Attracting + Repelling Clients with Steph Weber

You don't need to be everything to everybody

In this podcast episode, we have a special guest, Steph Weber, owner of The Weber Co, and brand marketing strategist. She helps entrepreneurs create authority brands in their industry to build impactful and sustainable businesses.

If you’re wondering how to attract clients by being you and not by trying to be everything for everyone, then you are in the right place.

Here's is what we cover in this episode:

  • The Power of Authenticity in Building Connections and Partnerships

  • Transitioning from Influencer to Aligned Business Owner

  • Making Difficult Decisions to Align with Values and Disassociate from Unsupportive Individuals

  • The Attributes of a Thought Leader and the Discomfort that Comes with It

  • Resources to Help with Authentically Presenting Yourself

  • Balancing Being a Boss and a Mother and the Importance of Compassion

  • Overcoming Fear, Scarcity, and Lack of Clarity


[00:02:39] Deciding what I like attracts the right people.

[00:10:36] Thought leader means standing in your power.

[00:14:02] Being legendary means creating meaningful experiences

[00:15:37] Becoming a legend: it's about connection.

[00:21:48] "Seeing and hearing ourselves adds abundance."

[00:24:01] Connecting with clients authentically, embracing change.

[00:30:52] Focus on people, clients, team culture, compassion, progress.

[00:37:51] Decide to attract and be authentic self.

Do you feel worn out, trapped, lost, or overpowered?

Connect with me!

About Steph Weber

Steph Weber, the CEO of The Weber Co., is all about making conscious self-decisions. Steph Weber is a brand and marketing strategist that helps entrepreneurs create authority brands in their industry with marketing strategies that convert. She has nine years of experience working as a brand strategist and a degree in Strategic Communications. Steph helps brands implement the strategy they need to build impactful, sustainable businesses. She does this through coaching live events, and free resources.

The Weber Co is a branding and marketing company that is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs establish an authority brand to position themselves as thought leaders within their industries. The company uses marketing strategies that connect and convert. It is the kind of company that has married branding and marketing. Many entrepreneurs see these two as separate entities and haven't quite figured out how they go and flow together, so Steph brings both of those pieces together through organic marketing efforts.

Where to find more of Steph Weber :

Steph’s Instagram:

Steph’s Website:

Links Mentioned on this Podcast


    legend, people, steph, weber, pate, flourish, attract, brand, abundance, clients, concert, authentic, work, life, decisions, authenticity, standing, piece, listening, entrepreneur


    Aleya Harris


    Are you? You're my people. That's why you're here. That's why we get to hang out every week on the flourishing entrepreneur podcast. It's because you find something that I spark in with you and you love to guess and you want to find out there's more to where that came from. And that's exactly the intention. There's a lot of people that are not listening right now they listen to the first minute, the first 15 seconds on law, they're like, What is this? What is she talking about? Energy alignment? And who are these guests? And why is it so Whoo, it


    sounds to me anyways. They're not my people. They're not the people that I'm looking to attract this podcast mind brand, myself as a human, I attract the people that I meant to and intentionally repel the ones I am not because I do not have the goal of being for everybody. And you know what that means? It means I have the freedom to be myself. This episode is all about being in yourself standing in your power, and more importantly, how to find the ability to make the choice to attract and repel on your own terms so that you can cultivate the self and the life and the business that you want. I'm joined in this episode by Steph Weber, who has some amazing tips and she's living and breathing this exact philosophy. All right, let's go.


    Welcome to the flourishing entrepreneur podcast with Aleya Harris. If you're looking for actionable ways to stand out from the crowd, by standing in your power, you've come to the right place. Each week, we help you and your fellow empire building entrepreneurs become radically authentic, and tap into your unique story to attract your ideal clients. listen in and learn how to use energy alignment techniques and tried and true marketing strategies to transform from a leader to a legend. And now your host powerhouse story brands certified guide award winning marketer BioEnergetic business coach and Japanese whisky lover, Aleya Harris.


    My husband loves oysters and pate. He's bougie is guessing dice like you've ever you've ever met and be like, Oh, your latest has been the Bougie one. Yes, yes. Yes. I hate oysters. And pate. I know in culinary school. You know, because if you didn't know, as a chef, many moons ago, pate was like, oh, that's fancy. You must like pate. If you're not. If you don't like pate as a chef then. I mean, who are you like that kind of vibe. So I tried my drawed for years to love it. And I hated every experience with it. Oysters and Pate and liver and onions. They have a strong attraction quality and a strong repellent quality. The interesting thing about oysters though, is that and pate is they also have this sense of classism elitism, where you feel like you're supposed to like it. But at a certain point in time, you have to be like, I just don't, I just don't, right. In that moment, when I made that decision to be like, I don't like that. I'm not going to try to like that. And I and it's okay. I started being like, what else don't I like, and saying no to that be and made it a lot easier to say no to a lot of the things and it made it a whole lot easier to carve out what I was and who I was. Now, of course, it wasn't just from one moment of saying I don't like oysters or pate. There's been many many moments like that in my life. But each no that's not me moment. Gets me closer to a yes, that is me moment. And the more I figure that out, the more the right people are attracted to me. The more the right clients, the more the right partnerships, the more the right podcast, guests are attracted to me and I enjoy my life and my business more because I get to hang out with my people like you listening to me now. Thanks for being my people. Thanks for being in my crew, my clique my squad, because you find some resonance with me. Now, on the flip side, I could still be sitting here pretending that I like oysters and pate gagging Every time chugging down loose champagne that comes with them pretending that it's not just me using it to rent that horrible, nasty lingering taste in my mouth that both of them leave. If that were me, and I had not made the decisions about what I liked, what I wanted to attract what I wanted to repel, I would be confused, lost, not able to navigate my own hero's journey in a way that's beneficial for me because I couldn't decide on what I wanted to be and who I didn't want to be. That's when people pleasing takes over. That's when you set end up saying yes to too many things. That's when you feel guilty when you do say no, and it eats you up inside. You need to make decisions that actively cultivate your internal environment so that your external environment can match your vision board.


    The mantra for today's episode to help you do that is I attract the abundance that is meant for me. I attract the abundance that is meant for me. Say with me, I attract the abundance that is meant for me. I attract the abundance that is meant for me. You don't need to attract oyster and pate abundance. If you really just want fillet mignon and Baker wrap ship abundance, right? You don't need to be everything to everybody in order to make it ahead and in fact trying to be everything to everybody and not making decisions about who you are and what you want in your life will mean that you are nothing to no one. And I want better than that for you. legends are born from authenticity and brave and bold decision making. You have to take the risk of saying no so that you can reap the benefits of saying hell yes to what you really, really want. And today's episode I am honoured to speak with Steph Weber, of Weber comb all about making those decisions. Steph Weber is a brand and marketing strategist that helps entrepreneurs create authority brands in their industry with marketing strategies that convert with nine years of experience working as a brand strategist, a degree in Strategic Communications. And the work she's poured into helping entrepreneurs scale Steph helps brands implement the strategy they need to build impactful, sustainable businesses. She does this through coaching live events, free resources, and you can find all of that at the Weber one be the Weber Steph, in this interview illuminates us on what authenticity means what it means to stand in your power, what being legend really means and what it actually does not mean and how she wants to be remembered as a legend and you might want to take some tips and notes from her legend journal. All right, without further ado, let's dive in to talking with Steph.


    Are you ready to stop losing on price because your clients think you're just like your competitor, it's time to get radically authentic to stand out from the crowd. The leader to legend journey by flourish marketing will ensure the best clients choose you every time. Work with us to reveal your truth. encapsulated in a compelling story and share that story through high quality consistently delivered marketing assets. With our help your ideal clients will understand why you are in a league of your own. Visit today to schedule a call. We only accept one new client per week. Don't miss out on your chance to snag your spot. Go to www.flourish to get started.


    Hey Steph, thank you for joining us on the flourishing entrepreneur podcast. How are you doing today? I am so grateful and thrilled to be here with you though. So thank you so much for having me. It is my absolute pleasure. And before we dive into our questions, why don't you tell the folks a little bit about who you are and what you do? Absolutely. Well, like Aleya said, my name is Steph Weber and I am the CEO of the Weber CO we are a branding and marketing company that is really dedicated to helping entrepreneurs establish an authority brand so in other words position themselves as thought leaders within their industries, but using marketing strategies that connect and convert we very much believe that the Weber CO is kind of the company that has married branding and marketing for so many entrepreneurs


    that see these as two separate entities and haven't quite figured out how they go and flow together. And so we bring both of those pieces together through organic marketing efforts as well. And everything we do is really about the human beings that you serve on the other side of your brand, not human connection piece is what centres us so a little bit about us.


    I love that every word that just came out of your mouth. I do have a question about two of the words, though, because they are used a lot. And I think that people use them differently to you what is a thought leader? And how do you make people thought leaders? Yeah,


    that is a great question Aleya. And, you know, I think you're right, everyone does use this term kind of differently. For us, I think a thought leader is about standing in your own authority and in your own power and standing up for what you believe in and allowing that to both attract and repel people. That's what your brand is designed to do. And so you positioning yourself as a thought leader in whatever industry, you may find yourself in comes with a level of sometimes uncomfortability that you get very comfortable with when you are standing in your power, and you're standing up for what you believe in, and also just for the goodness that you bring to the world. So that is what thought leader for us means in terms of how we help someone craft that. First and foremost, it's really about this kind of self awareness that has to happen in order for you to actually understand and be able to connect with yourself. What do I stand for? Why am I here? What is my impact? What is my my larger vision that's outside of myself? And what am I creating this brand to really do for the greater good in some way, shape, or form and also for my life to write because that's important. We don't just get into business just because I think it's gonna be this fun, glorious ride. Because you all we all know that that's not the case. Right? So I think for us, yeah, that self awareness pieces first, and then we kind of shift into our brand strategy, which is a very long winded process. So I will spare you all of those details. But it's a fun and joyful ride, most of the time.


    I love that most of the time. I think that that's any client work. It's fun and joyful most of the time. I see a lot of synergies between you and I Steph, which is one of the reasons why I'm so excited that you are here. You talked about standing in your power and I love love, love how you talked about when you're doing that how you attract and repel. Because so many people are like, I need to attract everybody and I'm like no girl, you need to attract your somebody's not everybody's everybody's and you need to be very not for some people and that's how you actually carve out your your niche. You can't be everything for everybody. But when we think of some of luminaries, right, and you know, I have my faves like Beyonce, Oprah Sara Blakely, Laverne Cox, we think of these people that have risen up. We're like, well, but everyone loves them. And we're like, maybe not my mom. Well, she I don't even know if she was on my podcast anymore. So I don't know if she gonna hear this or not mom. I'm not trying to have the beehive come after you. But she does not like Beyonce. It Ah, wow. I know. And so in our, in our conversations, I'm like, why? And she it's like a long standing thing. This is not like, Oh, she came up with one album and doesn't and is and just like had an epiphany. No, doesn't like Beyonce. So if you think that Beyonce is for everybody, you are wrong, I leave my mama don't like yet behind. If you come from my Mama, I'm coming for you. So don't even do it. But I think that we think when you get to legendary status when you get to that authentic self that everyone loves you enough, not necessarily the case. So I would love to know your take on what it really means to be a legend.


    Yeah, I think that that term can mean so many different things. And for me, I also think about legacy when I think about being a legend. And I also think about we're here in Indianapolis, this is where I live. And so I think about the Indianapolis 500 And this legendary experience that they have created for those of you who are listening to this and you've never been to a race and you're like Steph, you're a race fan, like look at what you're wearing. Listen, the Indy 500 and I go way back. I love the race. I love the track it is so it's such a beautiful event that happens here in the city. And it truly is a legendary experience that draws people who have been going to the race for 90 years in a row and they get honoured and they get it's like a whole thing. And it also usually happens over Memorial Day weekend. And so those who have served our country are honoured at all of those pieces anyway, all that to say, that legendary experience that you create that creates a memory that creates something new Do you fall for someone else that creates meaning also within your own life, and leaves a legacy in some capacity. So when some someone's talking about you, we're talking about Beyonce, we're talking about the Indy 500, and the track and IMS and all of these things. You're talking about the memories and the experience that you've had in and around that person and what your connection that real human connection is, to that thing, and how it makes you feel. And you know, talking about branding, that's the emotion that is there, right. That's what it's all about. And so I think that that's kind of that idea of what it looks like to be a legend and embody being legendary.


    You know, I talk about being legendary from stage and I've been doing that this particular kind of topic for a couple of months now. And whenever I ask anybody to name a legend, I can name a whole bunch. Some of them are hilarious to me who that I've had someone named Simpsons characters. I'm like, Well, you're right. And it's like, easy peasy. Easy peasy. But the hardest thing for people to do is answer the question. Or actually, it's easy for them to answer, but they always have the answer of No. Are you a legend? Or are you a legend in the making? They always say, no, no, no. Oh, no, no, that's not. That's not me. And I, and I think that it's because they come from a very self centred perspective. Like, oh, well, legend means I'm, you know, somehow cast in gold and on someone's mantel somewhere, right? As opposed to what you are saying, which I adore. It's about how do you make people feel, and it's really not about you. It's about them. And the memories that you create, hopefully stuff, your definition will help people really own the fact that, wait a minute, I kind of am a latch in, wait a minute. If you're getting those emails, like, Oh, thank you for changing my life. Thank you so much for that moment you created for me, oh, I look up to you. And I see someone that I want to be you inspire me, I hate to break it to you. But you might just might be a legend, especially because Steph, whoever said it, and I don't know if y'all got this, but that's kind of what she does. So you might just need to own your legendary status. And you also talked about creating those moments. And those emotional connections and emotions are not cookie cutter. They are unique and unique in the moment. So they involve you maybe being a little vulnerable, being a little bit more yourself than you thought that you needed to be before. So would you mind talking to me and illuminating me and the listeners about what it would mean for you to be radically authentic? And how has radical authenticity helps you or your clients stand out and stand in your power on these legendary journey?


    Yeah. Okay. I always like to talk an example. So this is why this is why I use examples. But for me, I think that this piece of being radically authentic and incorporating vulnerability into however it is that you are choosing to show up. First and foremost, I think it's very much a personal decision, because there are things that people experience that people are simply not comfortable sharing. And that's, that's not what we're here to tell you to do. We're here to tell you to determine and decide what makes sense for you. And so an example for me that's very relevant in my life. Right now I have an 18 month old son, sweet baby boy, he's my first and I when I was pregnant with him, and also since having him have received a lot of feedback about how much I work, and oh, you're sending him to daycare, and so on and so forth. And all of these things, right. And it's interesting to show up as a CEO, and as a mom in a world that is, has very has a lot of opinions, actually, let's just call it what it is. We have a lot of opinions, and that's great. Like, we're entitled to our opinions,


    they're judging. They're just what they are not Do you continue.


    That's true, that's true. Um, but for me, I show up from a place of standing in my power and my authority and knowing what the life that I want to cultivate for myself, for my son, and knowing that what my husband and I decided a long time ago was that we both had careers that we love, and we're going to continue to pursue those with our family and our kids are going to get to watch us grow up. They're going to grow up with us, and they're going to get to watch us love our careers and have something that we are purposeful about that we're passionate about, that we get on fire every day to work in and around. And that's exciting in my in my opinion. That's exciting. And so for me to show up for My place of authenticity looks like within this morning I was getting thrown up on and then I had to get ready and go into client meetings because that's the reality of the world that we live in. And then my husband and I are like trying to tag team back and forth, who's working virtually this all


    white blazer that you have on was not what you were wearing. Oh,


    no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I was just wondering,


    do you use,


    not the reality, not the reality. And you know, for many months, this last year, he has dealt with ear infections and all the things. So I show up and share those hardships and those challenges, because I also don't want to paint this picture of like, look how great I look at my white blazer and like, here we are, and my 18 month old, all the things right? It's not it's not real. And he never


    cries. In fact, he asks me in full sentences, what I would like from my day to day life. Just like sit down. Lie


    is and you know, I think social media, I was in my head this morning, just comparison mode, and all these things because they happen, they happen to all of us. But social media has made it into a space where you can choose to either be very authentic, and allow people to experience that with you and see themselves in your story to real human connection, real human moments that are so powerful. And those are the moments of connection. I mean, I can get on and talk about what we offer all day long. The most engagement and most connection we have on social media is when I show up as a mom, and I'm like, I'm freaking struggling today. Anybody else hear me like anybody else with me today, and all the moms are like, SOS? Yes, I feel seen and heard, right. That's what we're here for. That's what we're here to do. And that's part of that legend piece too.


    I feel seen and heard, you know, if we could just get out of our own ways and realise and that is, that is the purpose for us doing whatever we do. I don't care if you are a bricklayer, I don't care if you are a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, making other people feel seen and heard through your craft is, is kind of the point. And if you've missed that point, maybe it's time for you to feel seen and heard by yourself. Right? I think that that we I mean, I've been in that place when I was I was a head of marketing for North America for a large company. I wasn't seeing and hearing myself, all I saw around me was bald, white men and blue suits and looked like we worked at IBM. And I was like what is happening? Paycheck is nice, but what is going on here, right? And I wasn't taking the time to see in here myself. Others nothing. So I and I wonder, I wonder why I feel stuck. I wonder why I'm not living up to my potential. I wasn't paying attention. So I love love, love that you said that because I find the exact same thing to be true. My team, I love my team, I adore my team, they come up with beautiful reels are curated, they're there so that they get some stuff, they get some legs, they get some views. When I come on no makeup hair fresh, and my husband calls it a poof when I put on my head. Those are the ones that are 1000s of 1000s of views, right? Because people can relate they don't feel like you're trying to put on and I really think that people underestimate the power of that when you're building your authority out there in the world such great advice. So we now know that we need to be more authentic, we need to see and hear ourselves and others. But what are three ways that doing that being more authentic have actually made you more successful emotionally, financially, physically? How is authenticity added to your abundance? Wow,


    such beautiful questions really, I love this. I think first and foremost, it's added to my abundance in that it's brought clients to me that connect with me. And when you can connect with your clients through just mutual shared experiences. I mean, one of the number one things that I hear from people is all stuff who you are online like who I met on Instagram is also who I experienced when I'm with you in real life and or with you in a coaching call or whatever it may be. And that that is just one of the greatest compliments that I receive because it feels so real and it feels so organic and my clients can feel and sense that and that's that's always been really important to me. So I think that that's probably one thing is connecting me with the clients that are meant to be in my life and whose life I am also meant to be in and we create something really really beautiful together. I also think Aleya it has allowed me to see where things are not in alignment for me and sticking to My authenticity I mean, this business started as an influencer, I was an influencer of fashion beauty and travel influencer under the name trendy and Andy. And somewhere along that journey, I started to feel like I was keeping up with the Joneses, more than I was really doing the service that I wanted to do and how I wanted to help entrepreneurs, and specifically small businesses. And so saying, You know what, this is actually not who I am, this is not what's in alignment for me, I need to pivot. And standing behind that decision, being authentic has allowed me to see on behind a number of decisions that have led me to where I am today. It has also allowed me to align with the right people, and to disassociate with the people who do not have my greatest interests at heart. And those decisions have not always been easy, but they have been decisions that need to happen in order for me to get where I want to go. You know, I think about this, often we are given this one opportunity of being here and living this life to our fullest extent. And if we're not putting ourselves in rooms with people who a are where we want to be and people who genuinely support us and want us to get where we want to go. Where do we what rooms are we hanging out in? And really what's the point? And so being authentic has also meant, who am I and who do I surround myself with? And who do I not surround myself with? And I have to be honest about that. And I have to be bold about it.


    I love that. And that's been a general theme that you've been mentioning is what to lean into and what to not only kind of like lean out from run away from ditch burn, like way far away from you, people have a difficult time making that decision. And when they do, I find that that means that they're in fear mode. And in scarcity mode, they're like, well, but I can't get rid of anything. What if I need that later, and their homes might be pristine, their desks might be pristine, but in their hearts, their little pack rats, they're like on that show hoarders, right? Because they're keeping all of the things and then they wonder why they lack clarity. They lack direction, they don't know what step to take next. They don't know who they are, where to go, what to do. Well, I'm surprised you can even find your phone and all of that hoarder mess inside of you, right? It's not going to work. So that message that you're saying I'm making conscious decisions about curating who you are and what standing in your power looks like. Oh, oh, that someone got a word on today. From Steffes message. Oh, you didn't you not listening in press we want to try again. So step number, and I don't even know if they do this anymore, because I don't like watch TV like that anymore. But do you remember on my BT awards, MTV awards Grammy Awards were at the end they all they always


    honour someone right? You got like, you know Michael Jackson or Prince or sting or Aretha Franklin or Whitney Houston and have this legend concert. We're all these newer artists sing your songs, right? And I started thinking like, Hmm, I'm not a musician. I mean, I do have a melodic voice. But that's not how I make my money. But if there were a legend concert for me for Aleya Harris, for Steph Weber, and people were singing our songs and they were giving speeches about us. What would they say? What would your legend concert be like? How would your audience feel right? Because you know, a Mariah Carey legend concert makes you feel differently than like a sting legend. Or like an Aretha Franklin that Jordan concert one you know, you might be going to church together when you're crying because Mariah Carey songs are all about breakups. Right? What what is it that your legend concert would have? Yeah, I think for me, I let my legend concert. Gosh, this is this is a tricky question for me because my taste in music is insane. Like I'm wearing today, I have a Beatles shirt on my parents are older. I grew up listening to The Beatles, and the Beach Boys. And I love Michael Jackson. But then also I am like, Disney hits. So I'm just kind of all over the place. And my husband's like, you should pick a flavour and I'm like, listen, it might be country today, and it's going to be Disney tomorrow. And that's just how I like to roll. So from a music perspective, I'm like, gosh, it would be kind of all over the place. From an from a feeling perspective. I always want people who have been in my space and who have connected with me in some way shape or form to feel like they are leaving in a different way feeling empowered than they came into the conversation other than they came into my into my space. So I want them to leave feeling like I've got this I can do whatever it is that I have my heart set on whatever vision I have for my life. I have everything in my power to go make it happen. Come hell or high water is kind of my is kind of my vibe. So that's that is what I would say. If you were


    to my legend concert, it's going to be like, Get ready to feel the energy, feel the momentum, feel the power, feel the fire for whatever you have in your life that you want, you're going to go after it after that concert.


    I'm buying my ticket, buying my ticket. Now that sounds like an awesome concert. But you know those those people that have those legend concerts have careers for 2030 years, right doesn't just happen overnight, someone I call calling you up. It's like, Oh, my God, I'm a legend concert for you been in business for two years? Like that's not how I work. But what are you doing now to curate that narrative? What are the specific tools and techniques you're using? So that by the time you get to that legend concert, you're hearing your story, read and sang back, Sung back to you that it's the story that you want? What are you doing? I think, number one for me, as I focus on people, and right now that focus on people is Yes, both clients, and then also our team culture, team culture is a huge piece of your brand. And if you are not fostering that team culture and what you're doing, that translates to every other piece of your business, including your clients. And so that's kind of an action that I'm taking right now is to be really focused on what's the culture that I'm creating, both for my clients and then also for our team as a whole, and also here at home with my family, because that really, truly speaks volumes. I had a team member come and stay with me a few months ago for an event that we held here in Indianapolis in person and she said, Steph, you were such a great mom, like I've loved watching you because you know, I don't get to see all the behind the scenes on social media, and we're all remote. But watching you with him. It's so beautiful. And it's so powerful to see that interaction because I see you as like CEO's deck, or like my boss' deck, not as also mom's deck. And so I think showing up as just this person who has compassion and care for others and cares very deeply about getting others where it is that they want to go in some capacity. That's kind of been my that's my focus. And that's something that every day as I take actions in my business and in my life, am I helping myself and others get to where they want to go get to that next place of promise in their life in some capacity. And if I'm doing one thing that's helping them with a step on that journey, that's I have accomplished what I want to accomplish.


    First of all, your team members comments should take all of those judging naysayers from before and tell them where to stop it. Because clearly, when someone's watching you in action, you're doing a great job as a mom and a CEO. Secondly, I really appreciate that advice because I also am a firm believer we don't do anything by ourselves and everything is done through people, the power people, the supportive people, the love of people but going both ways. So that makes a lot of sense for me. Okay, Steph, we have gotten to the point of the interview that I mean this interview has been awesome but this is my favourite part because it's our journal prompt question. This is the question that you beautiful listener out there can take and journal about on your own and Steph has lovingly volunteered to give you some inspiration and answer it for you first So Steph, are you ready for your journal prompt? I'm here for it let's dive in. Let's do it. Your journal prompt question is what do you need to ditch to be even more your authentic self


    to be even more my authentic self I need to ditch this piece of me that I call Lucy she has a name and she is my name Jessica love it that's great Lucy okay she's like I literally on my vision board over here my like wall that I look at every morning like I am no longer available for my emotions to run me and create chaos that is Lucy Lucy is like driven by the emotions lets chaos wreak havoc over her whole day all the things no no more no longer i This is work. This is work that's very much ongoing. I shared with you all earlier that I had a moment of comparison and I was like in my head and we do this especially when we introduce new things which we're always doing here at the Weber CO and that is Lucy Bailey being like Ostroff onnoghen I don't know if you're good enough for that. I don't know if you're ready for that. I don't know if you have the knowledge the skills the talent whatever it may be. Get out of here Lucy no space in no time for you. So just less space for Lucy more space for Steph. And that's my authentic self.


    I love that so much. I feel seen and heard stuff. Because like I said my name is Jessica and my Jessica doesn't let the emotions run. She's like runs perfection on me to be perfect. And you can't ask for help. And no one will want


    anything from want to give you anything without you giving them something in return like you're not worthy enough of actually just receiving, right? It always has you have to give give given and maybe you'll get a little bit back from the world. That's Jessica. Jessica doesn't understand the cycle of abundance and Jessica doesn't understand that perfection doesn't


    have Jessica here. No space.


    No space for that. lucem. Jessica, you guys go get a cocktail over there and stay away from us. Yeah, yeah. Yes. I love it. Well, step this has been a lovely interview. Thank you for being such a great guest and answering all of my COVID questions. Please let people know now where they can find you and how they can connect with you.


    Absolutely. Well, we are mostly on Instagram at the Weber co with just one V so you can come hang out with us there, we have ventured into the Tiktok sphere. So that's an exciting next step for us. It's, it's fun, it's different. So that's where we're hanging out as well. And then of course, you can check out our website, the Weber


    I am going to be doing all of those things. At the time of this recording. I just got my


    tic tock password reset by my marketing managers. That was my excuse before that I didn't have


    like, oh, okay, well there goes that excuse. I'm also going to be venturing out to tick tock I will make sure to follow you there.


    Thank you so much for joining us here on the flourishing entrepreneur podcast step I send you lots of love, light and blessings for everything that you are and everything that you and your team are doing. Thank you so much for being here today. Thank you for having me.


    Hey, budding legend, are you ready to make your mark and live up to your potential? Well, you won't be able to do that by turning yourself into a carbon copy of your favourite internet guru. At flourish marketing. We believe you deserve to be a household name. We created our empire building marketing strategy product to help you use your inner wisdom and the story brand SP seven framework to create a radically authentic brand message and stand out from the crowd. With our help, you'll become the obvious choice for your ideal customer. Visit www dot flourished i s c o today to schedule a call. We only accept one new client per week. Don't miss out on your chance to snag your spot. Go to www dot flourish To get started.


    Are you going to do it? Are you going to say no? Are you going to be absolutely and totally repellent to those that you do not want to attract? And are you going to be oh my god almost orgasmic ly attractive to those who you want to bring closer to you. Today is your day to make that decision. My friend. Look around at your life look at your to do list. What do you really need to do to make yourself closer to yourself the most authentic version of yourself that will bring opportunities and abundance to you like you could only imagine when you're able to do that and show up as that person at all times. People feel seen and heard and most importantly you feel seen and heard.


    That's got to feel good.


    If you want them help trying to figure that out I have two different resources for you. The first is our recalibration guide which you can download at flourish Inside this 30 ish page guide, you will get tools and techniques to help you excavate the part of you that you need to ditch and leave behind and replenish the part of you that you need to uplift so that you can attract the audience that you want to attract. This secondary resources are revamped guide this is one of our newest guides that you can get at flourish This will help take you through the three steps you need to dig into yourself. Get real, get clear on who you are, and then get connected to your ideal audience and forget everybody else who is not going to serve you on your journey. Again, those your URLs are and As always, it is my pleasure to be here with you today on the flourishing entrepreneur podcast.


    Until next time, my name is Aleya Harris and I wish you lots of love, light, and abundance. Bye for now.


    Thank you for listening to this episode of the flourishing entrepreneur podcast with Aleya Harris, dive into the shownotes at and connect with Aleya at flourishingentrepreneur on Instagram vibing with what you hear, leave a five star review to spread the love and be sure to click Subscribe from the entire flourish marketing team. We wish you love, light and abundance. See you next time.


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