afterwards, after I stopped breastfeeding when she was six months old, six ish months old, like, six and a half. And ever since then, I'm like, I'll have my body back. But I've been having weird, like, bloating and stuff, especially in that area. And I'm not new to this. I'm true to this. I knew it was an energetic issue, but I couldn't figure out how to let it go. And the universe told me when to release it, which was an extreme blessing. All that crap and that protection and that fear all needed to leave if I'm going to move into this next chapter of my life. And there's a lot of things that are shifting for me right now. So I released it. And as I released it, I started crying and not like, boohoo. I wasn't all disruptive. I wasn't boohoo hooling for the people. Everybody on their own mask. Look at me crazy. I just had sweat all over my face, and I added some salt water from my eyes to go with it. But the feeling that I have was this literal weight lifted off of my belly, lifted off of my chest, and this extreme gratitude for all that I had been through to become a mother, and my journey into motherhood and my journey as a human. So I set the intention, I did the movement, and then I got the release. And that release, I can already tell, is making room for better, higher, greater in my life. Like, y'all, today. Today? Well, a little bit between last night and today, but mostly today. Today I started my day just farting around like I normally do, like, trying to figure out how to conquer the world here and really not conquer the world, really, like, love the world, but you know what I mean? And after that release, I went to the class at 815 this morning. After that release, I got leads in my inbox, and we're talking within the next couple of days that amount to about $20,000. Now, am I saying go to hot yoga and make bank? Maybe not. But I do know that that release helped open up pathways. This is what I've been talking to you all about. People when you remove blockages, energetic blockages, you make way for abundance of finances, love, emotional stability, health, happiness to come your way. And I did experience a lot of flow in those areas today because of this profound shift. But again, how did we get there? Right? Set an intention, movement and release. This also reminds me of a book called Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Miss. And I talk about this book all the time because it's a really good one. You should pick it up, you should read it. In it, she talks about how your biography becomes your biology. How your biography becomes your biology. Our bodies contain our histories, and our biological health becomes a living, breathing biographical statement that conveys our strengths, weaknesses, hopes, and fears. So everything that we've lived through gets embedded into our bodies, for better or for worse. Like what I was saying, not only the physical scar around me becoming a mother is on my body, but all of the emotions around that were embedded within me as well and a whole bunch of other stuff from all of my 36 years so far on this planet. A lot of it is embedded in my body. And then let's not even talk about like, karma and past lives and akashic records and all that stuff. There's a lot of stuff that gets embedded into your physical body. Your biography becomes your biology, and unless you actively work to remove those blockages and open up those pathways for release, you're going to stay stuck. Whether that's in your career, whether that's you're a business owner and you're stuck in your business and you're trying to compartmentalize your PNL from your root chakra, ain't going to happen. You have to think about them all together, right? So in Anatomy of the Spirit, caroline Miss also talks about two other basic energy medicine principles. The first one, or I guess the second. The first one is biography. Your biography becomes your biology. The second one is personal power is necessary for health, so you must be able to generate enough internal energy to heal yourself. So if you're thinking about okay, Leia, I hear you. I want my own crying in hot yoga release moment, but I don't feel like I couldn't physically do much of anything. I am exhausted, but I'm still powering forward. I'm blowing out my willpower chakra, right, and making sure that I can keep all of the boats flow. Well, you're shooting yourself in the foot. You need to have enough power in your cells at a cellular level to heal yourself. So instead of powering through, take a step back and realize where the center of your personal power is for me. And spoiler alert, kind of like for you to it's in your connection to spirit. Even if you have a regular meditation practice, you may not be connecting with the universe. Spirit, the greater sense of life and self regularly enough to renew that sense of personal power. So you have this self propagating, vicious cycle around, I'm exhausted, so I'm going to push forward, which makes me more exhausted, so I have to push forward. And I don't know about you, but that sounds like horrible. And actually, I don't have to imagine it because I've done that so many times. And what does that do? That really embeds embeds embeds more of that negative energy within side of your biology in your physical body. And you walk around weighted and heavy. It's in your physical body, and it's also in your energetic body. You're walking around with a bunch of crap on you that you can't even see that makes you feel heavy and even more tired. The third principle from Caroline Misk is you alone can help yourself heal. Healing is different from curing, and while the latter can be controlled with medicine, the former, your emotional, psychological, energetic balance is in your domain. I talk a lot about energetic sovereignty. You are the queen or king of your energetic kingdom or kingdom, right. You are the emperor of your energetic empire. It is you who rules and decides what you allow to affect your energy, meaning the way that you are powering through, but also how you're flowing, how you're thinking, how you're feeling, what you're attracting, what you're repelling, right? How you're fulfilling your potential here on Earth. That is all in your power. But if you're walking around not taking a second to own your personal power, that you can heal yourself. And to realize that you might need to release some things in your biography, you do not have the ability to heal yourself. That's why you continue to feel burnt out. That's why you continue to get sick. That's why you have weird shit happening to you, right? So, like, for me, I know I am not doing this well. When I break out into hives, I'm not talking like, oh, I had a food allergy and broken out in hives. No, it's like just random. Usually in the evenings when my body is at a lower level of high alert, right. And it's starting to figure out, well, what the heck is going out and going on? And I manifest hives. I'm not talking about a little cute little hive, cute ones. You don't notice. They're like, welts. And that for me is like, whoa, what's going on? My biography has become my biology. What story am I writing right now? And is the story one that I want to continue carrying on with me all day, every day in my physical and energetic body? And those hives are a sign for me that actually no, I'm good. I would like to release this. Let's pay attention to what is happening. But like I said, when I was in yoga, we set the intention, we got to movement, and then that release happened. And the same thing happens in regular life. You set an intention for what you want. You get your feet moving and then you release what needs to happen. Whether you're releasing a project into the world because it's come to fruition, you've created something or you're releasing something that is no longer serving you. Those are the three phases intention, movement and release. You often set intentions without meaning to think about the things that you're constantly saying. Think about the things that you're constantly feeling. Even more importantly, are you always telling yourself that you really aren't worth anything? Even though you might feel or appear that way to the outside world, that you have it together? Are you telling yourself on the inside that oh no, you're not really valuable? Are you telling yourself on the inside stupid, that was a stupid decision. Or there I go again Or Well, of course I didn't get that job, that client, that whatever, because that's just what happens to me. That's just par for the course that's my life. Think about all of those things that you're telling yourself. All of that is creating an intention. That intention is working against you. So it's one thing to wake up in the morning and have your little stretch moment and be like my intention for today is to attract abundance. Cute, cute. But if then you go throughout the entire day worried about and focusing on lack, it doesn't really matter what you said for that 2 seconds in the morning because your true intention is what is coming out to you in your thoughts. It's funny, I wish I remember who told me this, but someone wise person told me that your true intentions, your true prayers are the ones that happen in the back of your head. That's where the angels and those who are fulfilling your prayers are really listening. They're not listening to the thoughts in the front of your head, the ones that you say yeah, I got this and you don't even really believe yourself. Or I want this, I deserve that. Yeah, I'm so cool. All those things that you say in front of your head, it's the stuff in back of your head, those unconscious thoughts or those subconscious thoughts that you're putting into the universe on a constant beat that are really directing your life. So be aware of the true intentions that you are setting. Match your intention in the morning, that cute little one that you woke up and you wrote on the posted on your mirror to what is going on in the back of your head, the ones that your angels are really listening to. How do you do that? Throughout the day, you consciously take moments and sometimes it might be like every hour, maybe it's every 10 minutes sometimes to focus on what that true intention is. One thing I will tell you is to avoid the word not so. The universe and you on the inside don't really understand. Not so. You don't want to say things like, I am not broke. Well, all that you're really hearing is broke, broke, broke, broke, broke, broke. Right? You want to say, I am wealthy, right? Or I believe I can attract wealth, and you're like, no, alaya. But my screaming problem, everyone in my face is that I believe I'm broke. True. True. But you're trying to counteract that with the positive. So always speak to yourself in the positive. If your intention for that day is to attract $50,000 to you that day, don't say to yourself, I don't want to mess up and not attract my money, right? Make sure you say, I am attracting $50,000. I am attracting $50,000. Money is attracted to me, sticks to me, and multiplies prolifically. I am abundant. I am wealthy, right? If you're trying to attract inner peace, right, say, I am peaceful in every moment. I attract peace in every interaction, every thought, and every energetic exchange. I flow with peace. Those are true intentions that you can repeat to yourself throughout the day. But an intention without movement isn't really going to get you anywhere. You have to keep your feet moving, even if you don't know the direction. It's better to make a little step to the left, a little step to the right, rather than keeping your feet still. Because when you move over a little bit to the left a little bit or a little bit to the right, you have a different perspective. You see things, and then you might see that next step and that next step and that next step. That movement creates change. It changes the flow of energy. Then you take your intention around from step to step to step to step, and unbeknownst to you, every step really is taking you closer to your goal, right? But you need to be in movement. And as you move, you're building momentum towards your end goal. As you are keeping with your intention, right? You're breathing through it. You're enjoying the process. You're staying within the vein of love and grace and this higher ordered concept that everything truly is, will be, and has been okay, then you get to the point of release. Release could be releasing an unwanted idea. Oh, my God. I've been doing a lot of that recently. I've been releasing ideas that I need to not change. I have this idea implanted in me by someone who I respected that told me I changed. Too often I needed to just stick with something, but people seem to tend to want to tell me this. Stick with something for ten years, stick with something for ever feels like. And then consistency will get me my return. And I do stick with things, obviously. This is episode 71 of this podcast, so I do stick with things, but I also pivot when flow tells me to pivot. But I was scared to pivot when I needed to. So I've missed several off ramps because I let the idea within me of I need to be sticking with it and not changing rule my thoughts, right? I missed opportunities to release, to release project, to release belief, to release love into the world. I missed some of those. But no opportunity is truly lost, right? I'm continuing to move forward with my intention set and looking for opportunities to release. So again, you have intention, movement and release. That's how true manifestation works. So I ask you, what is your intention? What movement are you creating? And if you're stuck, how can you ask for help and where can you release? There's another book called The Power Within You by John Roger. And John Roger is one of my spiritual teachers. He's the founder of many things, including the movement of spiritual inner awareness, msia. And inside this book, The Power Within You, if you have it, it's on page 18 A. He has something called your inner feedback system because a lot of the times we're like, okay, you're telling me set an intention. I don't know what to set. You're telling me I need to move, what direction I need to move in, and I need to release something. And I've missed this entire podcast episode. I don't really know what you're talking about. And it's a full of mumba jumbo on page 18 A of this book. It gives you step by step how to understand your inner feedback system so you can get in tune with the intentions you need to set, the movements you need to make, and the releases that need to happen. I'm going to read it to you real quick. Not the whole page, but just a section about your inner feedback system says, choose a regular time. For example, you might choose Sunday evening. Find a quiet spot where you won't be disturbed and get comfortable. Go back in your mind to last Sunday and look at what has happened during the week. Be detailed. Look at where you stepped out of line, with whom you were out of line, what the situations were, and if they resolved themselves. This technique is also effective on a daily basis. If possible, go to the person involved and check the situation with them to return the relationship to one of harmony and respect. Do self forgiveness for any judgment you've made. Use your creative imagination to change your perception of the situation. Why is an exercise like this important? Using your inner feedback system is important because it prevents things from getting stuck in your biology. That prevent you from understanding what your intention is, moving forward and releasing your creative genius into the world. So things get deeper and deeper embedded the more they are ignored or reinforced. When you face the thing, you confront the thing. You understand how your biography has been developing and you check in with greater awareness, you will be able to manifest your goals more quickly. So make sure you use your inner feedback system again, that's from the book The Power Within You by John Roger. Make sure that you understand that success is everyone's heritage. And success is absolutely your heritage. Your bone in your body, the little pinky toe ones, the little teeny ones, the little teeny ones in your ears, that bone from that little tiny bone all the way to the big bones in your legs and arms and hips are designed to stand up in success, to make you structured for success. Every cell of your body, every cell of your being is designed to be successful. I tell you that. Success is inevitable. It is inevitable. No matter what you do, you can't run from it. Success is inevitable. However, it could be a lot harder to get if you don't work with the universe on this one. So I encourage you to think again about what is your intention, what movement can you create and where can you release one more quick story about intention, because I got you here, we're rolling together, right? So a little while ago, I was having a financial dip in my business. And if you are an entrepreneur, you understand that these things come in waves and it's part of being an entrepreneur. And so I was, as I like to say, doing anything strange or some marketing change, right? I was like, oh, yeah, you need a blog post. Yeah, I'll do that. You need this random thing. Yeah, I can do that, right? Because I'm like, Let me feed my family. And it gotten to the point where I was doing those things and there was quite a bit of them, and I was getting overwhelmed by things and losing my way. And then I took a step back and I said, what is all this for? What is my grander intention? Am I building up to an intention or am I just planning on staying in survival mode my entire life? Is this my life? Because it's not super great, but I'm not doing anything to get out of it. I have this self reinforced survival mode of struggle because I'm not doing anything differently. I wasn't being aware. Then I went back and I took a second and I remembered that my intention and don't laugh, my intention is to be oprah big. Oprah big? What does that mean? Does it just mean, like, I want a boatload of money? Well, I mean, yeah, that'd be great. But it means that I want to be known for helping people be the highest version of themselves, to channel spirit and spark the spark within other people, to be the spark for your spark, to uplift others and uplift community and uplift other expert practitioners that are leading the charge in loving you into your highest potential. That's what I want to be known for. So I had that moment and I looked at what I was doing and twerking it strange. For some, change was not going to get me there and the foundation that I set for my current business wasn't going to get me there either. So I was in the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program at the time and I changed it. I said, this is not serving me and I had to get over. Like I was telling you earlier, the thought that I couldn't change because it made me somehow too flighty, but it's not working. So in like any true Enneagram three type A virgo fashion, I said we're going to do it and we're going to do all the things. So in order to be Oprah big, you have to have a large personal brand that is beloved, you have to help other people and you have to have thoughts and a position that makes people want to listen. And I had a lot of those things going for me, but I didn't even have a website for my personal brand. But guess what I do now? I work with Manfortestudiomanforte Studio on the web if you are interested, to build out, which is the new home for my personal brand. So that intention is set and that movement is happening and I released it into the world and it contains the new hub for me at the Leia Harris, including the place where these podcast episodes get housed and my speaking topics. But let's not stop there because like I said, true virgo over here. I said, Well, I'm really a strategist. What is my intention here? Is my intention to be a marketer for the rest of my life? Am I even really doing marketing? And the answer was no, I'm not even really doing marketing. What I've been doing is bioenergetic business strategy, even though I was working within my company, Flourish Marketing. So I decided that I was going to roll Flourish Marketing back up into the parent name of the Evolution Collective Inc. Which it always was. That was the name of my company was the Evolution Collective Inc. And DBA Flourish Marketing. And now the evolution collective inc is the first of its kind. It is a bioenergetic business consultancy where we help you solve strategy problems from the inside out. So I again work with memphorete studio to create So if you want to see how you can work with me, make sure to go to I'm just pretty jazzed about it because again, I set the intention of being able to build a way to reach people and to work with people in a more hands on fashion. I got to move me. And now we have the release of the site and then again, this is the last site, I promise. This is the last thing that I've been up to. I love talking to you like this. I do. I really enjoy having this podcast and the conversations that we get to have every week. I love the emails, I love people that pop on my calendar and set up calls with me based on these episodes. I love, love, love it, but it's not enough for me. I'm kind of greedy sometimes, and I wanted to help people in person. So I am launching a retreat, an in person retreat at the beginning of 2024 called the Radical Rebirth Retreat. And it takes the framework that I base all of my content on, alaya Harris for the framework that all of my work within the Evolution Collective is based on, which is called the Flourishing Empire framework that combines energy healing with business strategy to help you create a radically authentic story. And it does it in person. It's a mixture between some pre virtual experience, a seven day in person retreat that covers three days of plant medicine as well as personal branding, and then afterwards, there's a mastermind cohort. So we got these three prongs, right? Setting the intention of being over big, being in movement to getting there, and then looking at all of the mini releases and then hopefully my bigger release over time, releasing into that big moment, right? I don't know if it's going to be big moment or a series of little moments. Who knows? I don't know if you become oprah big overnight, but I had to release a lot of pain to get there, a lot of thoughts that were no longer serving me, a lot of paradigms that I had found myself in, like being told that I wasn't a strategist and didn't have a strategic bone in my body, right? I didn't have a strategic mind, so I couldn't be a strategist. And I brushed it off at the time, but that embedded within me. That was a paradigm I had to let go of. I had to let go of I couldn't change because I'd do the same thing for ten years in order to get any credibility. I had to let go of that. I had to let go of the fact that, oh, who am I to create something so brand new? Because only people that are more creative, more white, more male, more whatever, should be able to create those types of things. I had to let go of that. I had to release a lot of those things on this journey. There's a lot going on over here in the brain and body of Alia, and I'm changing my biology as I change my biography and my relationship to my past while intentionally curating my future. And I invite you on the journey with me to run alongside of me to get if you're on my email list, to get perpendicular with me. Okay? If you don't know what that means, send me an email. I'll forward it to you if you are on my email list yet, because it's not dirty, I promise. If you want to get perpendicular with me, I'm sorry, my email address, my new one a is Alaya Aleya. H-A-R-R-I So if you want to get perpendicular with me, just send me an email, especially if you don't know what that means. And I promise I'm not doing anything salacious over here. So if you want to share my story, let's do it. I want to share in yours. Because, y'all, this has been rough. I am still crawling out of the thick of the foundational changes that have rocked my world in a real physical way and in an energetic way. And if I can help you not do some of the same stuff that I did, I would be tickled pink. So let's talk about it. And if nothing else, again, I encourage you to ask yourself those three questions what is your intention? What movement can you create? And where can you release?

    Yuliya Patsay [00:36:06]:

    Thank you for listening to this episode of the Flourishing Entrepreneur podcast with Alayah Harris. Dive into the show notes at www. Dot flourishmarketing. Codcast and connect with Alaya at flourishingentrepreneur on instagram vibing with what you hear. Leave a five star review to spread the love, and be sure to click subscribe from the entire Flourish marketing team. We wish you love, light and abundance. See you next time.


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