Vanquish the Villains on your Entrepreneur Hero’s Journey

What's stopping you from reaching your business's happily ever after?

As an entrepreneur, you are the hero in your business’ narrative, even though it may not always feel like it. When your energy is low and you’re approaching burnout, it’s hard to feel like the triumphant CEO that has it all together.

But, here’s a secret: Even the greatest heroes of all time need help!

In this episode, Aleya steps into the role of your guide to walk through the stages of the hero’s journey and the common pitfalls that present at each stage. She’ll reveal her tried-and-true strategies for overcoming the “villains” in one’s journey and keep positive energy flowing, so that you can rise out of burnout and discover freedom and abundance.

Takeaways include:

  • The three stages of the hero’s journey and how they apply to business principles

  • Key techniques for getting unstuck in your business

  • How to map out a successful hero’s journey for your business and personal life


This episode is part of the "Stage to Stream Series" where Aleya covers content excerpts from her popular speaking topics so you can learn and experience growth wherever you are.  Why should live audiences get to have all the fun?


To book Aleya to edutain your audience at your next event, please visit to check out her speaking topics, reels, and why.  Click "Schedule a Call" to secure the speaker with "that something new" you've been looking for.


If you are a Corporate Event Planner, Head of Marketing, Learning & Development Professional, Executive Assistant, Destination Management Company, or Destination Management Organization who is looking for a top-quality, energetic speaker, you should definitely hop on a call with Aleya.


About Aleya Harris

Aleya Harris, CPCE  is the spark for your spark (TM). She is a powerhouse StoryBrand Certified Guide, BioEnergetic Business Consultant, empire-building CEO of The Evolution Collective Inc., host of the Radical Rebirth Retreat, LLC, host of the award-winning Flourishing Entrepreneur Podcast, and international award-winning speaker. She’s committed to helping entrepreneurs, executives, leadership teams, and thought leaders differentiate themselves through radically authentic strategy, coaching, and training.


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There is a lot of information in this episode that will help you get into greater energetic alignment to boost your glow and cash flow... but it doesn't even scratch the surface.


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  • Aleya Harris [00:00:00]:

    You who is writing the story of your life? And have you ever stopped and asked them what page you're on? Well, I hate to break it to you, but you are writing the story. But most likely you don't even know what chapter number you're on and you have no idea really what's coming next and what you'd like to create. Your hero journey is a little bit off. And because of that, you deal with trials and tribulations that seem maybe slightly just a little bit without purpose. But I'm here to tell you that they all do, in fact, have a purpose. But you need to know where you are in your journey to understand what the purpose is and figure out the best way to move forward with less stress. In this episode today, we are going to vanquish those villains on your hero's journey that are holding you back from understanding the lessons and from moving forward so that you can in fact, reach your own version of happily ever after. All right, are you ready? Let's go.

    Yuliya Patsay [00:01:21]:

    Welcome to the flourishing Entrepreneur podcast with Aleya Harris. If you're looking for actionable ways to stand out from the crowd by standing in your power, you've come to the right place. Each week, we help you and your fellow empire building entrepreneurs become radically authentic and tap into your unique story to attract your ideal clients. Listen in and learn how to use energy alignment techniques and tried and true marketing strategies to transform from a leader to a legend. And now, your host, powerhouse story Brand certified guide, award winning marketer bioenergetic business coach, and Japanese whiskey lover, Aleya Harris.

    Aleya Harris [00:02:16]:

    Many people think of the hero's journey as something that you see in movies. It's famously what Star Wars is truly based on, and you think of plots and screenwriters and actors, but everyone is on their own hero's journey. The hero's journey is actually kind of a magical thing. It was codified by Joseph Campbell in the book A Hero with a Thousand Faces. I have read this book. It is a dense book. I mean, it's not like I'm just going to sit and kick back with my glass of wine and read it. You'll fall asleep, but have at it if you are so inclined. For me, one of the key takeaways that Joseph Campbell was able to give me was that throughout history, across the world, even without communicating with other civilizations and other cultures, everyone, all human beings think in story. We live in story. There is a cadence to that story that he was able to unearth, and for him, that story had discernible points. Today, we're going to go through twelve discernible points about your story. Now, if you're familiar with building a Story Brand by Donald Miller, I'm a Story brand certified guide. You will know that Donald Miller also talks about story and distills it into seven parts. He takes Joseph Campbell's original work and applies it to the world of marketing and business. It's absolutely brilliant. But it still goes through the same journey whether you know it or not. The life that you are leading is going through a very similar journey to basically everyone else's life. I know your mama told you special unicorn, oh, I'm so wonderful and you are. However, there's a lot of commonalities that we all have when it comes to doing this thing here called life as spirits, having a human experience. The hero's journey is one of those things, and you can actually be living in multiple heroes journey cycles at one time. You can be having a shorter cycle that's around a particular problem that's in front of your face and a larger cycle that's around things like your whole life. So in this episode, we are going to get into where you might be on your hero's journey and what could be holding you back from moving forward. I'll take you through all the different points. We're going to talk about them. It's going to be great. I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that in a bioenergetic business coaching session with me, I actually can use your energy field to tell you exactly where you are and exactly where you're off. If you're interested in learning more, go ahead and head over to and schedule a call with me. That's This episode is part of our ongoing Stage to Stream series where I'm bringing you speaking topics that I normally deliver in front of live audiences. I was going to say live studio audiences, but live in person audiences. And I'm bringing them to you because I believe that everyone should be able to access the content that we have here today. So take a second, sit back, relax as we go through all twelve of these steps. If you're interested in booking me to deliver this exact topic, but with some more in person palavang to your audience, be sure to book Speaking. speaking. This is especially great if you're a corporate event planner and you're like, gosh, I really need an bioenergetic speaker to give tangible takeaways. Help people deal with feeling burned out, battered, and lost. Help people understand how to write their radically authentic story, build teams, and feel just generally better about themselves and their business. That's me. That's what I do. Make sure to book a call with me. Okay, now let's get into the hero's journey. We're going to tell the hero's journey from the perspective of a lovely lady named Bella who is a hairstylist. Bella focuses on using natural ingredients and traditional techniques to bring out the innate beauty in each of her clients. She's been in business for over ten years and she owns her salon. She is an entrepreneur. Like many of my dear listeners, she has a steady stream of clients, but she's hit a financial plateau. Anybody been there? Anybody I know? I have life is good, but not great. And she has a secret yearning, a secret passion to make more money and help more people. This is what Bella's ordinary world looks like. This is actually step one of the hero's journey. Just ordinary, everyday me. It's the beginning of the story. It's our comfort zone. All seems well, but there could be a nagging feeling that something could be better. The villains in this place of our journey that keep us stuck. Are you staying so busy that you can't see new opportunities? You're dealing with illusion, not reality. You're like, everything is great because I'm living in my own imaginary world. And if you were more aware of what was happening, you'd be like, oh, actually, everything's not so great. I don't like this. Right? Or you could be letting ego and ignorance run the show. Now, I know that that sounds really harsh. What do you mean, aleya? My ego is my amigo. Okay, but if your ego is running the show, then that means that you feel like you can control everything, including everything that's going on in your world. So you're not open for anything else. Or you're staying intentionally ignorant, like an ostrich burying its head in the sand. Even though I don't know if ostriches actually bury their heads in the sand or if they just put their head on the ground. But that's neither here nor there. Ignorance is running the show, and you're just kind of staying stuck. You have blinders on. You have blinders on to get yourself moving. If you are just stuck in your ordinary life and you have this secret kind of behind the scenes nagging that could be different, is really just to become more aware of yourself and your goals and your environment. You also really need to take control of your ego. Inside of our Recalibration Guide, there is a whole paragraph of text that you can repeat to yourself daily to help you take control of your ego and release that control. To get that text, go to Recalibrate. recalibrate, to download the recalibration guide, which has that ego busting text in it for you to repeat and get yourself back into alignment. If you are going to journal about yourself, if you are already just stuck at step one, ask yourself, where am I on or off track? What is holding me back? Luckily, Bella in our story was not stuck, so she was able to move on to our next stage, which is a call to adventure. Bella's gotten pretty good results revitalizing the hair of her clients over the years, but she really started to help them turn heads when she began to use her own Ayurvedic concoctions in the salon. Her star products were her Savasta Scalp massage oil blend. And there are three of those. They're based on the three major constitutions in ayurveda now I know I'm just going to call you out. One of my dear, dear friends she owns Elique Organics. If you need a cream that will literally make your face sing or you need, like, a hydrosol, make sure you go to Alikorganics E-L-I-Q-U-E organics. Her name is Alicia. Alicia. If I get any of this Ayurveda stuff wrong, you tell me later, okay? Girl, I wrote this story without asking you, so you need to tell me later if I got any of this wrong or anybody else that's listening, that is like that is not how Ayurveda works. Look, I am a bioenergetic business consultant and a speaker, and I can work your energy left and right, but I am not an Ayurveda professional. Use this story as inspiration for your hero's journey not to get all up in my Ayurveda business, okay? Unless you're Alicia. Okay. Thank you. Moving on. So, Bella's whole product line started out with just a few of her trusted clients. But soon, everyone wanted some of Bella's magic hair potion. Bella was happy. She was helping people, which is always a good thing, right? But she hadn't given much thought to scaling her product line because she was so busy with salon operations and serving clients. She had too many things on her plate. Until this is that moment. This is the call to action. Until she got a call from the representative of Vata Dosha, one of the premier distributors of holistic beauty products. The head of Product Discovery, Aiden, had heard about Bella's products from his sister. Unbeknownst to Bella, Aidan had gotten his hands on a few bottles, and his entire product team was in love. Not only did they want to set up a meeting with Bella, but they were ready to place a preliminary order to distribute $500,000 worth of her Sfosa scalp massage oil blend. The catch? They needed the products to be in their warehouse in three weeks. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. So if you're in Bella, you're like, oh, my God, this is great. Oh, my God, I'm freaking out. Oh, my God. That's usually what a call to action feels like. Something shakes you up. It's either an internal thing or an external thing. And it forces us to face the beginnings of change and make a choice. Is she going to go and do this thing? Or is she going to be like, no, I'm cool. The villain and the villains, actually, in this stage of the journey, is not being open and curious, not listening and paying attention and having undeveloped skills. You're not ready to take action when you're being called action because you don't have the ability to. You are not really understanding how to be a business owner. You are not really an expert in your field. And you found some course on the Internet, and that said that you should be able to do the thing, and then you try to do the thing off of the course on the Internet, and you realize that it takes more than the course. Not that I'm singling anybody out or anything, but if that's you, it takes more to be a creative and a service provider than taking one course on the internet. I'm getting off my soapbox now. We're moving on. If this is you and you feel stuck, you need to proactively. Get out of your own bubble network with those around you who know more than you. Adopt a mindset. That opportunity surrounds you and you might need to up level your skills. If you were going to journal about this, you would ask yourself, what internal or external call is pulling me to make a change? Because sometimes it is literally as obvious as Bella's call, which is like a phone call, and sometimes it's not. So you really have to lean into what it is for you. But then, just like most time with most people, then Bella's like, no, not going to do that. The third stage, the refusal of the call, has Bella's hand shaking as she hangs up the phone and she starts dancing around her apartment. She knew she wanted to make more money, but she did not see this coming. After the costs are deducted from making this, and you remember they're paying her $500,000. She's going to make $200,000 in profit. That money meant she could finally purchase her first home and get rid of the last dregs of student loan debt. I don't know about you, but I'm just trying not to pass it down to my child. That's all I'm trying to do. Ruby Coral should not have to deal with my student loan debt. I'm working on it, y'all. I'm working on it. Later that night, after the initial glow had faded, bella's exuberance transformed into panic and doubt, like it does for most of us. This is where we're starting to refuse the call. She was saying things to herself like, how the heck am I going to make that much product? Where am I going to source enough ingredients? How will I up level my label game so that my brand looks professional? How am I going to position my brand to stand out in a crowded market? It all of the things. And so, with her head swirling with worry, she cries herself to sleep, right? She turns something that was amazing and she uses anxiety and stress to turn it into something horrible. And she truly at this point and believes that there's no way for her to make it happen, and she's going to have to turn down the offer of a lifetime. So the next day, with a heavy heart, bella goes into the salon, still thinking about how she's just not ready. Even though she is right, this is how imposter syndrome holds you back. So now, in the refusal of the call, there's this deep resistance to change and there's intentional ignorance, there's an opportunity for rebirth, but you're not going to take it and unfortunately, the more that you stay in this place, the louder the call gets. It doesn't just go away. The villains here are fear, doubt, should I should do this, I shouldn't do that, right? And then excuses. Excuses are tools for the incompetent. They build monuments of nothingness. Those that excel at excuses seldom excel at anything else. Excuses suspend progress. Once you go ahead and use that little 15 second, ten second back arrow and listen to that again, because if you are full of excuses, you are full of imagination. That is hindering your progress. It is harming you. If you're refusing to call, then you need to move forward. Get some clarity. Free form, right? To get clear of old thought patterns, make a pros and cons list. If you need some help understanding how to do freeform writing, go to recalibrate and download the Recalibration guide. Instructions for freeform writing are in there. If you are going to journal about how you stop refusing this call, ask yourself the question, what decision would I make if I fully believed in myself and my capabilities? Luckily, in Bella's case, she had someone who did fully believe in herself and her capabilities. Her first client the next day was named Monica. And she sat down in the chair, and Bella started telling Monica all about this opportunity. Now, Monica is a successful makeup artist who owned her own line of products called Face Forward. Sorry, I don't know why that's such I'm all choked up over Face Forward. She owned her own line of products called Face Forward, and she squashed Bella's fears between wash and finishing spray and all of the things in between. Right? She broke down exactly what Bella needed to take to get that Savasta Scalp Massage Oil Blend to the distributor on time. Bella asked Monica all the things, all the questions, all the things, and she wrote down what Monica said. And then at the end, she felt relieved and empowered. Monica was even kind enough to tell Bella to call her if she needed anything on her journey. This stage is called the Meeting with the Mentor stage. This stage, stage Four, has a special place in my heart. Why is that? Because this, if you are an entrepreneur or marketer, is exactly where you need to meet your clients. We're going to take a little pause for a second. We've been talking so far about your hero's journey, but everyone, like I said, is on a hero's journey. So your client is also on a hero's journey. They also refuse the call. They also feel stuck. And so if you position yourself as a mentor, you can guide them to help them reach their goals. You say, I've done it before, and I'm here to help. Here's exactly what you need to do. This magic meaning of the mentor moment is where money gets made. Okay? Now back to you. This magic of the meaning mentor moment like I said, is where you meet your guide and you also tap into your inner wisdom if an external guide is not available to you. The villains, however, in this section, are not sharing challenges with others. If the closed mouths don't get fed, if you do not ask for something, you will not receive it. It's also feeling like you're already perfect, or it needs to be perfect before you say something, or you're just straight up insecure or embarrassed to get moving. Ask questions. Get clarity by crafting your ideal scene. Visualize what it looks like and also find a guide that you can trust. If you need some help on crafting that ideal scene again, go to recalibrate to download the recalibration guide. Instructions on Crafting an Ideal scene are located there. So if you are going to do yourself a favor and journal about this, ask yourself truly, what support do I need to reach my goals? Not how can I power through? How can I make this happen? But how could I move through this with more ease? And what does that look like with support? And that's exactly what Monica did for Bella, so that later the next day, she could move on to step five, which is crossing the threshold. Later that day, Bella told her stylist that she would be out for the next three weeks. She asked her assistant to rearrange her appointments, and she knew that this leap into her destiny was going to take all of her focus. And her meeting with the distributor, Vata Dosha, was tomorrow. So walking out of the salon that evening, bella knew her whole world was about to change. This is what it feels like to cross over the threshold. Have you ever had that moment where you're like, oh, man, this is the moment where I'm about to make this decision. This is the moment, this was the conversation, this was the email, this was the conference where my whole world changed? That's that crossing over the threshold feeling. And that's what she had. But the villains on crossing over that threshold is if you don't believe in yourself, if your energy is misaligned or you have a lack of willpower or weak why, you don't know why you are doing it to move forward. So, to keep yourself moving, you need to hone your why. Your why could be know. And this is not hating on babies. I got a baby, right? My why? Yes. I want to create a beautiful life for Ruby Coral. But if I'm really honest, I mean, between you and me, that's not a strong enough why for me. She is great. She will have a wonderful life. Her life is already wonderful. She drives around in a Mercedes, sleeps on silk sheets, has organic handmade baby food and a nanny. The chick is good, right? I'm providing a wonderful life for my baby girl. My husband and I are but my why for me. This is just me. This is just me. It needs to be more selfish than that. My why is to be oprah big. Oprah big. So I can help as many people as possible, so I can be loved and loving and lovable and creating this whole cycle of love and loving people into the highest versions of themselves. That's my why. So no matter what, through postpartum depression, through postpartum anxiety, I stick to that why when I can use my brain and come back to that why. Because that is the strongest thing for me. And that also keeps my daughter living in the lap of luxury and all of that lovely stuff. But that by itself was not a strong enough why. I needed to find a really strong why. And I'm not afraid to admit my why was more selfish than that. So in addition to surrounding yourself with your why, you also should use a vision board. I know, it's like, Cliche, I'm going to put a vision board. Dude, I have a vision board. Stuff keeps happening on it. And then I also do this thing with my husband and now with my friend Ashley, where every morning we have a special text thread where I write how my day went in past tense. So in the morning, I'll write, today I got a great surprise that's moved my business forward. Today, I planted a seed of abundance that will reap huge financial benefits in 30 days or less. Sometimes I write one little or two little sentences, and some days I write like, six or seven sentences. And then in the end, I look back on the day and I realize, oh, my gosh, I am a powerful creator. I really did manifest a lot of these things. Or I'll even scroll back. I'll be like, oh, my God, this really did come to pass. So it's almost like a little mini, tiny daily vision board to help me move forward to all of these big, audacious goals that I have. So that might work for you. It's manifesting in motion, keeping yourself in motion. If you were going to journal about removing villains in your fifth stage, crossing the threshold of your hero's journey, you might ask yourself, what am I afraid will throw me off track? Okay, so Bella had a big day. Like I said, tomorrow she has to go into the offices of Vata Dosha. So in her 6th stage of test allies and enemies, she, at 830 in the morning, found herself sitting in the largest conference room she had ever seen inside of the Vata Dosha offices. The table was solid wood with a natural finish, and the morning glow streaming in from the windows made the entire room feel like a fairy tale. Right? You've been there, right? Like, this is my moment. This is my new beginning. I'm here. That feeling. She was nervous. Yeah. But the Fennel and Clove tea that they had was the best she'd ever tasted. And she sipped it in its comforting warmth and melted into her plush rolling chair like she was totally living it up in the feeling that, yes, I'm doing something wonderful and new. Soon, Aiden and his entire product team came to greet her. And they had been looking for fresh products from talented professionals and felt like they found exactly what they needed when they found Bella and her Savasta scalp massage oil blend, vada Dosha was undergoing a huge rebrand to be more focused on authentic women owned labels and needed Bella's products to be ready for the launch party. Hence the three weeks thing, right? We always got a deadline. After all the pleasantries, Aiden laid out some goals. These are the tests that I was just talking about, right? In order to get the product out in time for the big marketing push, bella would have to do three things. One recipe. Testing and scaling with Vada dosha master apothecaries and specialists. Two, brand messaging strategy and aesthetics with the marketing team. And three, final production oversight and approval. If she and the team could pull it off, not only would Bella get her house and be free from the clutches of saline, she would also be positioned for future revenue, more money. Money that would take her yearly income into the not five, not six, but seven figures. I mean, go off, Bella, go off. But as there's always a but, if they failed, bella's products would never see the light of the day and the opportunity of a lifetime would be gone. So Bella was like hyper focus, right? Like her head was in the game. So she goes through these three tests and we're not going to go through all of them. All of them, all of them. But there's three tests that she had to go through, the ones I outlined. And that's kind of how life works, right? They're not always as clearly laid out like this, but this would be the part in the movie where they go, and now you're never going to be able to unhear this when you see a movie. So here's the plan. This is that part of the movie. So here's the plan. What we got to do is, right? This is in your life where it's like, well, here's the plan. You're going into uncharted territory and you're about to go through transformation. Because in each step of this plan, you're going to learn something. But if you don't have the endurance because you're already burned out or you're scared, you're not going to be able to move forward, this is when you need to do a couple of things. Cultivate your counsel. So you need to get marketing, finance, operations people. You need to get your energy alignment person. You need to get your coach, whatever you need to do to make sure that you can endure and persevere through the tests and trials that you're going through. This is not a time to do it alone. This is when the hero picks up his band of merry men and women. Right? I would also recommend daily affirmations. Yes, I know. I know what you're saying. You're like, Aleya, that is so cliche. I know, but they work. So do them. Do them. Do them daily. And then if they don't work for you, then you can send me an email,, and tell me that didn't work. And then I'm going to ask you, and you really did them, and I'm going to be like, they didn't work because you didn't do them. And then we're going to have a whole thing about it. I'm going to give you more information and more affirmations. You're going to try again, because I know that they work. And then sometimes, really, the bottom line is that you have to do it afraid. Even when you're afraid, you can't let that fear stop you. If you're here and you're test allies and enemies, you need to ask yourself, what are your top three personal and professional priorities so that you can tell yourself, okay, self, here's the plan, right? This is where you talk. Here's the plan. This is where we're doing. Right? The next stage is step seven. So Bella has passed through all of the plans and she is ready. There were some tricks and trials and tribulations, and if you were to see me live telling this story, you would find out what they were. But the bottom line is they did it. They did it. They did it. They did it, they did it. And giddy with excitement, bella slips herself into her brand new Valentino dress. Because, yes, she's spending the money already. Probably should work on some financial counseling for Bella, but she's spending the money already. And Bella can barely believe that she's about to go to a launch party for her product. As she arrived and smiled a little sheepishly for the camera, she found out that her new Vada Dosha product friends were there and she could hang out with them and mix and mingle and get a little bit warmed up, right? And then just when she thinks that that's all she's going to be doing at this party, someone comes and grabs her and says, hey, Bella, we're ready for you in the press room. To which she goes, I'm sorry, what? She had no idea that she was going to have to speak to journalists on launch party night. And that's kind of like what step number seven feels like. Wait, what? As you're wielding your new skills and you feel yourself rising to greatness, it's like something else pushes you just one more step further. But if you avoid challenges and you're not realizing or accepting the new wisdom that you've earned, or you don't have insight, those are the villains that are going to hold you back to keep yourself moving there's. Sometimes you. Just need to applaud yourself and be like, I'm heck of dope. So write down your wins for the past six months, realize that you are a winner and that this is what you do. And so no matter what challenge comes your way, you are going to crush it. I would also think about creating a before and after. If you go to Instagram and you go to Aleya Harris, A-L-U-A-H-A-R-R-I-S you'll see a post that I posted. You'll know it's the post because it's me with straight hair, which I don't rock that much anymore. And you'll see that I'm like, this is my before picture. And I just found it because I was scrolling in my phone and I was like, gosh, this woman in this picture has no idea what's about to happen. Oh, my God, I was in step seven. I was a little bit in step seven. I was a little bit at the beginning. I was on all kinds of places. Like I said, I was in multiple heroes journeys at once, and that was my before picture. And now I look at my after picture, which is basically any picture I take of myself right now, and I'm like, oh my gosh, the things I've learned, the places I've been, the babies I've had, baby I've had, right? I feel totally different. And it allows me to realize that I got this. I got the next challenge. If you're stuck here in number seven, step number seven, ask yourself, because of what I've been through, what am I now more prepared to handle? And unfortunately, the way that life works is that just when you think that you've handled it all, it gives you something else to handle. Sorry, that's what step eight is, the ordeal you're like. But I thought we already had an ordeal. Yeah, well, unfortunately, there's another one. So in Bella's case, before she could give it a second thought about this whole press thing, she was whisked into a room full of flashing lights, microphones, and a little bit of judgy faces. And she took a moment to gather herself. She reflected on all the courage, confidence, and clarity she'd gained over the last three weeks. Leaning on her newfound skill, she straightened her back and took the questions head on, sounding like the future ayurvedic beauty queen. She was okay, girl, get it, girl. Get it. Bella. This is me. Like, if I was like, in the room, I would totally be Bella's cheerleader, right? So after answering all the questions for the longest 20 minutes of her life, bella was gratefully ushered off the stage by the PR people. And so she's like, full, like, adrenaline pumping. She doesn't even remember what she said, but she did it. She got through it. She faced that foundational fear. She resolved some of that insecurity about herself. But the villain here is, if you avoid the messy bits you will never fully complete that hero's journey. You're going to stay stuck here, stuck in the pain. If you're going through hell, keep going. If you're in the ordeal, keep pushing forward. Because this could be the last little step before your breakthrough. You need to make sure that you forgive yourself for any of the past mistakes that you've had that are holding you back and move forward. There's an exercise that I love called forgiveness and light. Again. It's in the Recalibration Guide. I'm sorry if you're tired of me telling you to download the Recalibration Guide, but it's because I really think that you should go to recalibrate. Inside that guide, there is an exercise called Forgiveness and Light, which is really about speaking out. Forgiveness. Forgiveness is about you, not about the other person or the other situation, so that you can move forward in your own hero's journey. If you're having issues with this, I invite you to ask yourself this journal question. Do I want to continue on the current path or do I want to change? Do I want to continue being here where it is painful, or would I like to move forward? Hopefully, you choose moving forward and you move to step nine. Seizing the sword, the reward. And in Bella's case, that looked like her slowly walking back to the party and being caught up in her thoughts, because she is like, did I do it? Did I not? Oh, my gosh. Oh, I hope they liked it. That was wonderful. It wasn't wonderful. It was you know how we think of ourselves, right? She's so caught up in her thoughts that she almost runs right into Priti, the CEO of Vata Dosha, who was walking straight at her. Priti greeted her and said that she had just finished being amazed by Bella's performance at the press conference. So amazed, actually, that she asked Bella if she would like to not only be the face of the Savasta Scalp Massage Oil Blends, but also grow her product line and become a spokesperson for the whole shebang, the whole company. Vata Dosha. Wow. Go Bella. Go Bella. It's your birthday. It's your birthday. Not believing her ears, bella tried to be as cool sounding as possible. You've done this before? Trying to be like a duck paddling on water, right? That would be wonderful. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. In the inside, she was like, OMFG. I am finally being recognized for the greatness I always knew was inside of me, but didn't know how to bring it out. This was literally the best moment of Bella's life. And because of her seizing the sword and not getting stuck, she was able to take full possession of all the treasures. Not the treasures that she thought were coming to her. Not just the 500,000, not just the seven figure salary, but that true in depth knowledge and confidence that only comes when you keep moving forward. And you do not stay stuck on your hero's journey. You do not let impostor syndrome, lack of accountability, or your need to control prevent you from getting everything that's coming to you. Not just the beginning little trickles of some coins. Not just the beginning little trickles. I feel a little more confident today, but everything that is coming to you. You need to keep your momentum moving. Put that plan into action. Go, go. Express gratitude and make sure you use your reward for the highest good. If you're stuck right here, I want you to ask yourself, am I prepared to sacrifice for what I want to achieve? Am I willing to truly commit my money and time? If the answer is even maybe not, that's a no. Don't do it, because you will not be able to fully reap the benefits. So now that she's reaped the benefits, you go back, right? The hero's journey is actually a circle and a spiral. So you're going back into the world that you came from. Like, she entered into this new phase for three weeks, where she was working with Vata Dosha and developing this product, and then she's going to go back into her old world. And in step ten in this Road back, the week after the launch party, bella floated into her salon and told the stylists of the great news. But haters be hating. Haters be hating. Some of them were jealous, and they left. They straight up left. But most were thrilled. So focus on the people that are thrilled for you. Focus on the people that are celebrating you, not tolerating you, as my husband likes to say. She promoted her main stylist to the salon manager, threw a party to thank everyone for their support, and started a mentorship program to help each of them grow their own businesses and realize their dreams. When you get something, it is your duty to keep the cycle of abundance going on the road back. You are coming back into the ordinary world using those skills. But if you get lost in the adventure, like you're the knight that is just so busy slaying dragon after dragon after dragon, you forget what it's for and you become a workaholic. Or you slip back into your old patterns. Or you worry that, oh, it won't last. All of those things will prevent you from doing the highest, highest level of good, which is giving back. Make sure you keep yourself aware of yourself. Observe yourself, observe your habits. Intentionally create new habits and set new goals based on your deeper self awareness. If you're feeling a little bit stuck in this particular phase, ask yourself, what will I leave behind or release to reach my goal? At this point in my life, I've left so many things, people, ideas, shoot companies behind in order to reach my goal. And it hurt. It hurts to let go. But it feels so good when you are filled with something even better. Because then you get to feel like you are resurrected. Step Eleven when Bella felt her old shedding and of her identity, she felt a little bit weird. She was going from a salon owner, which was good, and stepping into this soon to be, like, makeup brand superstar right after only three weeks. And so it was a little bit awkward for her. But she realized in this resurrection, she had changed so much that she could never go back to the woman that she was. She transformed into an empire builder and she was ready to take on whatever is next. You need that moment in your life where you realize that you are different and you do not want to be who you were before. You've been tested so many times, you've had to come up and be your own hero. So many times that you have grown and you need to realize that growth. If you stay a victim, or if you don't have a plan to move forward, you won't be fully resurrected. You'll get stuck here and like, I'm successful, but I'm unhappy. I'm successful, but I'm longing for the way it was before. No, you need to fully move, move forward. Rely on that mentorship and counsel that you've already built for yourself earlier on in your journey. If this is where you're getting stuck, ask yourself, what else must break for me to achieve my breakthrough? I'm going to say that again. What else must break for me to achieve my breakthrough? I'm going to let you think about that one as we talk about Bella and Step Twelve, her return returning with the Elixir a few months later, bella found herself where all of us want to be, if we're not already there, debt free. Sitting in her brand new home with a view of the ocean. Sitting there with not only that Versace dress in the closet, but much more. Feeling happy, feeling fulfilled, meditating daily, giving back. She started a foundation, right? But if it weren't for this journey, she would have never reached such a beautiful destination. And that's where I want you to be. In that return, you truly become the change you wish to experience, the change on your vision board. You bear the power now to transform the world in the very ways that you have been transformed. This is where you accept, you receive, you give gratitude. You begin mentoring and guiding. You reinvest. You release old grudges and resentment so you can truly enjoy the place where you ended up. If this is where you are, and you're just like, it doesn't feel quite right, ask yourself, how can I change the world now that I've changed myself? If you are feeling a little bit unfulfilled, it could be because you're still thinking very selfishly, how can I change the world now that I changed myself? If you went through all of these twelve stages with me, and you're like, I mean, I'm kind of here, but I'm kind of stuck there. But I need some help. Why don't we have a bioenergetic business coaching session? I would love it. You would love it? We would love it. We'd be besties. It's cool. Go to Schedule a call with me on the about page of You can see a bioenergetic scan for yourself so you can know what it's all about. And this, my friend, takes us to the end of our story. Now you have more tools to be able to vanquish the villain on your entrepreneur hero's journey. And you now also have a recalibration guide, which you should have downloaded because I told you about it like 5 million times. If you need more help again, go to recalibrate. This again is an episode that is part of our Stage to Stream series. If you'd like to book me for this topic or any other topic you can find on Speak Slash Speaking, make sure you go there and schedule a call. slash speaking. I cannot wait to hear from you and until next time, my name is Aleya Harris. This is the Flourishing Entrepreneur podcast and I'm sending you lots of love, light and abundance. Bye for now.

    Yuliya Patsay [00:45:05]:

    Thank you for listening to this episode of the Flourishing Entrepreneur podcast with Aleya Harris. Vibing with what you hear. Leave a five star review to spread the love and be sure to click subscribe. We wish you love, light and abundance. See you next time. It's.


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