From Vision to Victory

Sparking Your 5-Year Strategic Plan's Growth Using BioEnergetics & Storytelling

Most companies have tried strategic planning, and it didn't go well. The room was a hot mess of challenging power dynamics, loud but unhelpful opinions, tangents, death by consensus, and overstimulation. No one was setting the vision, pulling everyone towards it, and ensuring the session ended with clear objectives and a plan.


In this episode, Aleya Harris offers a unique approach to strategic planning that reimagines the process. She integrates BioEnergetics and storytelling to help each team member uncover and understand their personal blockages, which in turn affect the company culture and the collective narrative. By addressing these blockages and fostering a foundation of cooperation, shared determination, and receptiveness, we create an environment that nurtures authentic conversations and drives better results.


With our unique blend of strategic planning, BioEnergetics, and storytelling, you'll emerge equipped to overcome obstacles, foster alignment, and pave the way for a triumphant future.


Key Takeaways

  • Understand the pitfalls of traditional strategic planning and how to navigate them for more effective outcomes.

  • Discover how to develop a comprehensive 5-year strategic plan that fuels growth and success using BioEnergetics.

  • Learn how to harness the power of storytelling to inspire and motivate your entire organization. 


This episode is part of the "Stage to Stream Series" where Aleya covers content excerpts from her popular speaking topics so you can learn and experience growth wherever you are.  Why should live audiences get to have all the fun?


To book Aleya to edutain your audience at your next event, please visit to check out her speaking topics, reels, and why.  Click "Schedule a Call" to secure the speaker with "that something new" you've been looking for.


If you are a Corporate Event Planner, Head of Marketing, Learning & Development Professional, Executive Assistant, Destination Management Company, or Destination Management Organization who is looking for a top-quality, energetic speaker, you should definitely hop on a call with Aleya.


About Aleya Harris

Aleya Harris, CPCE  is the spark for your spark (TM). She is a powerhouse StoryBrand Certified Guide, BioEnergetic Business Consultant, empire-building CEO of The Evolution Collective Inc., host of the Radical Rebirth Retreat, LLC, host of the award-winning Flourishing Entrepreneur Podcast, and international award-winning speaker. She’s committed to helping entrepreneurs, executives, leadership teams, and thought leaders differentiate themselves through radically authentic strategy, coaching, and training.


Get Your Recalibration Guide

There is a lot of information in this episode that will help you get into greater energetic alignment to boost your glow and cash flow... but it doesn't even scratch the surface.


To dive in, download the 25+ page Recalibration Guide at 


Connect with Aleya Harris

Speaking & Media: 

The Evolution Collective Inc.: 

Radical Rebirth Retreat, LLC: 




Links Mentioned on this Podcast

  • From_Vision_to_Victory_Sparking_Your_5_Year_Strate…Plan_s_Growth_Using_BioEnergetics_Storytelling.txt

    Aleya Harris [00:00:00]:

    You. Many entrepreneurs run their business's vision using the thoughts they get in the shower or maybe while they're driving or maybe while they were watching another movie or maybe Shiny Object. Oh my gosh, that's their new initiative and your team is really mad at you for it. They smile and they nod and they're on board to follow you into the next big idea that you have. But gosh, it's exhausting. Plus, it also is a way to make your financial freedom that much further away from you. The more you flip and flat from here to there without a defined strategy, or the more you define and redefine and redefine and redefine and redefine your strategy, the harder it is to actually make your goals, to make your goals a reality. The goal is to turn your hopes into actual goals, into dollars in your bank account. And that is what this episode is about. We are talking about how to take all of those thoughts that are all within you. Your unbridled genius. And bridle it a little bit tame. It conform it to a structure so that you can have exactly what you got into this for more time with your family, a better bank account balance, a legacy to leave behind for your kids. Your name to be shown in light. You can get there a whole lot faster with a strategy. Yep, today is all about strategic planning and a new approach to doing strategic planning in a way that actually will work. Okay, let's go.

    Yuliya Patsay [00:02:08]:

    Welcome to the flourishing Entrepreneur podcast with Aleya Harris. If you're looking for actionable ways to stand out from the crowd, by standing in your power, you've come to the right place. Each week, we help you and your fellow empire building entrepreneurs become radically authentic and tap into your unique story to attract your ideal clients. Listen in and learn how to use energy alignment techniques and tried and true marketing strategies to transform from a leader to a legend. And now your host, powerhouse story brand certified guide, award winning marketer bioenergetic business coach and Japanese whiskey lover, Aleya Harris.

    Aleya Harris [00:03:04]:

    For some people, the word strategy feels, I don't know, a little scary, a little intimidating. Oh, I have to have all these parts. And it was that way for me as well. In fact, I didn't have the cojones to call myself a strategist until, I don't know, earlier this year, even though I'd been doing it for years and years and years. Story time with Aleya time. So when I was working for my big company that I got laid off from, before I got laid off, I was working actually during the conversation where I was getting laid off, which feels illegal, but whatever, we're going to let that slide on by. The person who laid me off said to me that I was not a strategic thinker and I couldn't do the strategy that was required to think far enough in advance and put all of the pieces together to run a successful division. And at the time I brushed it off and like, oh, he doesn't know me, I'm fabulous. But it really sunk inside of me until I internalized the fact that that was true. So as a marketer, I went forth and developed a marketing company. It went well. And I would never say, oh, I'm a strategist. I would say, well, I do messaging strategy, or I just do messaging or I do copywriting or I do anything that social media, which I don't do anymore. That's a whole nother story. I would do anything but say, yes, I'm a strategist. Until I went to my Goldman Sachs 10,000 small businesses program, had this epiphany that this dude had probably unintentionally incepted this idea inside of me that I was not a strategist. And I look back on all of the clients I've ever had and all of it is strategic thinking. It is thinking about what is happening now, what's going right, what is not going right, what do we want in the future, what resources do we have to get there, what obstacles do we need to overcome within ourselves and externally and how are we going to break it down so that we can actually achieve our goals. That is, for me, strategy. And the more that I thought about it, the more I realized that strategy is just a story. A strategy is a story. But the problem is most people don't look at it that way. Most people look at strategy as a jumble of disjointed intellectual exercises. And you have to have worked for Mackenzie and have a degree from Harvard to really implement a strategy that's worth its snuff. You have to be able to have 80 page document with color coded spreadsheets in order to say that you have a strategy, when actually those documents are great. But for me, the simpler the better. A strategy that works is a strategy that you can follow and that means it is a strategy that you can understand. Yeah, you can throw around words like SWOT analysis and asset allocation and initiatives and metrics and risk management. All of those things are in fact part of a strategy. But if you are just trying to throw out words and play this business bingo lingo, you're going to be left with half finished strategies, half finished documents that are written for and by disengaged team members, which means that your strategy will not be able to turn your hopes into goals, into dollars in your bank account. It will just keep you stuck. And then next year you'll redo it and then the next year, or maybe you even do it quarterly and you'll wonder why you are stuck. A plan that feels fake and uninspiring is not going to help you be successful. Instead, you need to create a strategic plan that is a story because that's what it is right where are we now? What do we have that we can use to move us closer to our dreams? What are we going to find along the way that we need to overcome? What does the transformation look like? What keeps us motivated? What is our why along our journey? All of that is a story. And instead of throwing a bunch of words at it, because that's what the bald headed white guy in the blue suit told you that you had to do in order to be strategic. Okay, this is really going back to being autobiographical, but I digress. You need to actually think of what is the best way to craft a story for my business, a story that I will embody on a daily basis in order to reach my goals. Most strategic planning fails because it's focused more on completing a checklist than building a story. Instead of looking at your strategic plan like a checklist, I invite you to look at it like the Hero's journey. And that is exactly, my dear, dear, dear listener, what we are going to do here today, this episode of the Flourishing Entrepreneur podcast is part of my really successful and exciting stage to stream series. I would like to thank you and everybody else who listens for the wonderful feedback I've gotten on this series so far. And for those of you who have actually, in fact, booked me to speak. So thank you for listening and booking me. If you are someone who is listening to this and would like to book me to speak live on a stage near you, make sure you go to speaking to check out my speaking topics, my reels, my bio, my headshots, all of the goodness, all of the goodness. Because this episode, from vision to victory, is one of those speaking topics. This is one of the topics that you could have me speak live and on stage. So go ahead and schedule a call with Speaking back to the hero's journey. The hero's journey is an old, old structure that was codified originally by my knowledge by a man named Joseph Campbell in a book called A Hero with a Thousand Faces. In it, he did what was really an anthropological study of cultures and stories across time, across distance, and they all followed a similar journey. The steps of that journey have the hero, the main character of the story, leaving the ordinary world, going into an extraordinary world and coming back again. And on their journey, they're being called into action. They're being meeting, mentors, being presented with a plan, going through tests and trials and transforming to the person that they need to be to handle the journey each step of the way and returning as a better, more complete, more resolved version of themselves, successfully coming back with what they are looking for. Doesn't that kind of sound like the next five years? Right? If you're developing a five year strategic plan. You too are a hero going on a journey. You are being called into action. You are going to need to meet mentors. You're going to need a plan. You're going to go through some things, right? It's going to be a journey that is full of ups and downs and all around, but eventually it will transform you. You will return back into what could be considered an ordinary world after you've gone through it, being transformed and being successful. So to create a radically authentic strategic plan, one that you will actually follow, one that will inspire you, one that will actually inspire your team, you should use the hero's journey. We are going to talk about not every step on the hero's journey, but we're going to talk about the hero, you as a person. We're going to talk about the why, the strong why that you need that's developed from your call to action. We're going to talk about the need for mentorship and how to develop a Whoop plan. You could develop a regular strategic plan or you could develop a whoop. Let me try again. A whoop plan. Sorry, that other one. I was going through puberty for a second. The Whoop plan wop is a better way of thinking about strategic planning rather than throwing a whole bunch of business lingo salad at it. So let's start off with talking about you. Yes, darling, we're talking all about you. I know you're interested now, right? Because that's our favorite person to talk about because we are the hero of our own story. So we're talking about a kind of a combined hero here between you and your team that is the hero, the unit of you and your team. Think gladys Knight and the Pips. Think Robin Hood and his merry Men. Think Beyonce and the Beehive. One unit after the same thing, same goal, same vision, moving in the same direction. By the way, if you notice, I totally just called you Beyonce. You're welcome. When you are moving and grooving, everything is great. But what happens when you and your team are just a little off? What happens to the Pips when Gladys Knight gets a little frazzled? What happens to Gladys Knight when one of the Pips is off key? What happens when your Merry Men are wandering around aimlessly and Robin Hood is out of crafty ideas? Or what happens when, in fact, the Beehive does get out of formation? Right? Things go crazy. It's like The Hangover Movie all over again and people are going in different directions and you're not quite sure where, and you're flustered and exhausted and burned out and confused. And all of that, my friend, is a recipe for decreasing the amount of money in your bank account. So what do you do? Well, you need to get in alignment because you will not be able to complete your journey if you are out of alignment, individually or collectively. If you are out of alignment. You have a general goal, but you're all over the place. You're kind of doing all the things. You have an unclear message or a message that's been like, been there, done that, seen that, it's trite. And that actually damages connections with stakeholders because people that want to do business with you, people that want to buy from you, people that want to support you, they need to know what you do and where you're going. If all of a sudden your vision is a little bit blurry, not clear, they're not going to be following you. It also takes client interactions, financial planning and sales conversation and makes them 500% more difficult. You can quote me on that 500%. No, I pulled that number out of my butt. But it does, it makes them a lot harder because you have these conversations on Tuesday, but then by Friday because you're not really headed in a clear direction, everything seems like it changes. Or that that conversation on Tuesday that you called on all hands meeting for because it was so important all of a sudden maybe doesn't feel as important because you're shifting and now you've wasted your time and everybody else's time. When you're aligned, you also start operating in silos because people seek alignment. And so if they can't find it within the group or within the leader, they find it within smaller groups. And within those smaller groups they start building silos walls, barriers, and that decreases innovation, collaboration and communication. And you need to be able to communicate in order to build a business. So the hero needs to realize when they are out of alignment and needs to be able to rectify the situation. So before you can even do any strong strategic planning and you're like OOH, but I really want to whip out my notebook and I really want to have that whiteboard and have an all hands meeting and we're going to get to shooting this strategic planning. Before you can do any of that, if you're misaligned, you need to become more self aware and check in with your willingness to grow. I recommend being biased as a bioenergetic business consultant that you use bioenergetics to release, blockages, create clear communication and build team cohesion. Bioenergetics. If you haven't been listening before, welcome. By the way, if this is your first episode, I'm super jazzed to have you. Bioenergetics is the study, detection and correction of the energy systems that surround, flow through and penetrate a living system. It is built of your aura, your energy flow systems, like if you think of traditional Chinese medicine and meridian that's built of your chakras, all of that, those are things are representations of different pieces of your human body field or your energy field. Bioenergetic helps you understand what is off and helps you fix it so that you can become more in alignment with yourself and with your team. But before you can be in alignment with your team, you need to start with you. Alignment starts with the individual. My favorite way of doing bioenergetic work is to do a bioenergetic scan with the Nest Health System. If you want to see all about it, you can go to About. about. And on that page, scroll down a little bit and you'll see a video of me giving myself a bioenergetic scan so you can see what it's all about. But the bioenergetic scan uses your voice and in 10 seconds or less scans your body field, your human body field, all that energy, the energy systems to understand where you're aligned or misaligned. It identifies the blockages and distortions in the flow of energy and information and then finally returns a recommended protocol. It returns advice around what to do to get back into greater alignment. I mentioned the bioenergetic scan as the first thing to be able to help your hero, you and your team get more in alignment because it's the fastest and well, it's the easiest when you are trying to get in alignment. Otherwise you end up really just poking around in the dark trying to see if this is really what the issue is. So that's why I like recommending that first. But if you don't want to do a scan, another recommendation that I have is to do some free form writing to give your subconscious a voice and clear the burdens that are keeping you from letting your genius loose. This is different from journaling. You're not going to read it, you're going to just write, write. And you might not finish sentences, you might not even finish words. After you're finished, you're going to rip it up and burn it. But the goal is to get out what is inside of you and it's about letting go, not holding on, letting go of what is no longer serving you, so you can have a better understanding of where you are and let things surface that you don't really need to have anymore. If you want more instructions on how to get more into personal alignment, I suggest you go and download our recalibration, recalibrate Recalibrate. It has our recalibration techniques in there, including freeform writing and 25 plus pages of other ones. So go ahead and go into Recalibrate to download the guide. Once you do all of the individual things to become more aligned, it's time to align your team. And it'd be great if each team member does these things individually and then you guys come together because aligned individuals build heroic teams and complete successful journeys. Without an aligned team, you can have the best strategic plan in the world, but it actually won't happen, won't work. It's just going to be a waste of time and intellectual exercise. One of my favorite ways to have teams come together is to do an ideal scene, but a shared ideal scene, so you can each internalize the vision and make that why a lot stronger. This is how you do it. Ask everyone individually to write their ideal vision of themselves and the company in five years, but write it in the present tense. Like today I woke up as the director of marketing, super pumped because we are about to help our millionth customer. Something like that. I feel happy and joyful because I'm valued at work and respected for my ideas, things like that. They're going to be like three to five sentences long. You're going to give them time to write them. Then you're going to read them aloud, individually, around the circle. Then based on the elements of each, you're going to create a shared ideal scene together on a whiteboard. You'll pull out the elements, whether you're on a zoom call, you have a shared Google Docup. However you do it, based off of the way that you work, you're going to pull things from these ideal scenes to make them the most effective. And based on those elements, you will have developed a corporate ideal scene. And then you're going to program it. You're going to increase the vibe of it, increase its attraction and manifestation ability by reading that new ideal scene, that shared ideal scene, aloud ten times as a group allowed. I know it's going to sound a little weird. Oh, that feels a little weird off. Everybody's going to do it. So what? You're the boss. You have them do it. Read it out loud ten times as a group. Embed it in who they are, then print it out for everyone to have in their desk space. Share it before meetings. Make sure that it becomes a part of who you are and where you want to go. This is a much better way than just like our mission is to dab a duba, daba duba and words that no one cares about. These words are felt and shared and heard. This ideal scene alone can help you manifest your strategic vision without even using naria bit of business word salad. So again, if you need help trying to figure out how to do the ideal scene activity, go and download our recalibration Recalibrate. The bottom line here is that instead of coming at planning and coming at team collaborations with an environment that may be contentious and create a lackluster strategic plan, you can use Bioenergetics to create an environment of cooperation, shared determination, and receptiveness that makes it so much better for deeper, more authentic conversations and better results. So that Bioenergetic section, that means that you are now aligned, you as a hero, a collective hero. You and your team can handle anything. Because if you use Bioenergetics to create a team of acolytes who deeply believe in your mission and vision, because they help co create it for the next five years, and they will approach your business's story from a place of true motivation and be able to help you live out your strategic plan. So that is the hero, right? So we have an aligned hero. We have a hero that has a shared vision, that has a strong purpose. But what is causing that hero to move? Your why? Why you're moving, why you're doing it, why you're on the journey in the first place? What was that inciting incident? That why is determined by the call to action in the story, the inciting incident. Why are you moving forward? Something happened for you to start the company, or something happened besides, oh, it's coming to the end of the year for you to decide to create a new vision. What is it? And can you really use that and the pain that it caused or the vision that it opened to motivate you to continue along your journey for several years to come? Once you determine what that is, I invite you to create a five year vision statement. You can follow the framework that I am about to tell you. Don't you love a good framework? I'm not just going to leave you hanging, right? It's going to say, we will insert your motivation in insert time frame buy services because benefits to clients. Okay, you're like that? Made absolutely no sense. Let me give you an example. We will generate $10 million of revenue in 2028 by creating an accessible, functional wellness subscription program for longevity focused individuals because we believe every human deserves to experience maximum vitality. The motivation is generating $10 million in revenue by 2028. Then the time frame is by 2028. The buy is this, and the services is you're going to create an accessible, functional, wellness subscription program for longevity focused individuals. And then the benefit to clients is because we believe every human deserves to experience maximum vitality. That is something I can get behind that doesn't have any business word salad in it. I know exactly what we're going to do. I know how we're going to do it, and I know why we're going to do it, and I can get behind that. And then, truthfully, as a strategist and a marketer, I can create really good content just from that structure alone. Right? So that five year vision statement will probably come from that ideal scene activity, right. It'll probably be motivated by the reason why you started your company in the first place. And it will happen probably somewhere in the middle once you develop it, though. That is why you will continue through the hard time to the test, through the trials, through the tribulations, through so and so, leaving through a client canceling on you, through fires and earthquakes and floods, because you know exactly what you're going to be doing and why you're doing it. In the room, in a strategic planning session, room poop gets real. You begin to touch on people's pain points, triggers things they're trying to hide their shadow cells, their egos, right? And in that room, you can get everybody to the point, maybe of agreeing on a vision, but doing the next part of actually how you're going to get there and mapping it out. That's when people start over talking, that's when people start shutting down. That's when just really the strategic planning train goes off the rails. Because of that, I recommend that you do not lead your own strategic planning session. You need to ask for help. You need to hire or bring in or even have someone, just have someone else there. You need a strategic planning session. Facilitator. The strategic planning session Facilitator is the mentor for your strategic plan. So in a hero's journey, you are being called to action and you then need a mentor to help you figure out how to move forward. Because this is all new for you. You need someone that has been there and done that. Someone who in the room can make sure that everyone feels heard, that they can clarify the vision and pull the team towards the vision. When people are trying to go off track or go back into the well, we've always done it this other way, which, by the way, if you want to piss me off, like, real quick, say that. Well, that's not how we've always done it. No, poop, Sherlock. Of course we haven't done it that way. We're trying to do new visioning here, but there's always one, there's always one in the room, right? Or if they don't say it quite that obnoxiously, they feel it, because change is hard. And the more you start laying out the strategic plan, the more people start looking around like, oh, wait a minute, this means I'm actually going to maybe have to fundamentally shift the way that I approach my job at this company. And if that is what starts happening, they start having pushback, they start having resistance. So you need someone to help make sure that everyone is being pulled towards the vision and pulling your team towards it as well. Plus you need to make sure that at the end, you do what you came there to do, which was make sure that you end with clear objectives and a plan, an actual strategic plan, not just a bunch know, ideas that are disjointed. Needs to have a through line, needs to have a controlling idea. Like any good story, you need to be able to follow it from chapter to chapter to chapter. It's not well. Susie started off going to the park and now she's on the moon and then Susie died. Like, what is going on with Susie? What kind of a day is Susie having? That doesn't make any sense. The strategic plan needs to have a controlling idea and make sense, so a strategic planning session facilitator is really key to help make that happen. Shameless Plug in addition to being an award winning international speaker, I do own a strategic consultancy business. In fact, it's a bioenergetic strategic consultancy called the Evolution Collective, Inc. So if you are trying to do strategic planning and you need a strategic planning facilitator to come in and help you create a narrative based strategic plan that people can get behind, follow and be excited about, go ahead and schedule a call with me. We can totally chat. It's going to be awesome. Go to and click the Schedule a call button. I would love to help you be successful in your strategic planning journey. Okay, once you hire me, I mean any strategic planning facilitator you're trying to then come up with the plan based off of all of the work you've already done. This is where your Whoop let me try again. Whoop plan. That's a better one. That was a better Whoop plan comes into place. Whoop is based on a science based mental strategy that will help you become motivationally intelligent. That's really what strategic planning is about. Anyone can do the research or anybody can put together what they want to do and hit revenue targets and set revenue targets. We can do all of those things. But until you become motivationally intelligent around how you're going to keep to this plan, to stick to this plan in the highs and the lows and the lefts and the rights and the unexpected, until you can do that, your plan is not going to be effective. It's going to last for maybe like a month or even a quarter until something happens and you get derailed and you can't get back on that plan because you didn't plan for being derailed. The Whoop Plan woop is about wish, outcome, obstacle and the plan. Your wish is your goal. Your outcome is the best and highest outcome you can think of. The obstacles are the things that get in the way, including inside of yourself and inside of your company. And the plan is a plan to move forward when those obstacles arise. So let's go back to what I was talking about in the vision statement of someone who's coming out with a new membership subscription for people who are wanting to have greater access to functional wellness programs. Well, if you're planning later on, what happens if the tech goes awry? Or what happens if your subscription base dwindles because a new, faster, smarter, sexier technology comes out? Or what happens if one of the modalities you use in your practice in your subscription is debunked or something or that gets bad press? What are you going to do? What happens when your key practitioner leaves? They win the lotto or they have a baby or whatever. This is the time when you're planning for those things. And in this Whoop planning process, what you're actually doing is understanding the core of what you truly need to have in place to accomplish your goals. And you will find as you go through developing your Whoop plan, you will start to remove elements, remove tactics, remove. Items because you'll discover that the simpler path is the better one, not the one that goes up and around the trees and through the mountains and around the bend. It's the one that cuts straight through. And the more you think of all of the paths and the ways that you can get derailed, the more you will become ruthless with sticking to a strong strategy, a strategy that is simple and easy to follow, then you're going to take your whoop plan and apply it to your journey. Create a simple table, doesn't need to be 50 pages long. You're going to have on it the vision you came up with, and you're going to have columns with the years, revenue per year, the simple tasks per year that you need to achieve that revenue, which will ultimately achieve that vision, the resources you need and your whoop. Your whoop for each year. And the whoop should maybe be three or four bullet points. Then you take a step back and you say, can we do this? Does this feel exciting? Does this feel like something I want to hang my hat on and something where I feel like that will get us to that ultimate vision? If it does, then, my friend, you have come up with a strategic plan that will work for you. After you've planned how you're going to go through the trials and the tribulations, you come back and realize that you're standing in your area of success and you can tell that full story. I would then encourage you to convert everything that we've been talking about into an actual narrative, into an actual story, so that you develop the motivational story you will tell over the next five years. So you start off with your hero, describe who they are. What's calling us into action is some inciting incident that happened. And then we're going to develop this plan with the help of a mentor that will cover three main areas. These are the obstacles that we will most likely uncover. Or if we have any obstacles, this is how we will deal with them. So that the transformation we are expecting to have as a company and the transformation we're expecting to have for our clients will lead us to a greater level of success. That is the narrative of your strategic plan. It should be written like that. And the ultimate goal of developing a strategic plan in the form of a story is that if you can embrace your hero role in your story, you can become the mentor in the story of your clients. When you stand in a clear story as the hero, you can then become the mentor in the story for your clients. And my friend, that's where the money happens. If you want to know more about that, scroll on back a couple of episodes and listen to the one called Answer the Money Question. And I'm sure that you will be able to see why being the hero who can then transform into the guide is where the money actually happens. Where we do, in fact, turn hopes to goals to dollars in your bank account. Again, if you need some support defining redefining realigning your hero, make sure you go to recalibrate to download the recalibration guide. And if you need a mentor on your strategic planning journey, be sure to go to and schedule a call. This episode is one of my newest, freshest, brightest, most wonderful speaking topics that you can hire me to do live on stage and in person. You can go to speaking and hire me to do so to be your strategic planning facilitator, to lead your leadership retreat, and even to lead bioenergetic sessions that will help your team get exactly what they need to be successful this year, next year, over the next five years, and beyond. All right, until next time, this is the Flourishing Entrepreneur podcast. My name is Aleya Harris, and I'm wishing you lots of love, light and abundance. Bye for now.

    Yuliya Patsay [00:38:47]:

    Thank you for listening to this episode of the Flourishing Entrepreneur podcast with Aleya Harris. Vibing with what you hear. Leave a five star review to spread the love and be sure to click subscribe. We wish you love, light and abundance. See you next time.


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