Answer the Money Question

“Why Would I Choose You Over Your Competition?”

Most business leaders don’t know how to position their company as a one-of-a-kind problem solver, so they repeat their competitors' slightly modified marketing language. Unfortunately, these well-intentioned copycat techniques mean the clients they crave can’t tell them apart from the businesses below or above them on the Google search engine results page. That next big deal will keep scrolling.

In this episode, Aleya Harris will teach you how to define the problem you solve, showcase your approach to solving it better than anyone else, and reveal the transformation you create for your clients.

By the end of the episode, you will effortlessly answer the money question: “Why would I choose you over your competition?” instead of struggling to differentiate yourself.

Discover the financial abundance hidden in problems, unearth your power as a problem solver, and close your dream clients without stumbling over unclear messaging.

Takeaways Include:

  • Define the problem you solve for your clients so they see your company as the irresistibly perfect solution. Go beyond the surface and discover how your approach puts you in a league of your own.

  • Learn how to realign your products and services around the problem you solve, your unique essence, and the deep desires of your future clients.

  • Become a Choice Architect and learn how to nudge your clients to make mutually beneficial decisions.


This episode is part of the "Stage to Stream Series" where Aleya covers content excerpts from her popular speaking topics so you can learn and experience growth wherever you are.  Why should live audiences get to have all the fun?


To book Aleya to edutain your audience at your next event, please visit to check out her speaking topics, reels, and why.  Click "Schedule a Call" to secure the speaker with "that something new" you've been looking for.


If you are a Corporate Event Planner, Head of Marketing, Learning & Development Professional, Executive Assistant, Destination Management Company, or Destination Management Organization who is looking for a top-quality, energetic speaker, you should definitely hop on a call with Aleya.


About Aleya Harris

Aleya Harris, CPCE  is the spark for your spark (TM). She is a powerhouse StoryBrand Certified Guide, BioEnergetic Business Consultant, empire-building CEO of The Evolution Collective Inc., host of the Radical Rebirth Retreat, LLC, host of the award-winning Flourishing Entrepreneur Podcast, and international award-winning speaker. She’s committed to helping entrepreneurs, executives, leadership teams, and thought leaders differentiate themselves through radically authentic strategy, coaching, and training.


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There is a lot of information in this episode that will help you get into greater energetic alignment to boost your glow and cash flow... but it doesn't even scratch the surface.


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  • Aleya Harris [00:00:00]:

    Incomparable. Incomparable? What goes across your mind when I tell you that you, my friend, can be and probably already are incomparable? What does it mean to be incomparable? It means that you have the freedom to set higher prices, to demand a higher salary, to explore new service models and step outside of the box. You end up beating creative burnout before it starts because you bake options to grow and change inside of the DNA of your business. Because you are doing the blue sky work. You are out in a league of your own. There is no one like you. As opposed to being a follower, you are heading up the charge. But how do we do that? Well, you become incomparable by solving problems. And spoiler alert, you make more money that way. The problem is, we don't know what problem we need to solve or how to become incomparable in this episode. However, we will figure that out together. This episode answer the money question. Why would I choose you over? Your competition will allow us to define the problem that you solve so you can position yourself as the irresistibly perfect solution. We will also realign your products and services to put the problem in the center so you can lean into your unique essence and the deep desires of your future clients. And we will give you clearer messaging so you can convey your radical authenticity to your audience so that you in fact can position yourself as being incomparable. If that sounds like a good way to spend the next 30 40 minutes or so, then I encourage you to listen on. All right, let's go.

    Yuliya Patsay [00:02:19]:

    Welcome to the flourishing Entrepreneur podcast with Aleya Harris. If you're looking for actionable ways to stand out from the crowd by standing in your power, you've come to the right place. Each week, we help you and your fellow empire building entrepreneurs become radically authentic and tap into your unique story to attract your ideal clients. Listen in and learn how to use energy alignment techniques and tried and true marketing strategies to transform from a leader to a legend. And now, your host, powerhouse story brand certified guide, award winning marketer bioenergetic business coach, and Japanese whiskey lover, Aleya Harris.

    Aleya Harris [00:03:15]:

    I realize it can be difficult to figure out what it means to be incomparable when you just look at your current life and circumstance. So let me give you three examples. The first is the queen. The queen bee Beyonce. She is known for excellence and people are like, well, what problem could she possibly solve? Well, the problem she solves is actually empowerment. Yes, if you want to listen to some good music, you could put her on. Or yes, if you want to see some fashion inspiration, you can look to her. But her overall theme, the thing that sets her apart, is that everything that she does is about empowerment. And this has paid off. She is the artist with the most Grammy wins of all time, and her average concert ticket price is $1,000 incomparable. The next one is something that one day I will maybe have in my closet. It is a Birkin Bag. And I don't know if you listen to, like, Cardi B or anything like that, you maybe have heard of Birkin bags, but these bags are highly, highly, highly expensive. What they are selling, truly, though, is not the bag. They're selling exclusivity. And what they're solving, the problem they're solving incomparably, is of status. If you see someone walking around with a Birkin Bag, you know that they are of a certain status because Birkin bags are the most expensive bags in the world, ranging from $40,000 to $500,000. It's a purse, y'all? It is a purse. You put your tampons, your lipstick and your wallet in it and it's $500,000. Right. So you don't buy a $500,000 purse because, like, oh my gosh, it works better than any other purse. You could carry around a Ziploc bag and do the exact same thing. Right. It's because it solves a problem of status. And in fact, it solves it so well that investing in a Birkin, buying a Birkin is actually a stronger investment than investing in gold bars. The value of the Birkin Bag has increased 500% in the last 35 years. That's 14% per year, which is way more than the value of gold has increased. How do they do that? By continuing to solve the problem of status. If you wanted to instantly within certain circles, I'm sure increase your status. You show up with the Birkin Bag and people are like, oh, she or he is one of us, because that's what we do. Right. Or probably better than us. Right? Because ain't a whole lot of these things roaming around the world. The third example I want to give you is maybe a little bit more accessible. Whole Foods. What problem are they solving? They're solving the problem of lifestyle. Because I can go and buy organic cereal or organic meat at Sprouts or Ralph's or another grocery store, but it's the whole lifestyle of shopping at Whole Foods. They're solving the problem of lifestyle with a high quality offering. Whole Foods, or sometimes better known as Whole Paycheck, costs actually between ten to 20% more than typical grocery stores. So it's not a figment of your imagination that you go into Whole Foods and you're going to spend more money, but their customers are willing to pay more for higher quality ingredients, beautiful decor, improved customer service, and better product knowledge. They go because they want an experience. So if you were to be incomparable like Beyonce, Birkin, or Whole Foods, can you now envision how your revenue streams might look a little bit different than they're looking now? So why haven't you done that? Come on, it's so easy. Why haven't you done it? But for real, what's stopping you? I would posit that what is truly stopping you is that you don't know who you are. What's stopping you from becoming a household name? You don't know who you are. We're going to dive into how to unearth who you are a little bit more. But again, I want to make sure you understand that this episode is part of our Stage to Stream series. The information that you're going to give is actually from one of my favorite stage presentations called Answer the Money Question. Answer the money question. We're going to dive into behavioral economics and choice architecture and all kinds of cool stuff that basically is like, how do people choose you and how can you make them choose you more effectively? If this is a topic you would love for me to present live in person in the flesh, Karakara, then I would love to do so. Make sure you go to Speaking, Speaking to schedule a call. I would love to present this topic to you and your audience. If you're a corporate planner, a marketing professional, learning and development professional, I would love to talk to you. Please head over to Speaking so that I can educate your audience and give them some tangible takeaways they can use to change their lives, their businesses, and their careers. Now, back to you. I've already told you that what's stopping you is you don't know who you are. And you might have said, you don't know what you're talking about. Leah, I know exactly who I am. You don't know me. You don't know who I is. And it's like, yeah, I don't know who you is. And neither do you, I promise. Because what happens to most of us is that we had a stronger knowledge of who we are. And then we assimilated to a college, to a social group, to a marriage, to a role, to a societal role, or to a job role. And then our authenticity became shrouded in assimilation when what we really have to do to be incomparable is to stand in our power, to stand out from the crowd. Remember, if you're an entrepreneur, you started this business from the inside out, and now you market from the outside in. You started because you had a passion, you had a skill, you had a drive, a desire to move forward, something that you knew you needed to contribute to the world. Then you took the course, and then you listened to the podcast, everyone besides mine, obviously. And then you said, oh, but I need to do this and this technique, and this is what the cool kids are doing. And then all of a sudden, your marketing starts sounding and looking like everyone else. You market from the outside in. You need to start marketing from the inside out, because the answer to the question, why would I choose you over? Your competition is inside of you, and we need to unearth it. One of my favorite quotes I mentioned it on this podcast probably several times is your biography becomes your biology. Your biography becomes your biology. And that's by Caroline Miss. If you think about the way that you live your life, it becomes embedded inside of who you are physically. So that means as no two bodies are the same, no two lives are the same. As you're living, you're shaping your current experience, the experience that you live of yourself and the experience that others have of you. But what happens is then we only take the good parts, and we want to show the good parts out. And really what we need to do is to take all of it. Holistically to figure out what is the story that we need to tell? What are we using to bust through that assimilation and come back to our radically authentic selves? I was at a podcast conference called Outlier was great. It was great, a really great conference. And someone said, which I had never heard before, I guess it's like a famous saying, but I had never heard of it before, don't waste a crisis. Do not waste a crisis. And I had been wasting crises. I hadn't been telling stories. Crises allow us to connect. Once I started talking about the crises and talking about how I overcame them and talking about how I use bioenergetic and talking about how they're part of my strategy and how they've informed my business ownership, then all of a sudden, I started making connections. It's not just about the good things that's happened to you and the flashy things and the Forbes features and the DA DA DA DA DA. It's also about things like postpartum depression. It's also about things like body issues. It's also about things like financial issues. How did you overcome them? Because then you're showing empathy. Then you're demonstrating also authority because you personally overcame them. And you can help other people do the same, or you can relate to people that you work with and help. So when you're thinking of your biography, I want you to first start writing down what are all the crises that you've gone through. It could be something as small as I stubbed my toe to, as large as I'm a cancer survivor. What are all the crises? And those are some of the things that you include, because part of your biography includes struggles to triumph. Also includes what are the things that you do that you can't help? Compulsory behaviors. Me? I don't care if you're in the grocery store, at the nail shop. I'm going to help you be a better person. I try to turn it off. I cannot turn it off. I am here to love you into being the highest version of yourself. It's kind of my jam. It's kind of like what I do. That's a compulsory behavior, right? What is your compulsory behaviors? Recurring lessons that you keep learning over and over and over and over again. Passions aversions, demographics. Where did you grow up? Are you from a rural part of the mountains? Are you from the city? Are you a black woman? Are you part of the LGBTQIA plus community? What is it here? What can you use to relate to other people? It also boils down to your motivations, what moves you forward and your priorities. How do you assess your life and tackle it in a way that makes sense in order. I will say something though. Once you write down all the biography bullet points, all the crises, all the highs, all the lows compulsory behaviors, all of it, I want you to realize that you don't have to keep every story. You can choose what you want to excavate or replenish. You can get rid of what you've picked up along the way that is no longer serving you. Whether they're courses and podcasts, not this one or daddy issues, you can decide, I don't want to handle that anymore. And I'm just going to put that into the light and have spirit handle it, because I am now free from it. It's not pushing it down. It's truly excavating. It getting rid of it. I want you to ask yourself, who are you at your most radically authentic and what is the story you want to tell moving forward? Okay, now that you've done that, we lean into the other side of the story when we're in communication, right? When we're thinking about why would someone choose me over the competition? Well, you need to know who the you is, and they need to know what they want and why they are intersecting with you. That overlap of their story on your story is where the magic happens. So ask yourself, what do my ideal clients, my ideal audience, what do they want? Some common themes are save time, save money, make money, increase status, reduce stress, or increase knowledge. Usually whatever they want boils down to one of those. So jot down a few ideas. Think about what do they want? And then you think about, okay, so what problem is getting in the way of what they want? How do they understand this problem with their head? How does that problem make them feel? Why is it just plain wrong that they have to deal with this problem? This problem is incredibly important because like I said, it's the problem that you solve that makes you incomparable. If you're a hairstylist, the problem that you solve is not, I make people's hair look good. Their hair is busted. They look busted. They come in here looking like Don King and they leave out looking like a beauty queen. Whatever it is. Okay, cool. Most people can do that. If know got some skills, what else do you do? Is it about empowerment? Is it about confidence? What is it about that you truly solve in a way that nobody else can? Right? Think about how you can use a unique problem or a problem that they are experiencing and solve it in a unique way to help you be incomparable. The main thing you want to ask yourself is what is the problem getting in the way of what your ideal client wants that your radically authentic story helps them solve better than anyone else? I'm going to say that again because it's really important and if you were just sort of listening I need you to bring it back. Bring it back, bring it back. Okay, you with me? Okay, here we go. One more time. What is the problem getting in the way of what your ideal client wants, that your radically authentic story helps them, helps you solve better than anyone else? You could think about that for a while. You need to intersect who you are, the story you want to tell with the problem that you want to solve for these people. Once you do that, you will have truly the beginnings of your incomparable story. If you're trying to figure out how to know if you're going in the right direction, I want you to use your body as a guide. How do the ideas you're unearthing around your radically authentic story and the unique problem you solve feel in your body when you say them out loud? Do you get kind of like a feeling? Or do you get like, oh my God, that is so good feeling. Use those feelings to guide you? Because right about now you're starting to be like, oh, maybe I'll go ask somebody and see what they think. No, don't ask nobody. See what they think. This is literally about the thing that only you can come up with. And once you feel solid in it, then yeah, do some research, see if it matches with your current audience, all of those things. But in this initial phase, you want to really tune in and check in with yourself. So you have the problem. So that is the beginning. But we're talking about choice, meaning they have other options. So we need to know how exactly these people make choices, right? So that when they connect with you, your goal is to be the best option, realizing that they do in fact have options. Even if you are incomparable, they could be doing something else with their time, right? So what we're going to do is we're going to use clarity to motivate your clients from one choice point, from one place where they are to the next, towards their own success and away from their own failure towards what they want and away from more of what they don't want. In order to do that, we just have to clear the air on one thing. People are not rational. They are errational. People do not make rational, optimal decisions. Even if they have all the information, even if they have all the tools, they do not always make the decision that is for their highest good. We're making decisions based on emotion bias and just whim and randomness even when we feel like we are making a logical decision. Don't believe me? Okay, let me run some scenarios by you right quick. Are you trying to lose weight? Trying to fit up, tone up? Okay. Have you eaten sweets recently? If the answer is yes, then why did you make that irrational decision? I thought you were so goal oriented, right. Or do you have to get up early tomorrow, the next day, during the week? Well, then why did you stay up? Or do you stay up watching movies or Kpop dramas until two, three in the morning? Right? That's not a rational decision. Or why is it that you do not just put your phone down when that certain someone texts you and you know they toxic, you know, girl, you know they are not good for you. I don't care if it's a love, a lover, I don't care if it's that friend. I don't care. You know you're not supposed to be talking to them and yet you do, right? We make irrational decisions. I would posit more frequently than rational ones. So with that in mind, why do you try to market to rational people thinking that they make linear thought choices, right? We're like, oh, well, if I present this solution to them, they're just going to be like, that's great, and I'm going to take it and that's all I need. That's how we think people operate, but that's actually not how they operate. Choices are made based on six choice point principles. This is how your ideal customer makes decisions. There's six of them. I'm going to read out the names of all six and choose a couple of my favorite ones to talk about. If you want to hear all of them, however, you could book me as a speaker for you and your audience, go to speaking and we can talk about all six of them. When I present to your live audience, go ahead and book a Speaking the six choice point principles who say that ten times best choice point principles are one, the overconfidence effect two, temporal discounting three, loss aversion four, anchoring. Five, societal norms and six, the peak end rule. I am first going to talk about temporal discounting. Temporal discounting is basically, I want my problem solved right now. We respond to immediate rewards rather than those that require a wait. If you're offered $10 right now or $15 next month, you're going to choose the $10 right now. So I want you to ask yourself, how can you provide quick wins in your lead generation content creation and package structure to make the reward immediate right now? What can I get them right now? It might not even be the whole thing, but what little bit of goodness can I get them right now? The next one that we're going to talk about is loss aversion. People don't actually care what you're going to give them as long as you don't take anything away. We actually hate losing more than we love winning. We would rather it's so sad. It's so sad. We would rather keep a big hot mess than risk losing that big hot mess to get something better. Crazy, right people? So I want you to ask yourself in your marketing language, how can you play up the stakes, the pain from the loss to motivate action? So how can you say, okay, if you keep what you have, this is what is all the bad, bad things that will happen. Don't be too heavy handed, but these are the bad things that will happen, right? So don't solely focus on the positive outcome of working with you. Focus on what would happen if they don't work with you as well. Those are the two that I'm going to talk about. There's so many other juicy ones. If you want to learn more again, I would love to present this to you live. Go to speaking and we could talk about it. If you don't have access to a live audience and you're not a corporate event planner, marketing executive, or learning and development professional, and you just really want to know, that's fine. I'm not stingy. You can send me an email. Go send me an email at Aleya. At aleya. H-A-R-R-I And I will tell you all six. Gladly. Okay, so now that you know a couple of the ways that they make choices, these irrational, lovable humans, now you get to play. You get to become a responsible choice architect. You know how they choose. Now it's time to influence a choice. A choice architect is an empire building entrepreneur like you, or someone that's an executive that might also be you. I've started to get more corporate executives listening to the podcast. So you're going to start hearing a little bit more of that language happening. So if that's you, I see you too. Boo. That's you. And you use positive reinforcement and implicit suggestion to create an environment that influences decision making behavior. You are going to nudge them towards their highest good. Make sure though, that you're nudging them towards the good and you're not just being manipulative. There are three ways to be a choice architect. One, you need to pad the path of least resistance. Two, you need to present apples to applesauce transformations. And three, you need to realize that you are one in a million. And in fact, that is a really bad thing. You don't want to be one in a million. You want to be one of one. Let's talk about those three. First, let's talk about padding the path of least resistance. People are lazy like soups lazy. Like if they could accomplish something by sleeping, they would, right? So you need to figure out how you can make inaction active because the easiest choice is to do absolutely nothing. And you want your processes and systems to get as close to doing nothing as possible. Some examples of this are things like auto renewing services unless they cancel sending emails unless they opt out. Setting approvals to process automatically after a set time period. Setting up pre checked default options on proposals or website purchase forms. Some of these things you might always be doing. But now I want you to look for other ways to pad the path of least resistance. To make it like they do nothing to get the result and then they do nothing to become and stay a client because you're taking great care of them. So ask yourself, how can you pad the path of least resistance in your favor? The second is presenting Apples to Applesauce transformation. Apples to Applesauce is it takes two apples to make one cup of applesauce. It's pretty easy, right? But then I start asking ridiculous things like, how many megapixels do you need to get a great photo from your iPhone? I don't know. I don't even know how I have an iPhone. I don't even know what number I'm on. Truthfully, I don't think it's the latest. I think it's a 13. It's the one with the three cameras and a triangle. We're going to call that a 13. It's green. I don't know. If you know, let me know. I'm sure there's a way to figure it out. It's not as exciting as it was when it was like iPhone six or iPhone four. And I was like, OOH, that was exciting at like 1314 or whatever number this is. It doesn't get my dollies anymore. I mean, it's a great phone, but not as exciting. So I have no idea how many megapixels it has it's capable of, or how many it takes to get a good picture. But yet they still sell like, all the megapixels. All the megabytes and the mega things. I don't know what that means. Is it worth paying more for more megapixels? How much more? I don't really know. A better approach could be tell customers the camera can produce quality photos at four x six inches or nine by twelve or a poster size. Something that or give me something that I can understand that would make sense to me in my life, right? That's apples to applesauce. So, for example, a non phone example, an unclear version of saying this is purchase this course and you'll have a better organization system. Not bad, right? Like, I understand there's a direct line between me having a better organization system and the course, but Apples to Apples is for every $1 you spend on this course, you will save 1 hour of administration time. Now I'm listening because then I can be like, oh, this course is $50. I'm going to say 50 hours, right? That's Apples to Apples, one to one, one dollars to 1 hour that clarifies the path and helps you present apples to apples transformation. So I want you to ask yourself, how can you outline your service to show how their input will get them their desired output? Input output. Input output. That's what you're thinking of? Input output. I just wanted to say can I just say it one more time? Input output. Okay, that's it. And the third thing, you are one in a million. That's unfortunate. Help your ideal client prioritize their choices. Because you are one in a million, you need to at least be at the top. Even if you feel like you're uncomfortable. Now they have other choices. So you need to figure out how you can weigh the areas of your expertise more greatly and eliminate the other options. This is a pretty cool method. I'm going to give you an example for something that a course that I don't actually have. But when I was creating this presentation, I was like, oh, maybe I should have this course. I sold my own self on the course just by using this technique. So, to make yourself the obvious choice, you first list the aspects your ideal client will use to base their decision. Some examples of this might be proximity, price, feature set, or experience. What are the things that they consider if they're going to buy from you? Second, you're going to rank those aspects in order from what you do the best to areas of greatest important opportunity. Notice I didn't say from necessarily like the thing that everybody else is doing or what everybody else leads with. Rank with what you do the best, what you want to lead with to your area of greatest opportunity where you can deliver the most to where I mean you make by you make it by right? Then third, you're going to establish cutoff levels. Example, if you're talking about distance, it's not going to be over 100 miles from a central point. It's going to be between a certain price range. It must have these certain features. And then four, you're going to use marketing language that encourages your ideal client to eliminate anything that doesn't meet their criteria and present your business as the clear finalist. You're going to remind your ideal clients of what they deserve based on the decision criteria. You're saying this is why you're basing your decision, right? So you deserve the best in each of these areas. Okay, I know it's hard to understand from just that. So I have an example for you. Yay, I know, I'm excited about it too. Okay, so let's say you're a coach with an online course that helps female entrepreneurs become professional speakers. Again, I do not have this course, but shoot, I might in the future. So if you see me rolling this course out, just know I convinced myself to do it from this presentation. Okay, step one decision aspects. If I am a female entrepreneur who wants to. Become a professional speaker and I'm trying to buy a course, the decision criteria I might use might be duration, how long is the course? How much does it cost? Price work required. Because, remember, by little lazy, they want results now without doing as much work. Comprehensive level. Is it easy to understand or is it going to come over my head? Because, remember, public speaking is the greatest fear over death in front of death, right? So a lot of people, even if they are good speakers, there's still a lot of fear, like, oh, is this going to be something that's really hard? So it's like, okay, I'm not even going to be able to understand this course and take it and be successful. And then the last element is ROI. So we have five decision aspects. We are using duration, price, work required, comprehension level, and ROI. Now we're going to rank them. So in this case, we're going to have ROI as the top. Because you can say with this course or with your expertise, you've done it well in the past and you have proof you can do it for your ideal client. Second is comprehension level. You have a knack for making difficult concepts easy. Third is duration four weeks with wins throughout. It's a little bit shorter than the average course, which is six weeks. Four, the work required. The program only works if you work it. So that's why the work required is a little bit lower, because it actually does take work, four weeks of work. So you're like, okay, let me not lead with it's going to take a lot of work. Let me not lead with that. Let me lead with I'm going to lead with the ROI and put the work required towards the end. And then price is also at the very, very end because of the established ROI, because you know you can get results. The program is not cheap. You get what you pay for. Okay, so that's the ranking. ROI, one, comprehension level, two, duration, three, work required, four, price number, five. So then you establish as step three the cutoff levels ROI. We are going to say you guarantee you make your money back within the first 90 days of booking, or we will work one on one for 30 days to improve your results. Comprehension level. The concepts are so easy to understand, a 6th grader could get them duration. In the four weeks of the program, you will get closer to your goal of becoming a professional speaker. It could take you months or years to get the same results on your own. So you're saying, we're cutting this off at four weeks. You don't want months and years to do this, so we will help you get it done in a shorter, shorter time. Work required. 16 hours of dedicated time over four weeks. That's how much it will take you to become a professional speaker. That's less than you spend scrolling through Instagram. Ask your admin to block off 4 hours per week on your calendar. You're like all of a sudden, you're like, Wait. Oh, now you're quantifying this for me? I think I can do that. I actually can call up Sheila right now, my admin, and tell her to do this right now. Right. You're quantifying you're setting up like, this is not going to take forever. It's a short amount of time. It's four weeks. You can give me 16 hours to make you more money. And then price, yes, it does cost $2,997. But for that money, we will teach you to book speaking gigs that will generate over $5,000 per engagement. Your entire investment could be covered by one presentation. And by the way, payment plan is available. So you're putting numbers to the experience so that people can conceptualize exactly what we're talking about. Right. So there's even also some apples to apples comparison here. So we talk about price. You're putting in $2,997 input. What are you getting out? Well, you're getting out recurring revenue where each one of these suckers is $5,000. It's very clear to see how that price is worth it. And it goes back to the first one of ROI. Input, output. Input, output. Okay, I had to do it again. I don't know why that is tickling my fancy today. Okay, the fourth step is eliminate the riff raff, right? You have the ROI. This is when you show what it's like to not work with you. Don't waste your finite time and hard earned dollars on courses that may not get you on your dream stages. You deserve to turn your investment into results. Pretty nifty. Right? I'm like you're right. I do deserve that. Remember, we're supposed to be saying, Why? Since this is how you're making a decision, what do you deserve to get based on your decision criteria? Comprehension level? Being new at something when you are a boss in all other areas can feel scary. We make sure to break down the concepts in an easy to understand way so you don't feel overwhelmed. Duration. While a standard six week course may seem like it would be better prepare like it would better prepare you to present to a crowd of adoring fans, it's most likely actually just stuff with fluff. You don't eat, cut through the noise, and get the essentials to help you be a better coveted and cash flowing speaker work, required worksheets and downloadable PDFs. They're great, but they won't help you when you're on stage. You're not going to be able to use those. Whip those out to know if you're doing it right instead of spending your time filling out documents. Your course homework is primarily self recorded speaking videos that are reviewed by our experts who will give you tailored feedback. Nothing beats learning by doing. All of a sudden, you're like, Wait a minute. What? That does eliminate the riff raff that is different, right? And price. Yes, you can find less expensive speaking courses out there, but how effective are they? You get what you pay for. Just like how your products or services aren't the least expensive option because of your expertise and knowledge. Our course is designed for those who value quality. So there you go. We've gone through all four steps for this course. We've listed the aspects, we've ranked them, we've established cutoff levels, and we have removed the riffraff. This is also, BTW's, a great way to outline a new product or service. I'm telling you, this product that I just listed for you, this course does not exist. But because I put it in this framework, it forced me to think of ways that I could be different. Like that thing about the PDF, not having the PDFs right, I was like, I am. That is that makes it like every other course. What's the point of difference? How will this stand out? How can this course be incomparable? How can it be incomparable? Oh, we can do those live recorded videos, right? That is a much better way. Using this framework can help you build new services or take your current services that are all mushy and hard to understand, or they sound like everybody else's and make them truly stand out. So that's now that you know how they make decisions, how you will influence them. So when they ask you the question, why would I choose you over your competition? You say, because I have the radically authentic, effective, best fit solution to your problem and I make the decision making process easy. That's why you should choose me over my competition. If you've enjoyed this episode, which I certainly hope that you have, I invite you to book me as a speaker for your live event. Again, go to speaking and schedule a call. I have enjoyed talking, I say with you, not at you, because I hope that you will email me. You'll book me, we get to get this two way conversation going. Also, I invite you to like and subscribe to this podcast. I don't say that very often because, truthfully, I find it really annoying. But it does work to ask. So I'm going to ask. Please do rate this podcast. Five stars are always best and help me grow so other people can hear this message. Until next time, my name is Aleya Harris. This is the Flourishing Entrepreneur podcast and I am sending you lots and lots and lots and lots of love, light and abundance. Bye for now.

    Yuliya Patsay [00:41:32]:

    Thank you for listening to this episode of the Flourishing Entrepreneur podcast with Aleya Harris. Vibing with what you hear. Leave a five star review to spread the love and be sure to click subscribe. We wish you love, light and abundance. See you next time.


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