Mastering Visibility and Confidence to Shine in Business

with Chardét Ryel

Are you ready to shed the shadows and step into the spotlight with confidence? Join us in this enlightening episode as Chardét Ryel, a visibility mentor and behavior change specialist, unveils the secrets to standing out and being confidently seen.

If the idea of visibility sends shivers down your spine, Chardét's transformative insights are tailored for you. With a decade of experience empowering entrepreneurs to overcome their fears and embrace the spotlight, Chardét shares invaluable strategies to help you project your authentic self and connect deeply with your audience.

Whether you're an introvert dreading the public eye or an entrepreneur struggling to claim your space, this episode is your stepping stone to visibility without compromise.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understanding Visibility: Learn what it really means to be visible in your personal and professional life, and why it's crucial for your success.

  2. Breaking Through Barriers: Chardét discusses common visibility blocks many face and how to navigate them, ensuring you shine your brightest without fear.

  3. Strategies for Authentic Engagement: Gain practical tips for presenting yourself authentically across various platforms, ensuring your message resonates and aligns with your true self.

Why Listen: If you've ever felt overlooked or underestimated, or if you're simply looking to amplify your presence, Chardét's expertise will empower you to claim your rightful place in the spotlight. Discover how to align your external visibility with your internal values and make your mark confidently. Dive into this transformative discussion and start your journey toward visible, impactful existence!

About Chardét Ryel

Chardét is a Behavior Change Specialist, visibility mentor and host of the top-ranked podcast, Feel Good Nakd. For 11 years, she's worked to transform the way we talk to ourselves & treat our bodies so that we can FEEL powerful in our minds, bodies and careers.

Connect with Chardét Ryel





 About Aleya Harris

Aleya Harris is the spark for your spark™. A trailblazer in purpose-driven story crafting, she is a former marketing executive and ex-Google Vendor Partner who brings her dynamic experience to her role as the CEO of The Evolution Collective Inc. Aleya is a StoryBrand Certified Guide, international award-winning speaker, and the host of the award-winning Flourishing Entrepreneur Podcast. Her unique approach as a Strategic Storytelling Consultant has revolutionized the way businesses communicate, transforming workplace cultures and market positioning. With her dynamic energy and proven methodologies, she guides clients to unlock their potential, articulate their radically authentic stories, and achieve unparalleled success.

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  • [00:00] Aleya Harris: Have you ever sat and thought of what it must feel like to truly step into your authentic self, to be visible, to be seen and to feel confident? What does that feel like? And how would it change your life, your business, if you felt like that right now? Well, today we are talking a little bit about, a lot about that with my dear guest, Sade Ryel. Among many things, Sade is a visibility mentor for business owners. She is a behavior change specialist with a mission to strip away the barriers that stop us from personal growth, powerful relationships, and I impact. For eleven years, she's worked to transform the way we talk to ourselves and treat ourselves and our bodies so that we can feel powerful in our minds, bodies and careers. And today on this episode, she is giving us her top tips, her top ways of going about being visible and feeling comfortable and confident in the spotlight, telling your story and showing up for yourself if you are. Like, golly, if I could just step out and shed all of those things that make me feel unwanted, unworthy, unwhatever, then, my friend, my dear friend, my dear Lesnar, this is the episode for you. All right, let's go.

    [01:41] Yuliya Patsay: Welcome to the Flourishing Entrepreneur podcast with Aleah Harris. If you're looking for actionable ways to overcome communication and differentiation challenges by sharing radically authentic stories, you are in the right place. Listen in and learn how to stand in the power of your unique narrative to transform your personal life, business and workplace culture. And now, your host, award winning international speaker, strategic storytelling consultant, and japanese whiskey lover, Ruby Coral's mom, Alayah Harris.

    [02:30] Aleya Harris: Sharde, thank you so much. And welcome, welcome, welcome to the Flourishing Entrepreneur podcast. How are you doing today?

    [02:38] Chardét Ryel: I'm doing actually amazing today. I don't say that every day, but today is really good. Thank you for having me.

    [02:45] Aleya Harris: I'm very glad to have you. And my day is better because I have you here. So look, everyone is doing more amazing than before. That's a wonderful way to be. So, before we dive into some of our hard hitting questions, can you please, in like two to three sentences, let our dear listeners know who you are and what you do?

    [03:09] Chardét Ryel: Yeah, of course. So I'm Sharde. I was a wellness entrepreneur. It's been eleven years, and there's been different iterations of that, but I moved into more of the psychology side of it. So I was helping people through their habits, lifestyle changes, and I've moved that into business. So when I'm working with different entrepreneurs, it is helping them essentially feel comfortable with visibility, marketing, nailing their message, and all related to the psychology.

    [03:43] Aleya Harris: I love that. And I know that you specifically were focusing on visibility and being a visibility mentor. Can you explain a little bit more about what that means?

    [03:52] Chardét Ryel: Yeah, of course. So a lot of people, especially if you're an online business, and let's face it, even if you're not an online business, you have an online presence. And a lot of that is so focused on content strategy, on content marketing. But what I was finding in my own experience as an entrepreneur, but also in the early days of starting to work with people and get feedback, was that the issue was not how do I create content? It was not what do I talk about even? It was how do I even get in front of the right people and how do I come across confidently when I'm doing that? Those were the blocks, those were the hangups. And there wasn't a real resource that people could easily find that focuses only on that.

    [04:43] Aleya Harris: Sorry, that was a cough. So when you say that you're getting in front of the right people, do you do a little bit of pr as well?

    [04:52] Chardét Ryel: Yes. Yeah. So there is a pr element to it. There's also the element of getting on different podcasts. It's essentially figuring out where is your audience, actually, because they're not all on Instagram. Depending on the work you do, they might be in other places.

    [05:07] Aleya Harris: The whole world is not on Instagram. What? You're rocking my world. I'm being facetious. I 100% agree with you.

    [05:17] Chardét Ryel: Sometimes people need the reminder, though, right? It's easy to get stuck in that whole spiral of it. But, yeah, it's figuring out how to get in front of the right people. How do you know who they are? And it's more than just to your clients or your customers. It's also, who do you collab with? Who do you form partnerships with? Because I really believe in my own business especially, I didn't really grow until I started having those partnerships and those collabs. That was when the growth was so much higher.

    [05:48] Aleya Harris: Well, let's talk a little bit about that journey of growth, shall we? Because you talked about maybe a little pivotal moment of when you're having partnerships. But I would love you to tell me a story and tell us all a story. We're waiting with bated breath about a pivotal moment in your life and how it shaped you to become the visibility mentor and all of the wonderful things that you are today.

    [06:12] Chardét Ryel: Yeah, it was actually. It started when I was still doing the wellness focus. So I fell into the trap, which a lot of people do. I was doing everything that my competitors were doing mainstream fitness people. I was talking about the same stuff. Which big one for women is weight loss, right? Even though I didn't feel aligned with that, I wanted people to feel powerful. I didn't want to just get them smaller. That was not ever my goal, but I felt really pressured to do that. And every coach I worked with in the fitness space told me the same thing. You gotta really hit on these triggers, these insecurities. You've gotta talk about them. This is how you do your SEO. And it felt like a struggle for me every day doing that, and I did it for years. And then I had a moment during the pandemic when everyone was talking about this pandemic, weight gain, and that was the focus that I just thought, you know what?

    [07:10] Aleya Harris: I'm.

    [07:10] Chardét Ryel: We need a different message. This is not what I want to do anymore. I'm going to talk about a totally different area of health, and if there's no market for it, then there's no market for it. But I'm going to go and do this. And it was the best decision I ever made, and now it's helping people find what is your non negotiable message, and you just do not care if not everyone's going to like it.

    [07:36] Aleya Harris: I'm really glad that you said something in the beginning towards when you were talking. You said, well, this was not in alignment with me, but I did it anyways. And I'm so glad you said that, because I think that everyone does that. And sometimes when we talk to, like, the gurus, the people that get to be on podcasts. Right, like, like you. Like, oh, well, she must just look so aligned. And whether you're looking at the video or not, she has a lovely headband. It matches her. She seems so well put together, and I'm sure she is, but she also, and I have also done so many things that we knew were not in alignment with us, and we had to go on the journey of figuring out what was, how to shift, how to grow, and then when we are, then that's when magic happens. So I really appreciate that you said that out loud, because a lot of the times, people don't. They are just like, well, I've always, from birth, had this passion, and I have never wavered from it. So thank you. I appreciate it.

    [08:41] Chardét Ryel: You have to evolve, right? Like, you can't. If you're in business long enough, your messaging is gonna change again and again, and you have to be open to that. And the quicker you are, the better. It's gonna be for you and for. And for your community.

    [08:58] Aleya Harris: Yeah, absolutely. I want to get a little bit more. Since, you know, you talk a lot about mindset, I want to dive a little bit more into your mindset, especially in that moment where you were like, this is not. I know that this is not right, but I also am hearing something else. And you told yourself a story in that moment, and that story was the one that you believed, and you continued on. This I am this, or this is how I go about it, or this is the journey I want. Can you tell a little bit more about what that story was then, and then what that story is now?

    [09:38] Chardét Ryel: I love how you say it's a story, because it is. And, like, in behavior change, that's all we talk about, is you are telling yourself stories every day, and that's what's in. That's what is creating your habits. That's what's influencing the way you act. We think it's the other way around, but it's not. And the story for me initially was, if I want to be successful, if I want to have impact, if I want people to even step through the door to buy from me, then I need to send this message now, the way that I justified it, because this is cognitive dissonance, right? Like, I know that this is my value, but I'm acting differently. The way that I justified it was, well, once they walk in the door, I'll do a different method. I'll show them deeper level of fitness and health. But that still wasn't a line.

    [10:30] Aleya Harris: You were gonna pull a bait and switch. Got it. I've also said that before, so you're speaking my language, sade. I'm also a swindler. Please do continue.

    [10:41] Chardét Ryel: I mean, the swindling worked for everybody initially, right? Like, people were happy because they didn't realize what the deeper need was that they wanted, which was just to feel good in their skin. It wasn't about the numbers. And so they, at the end of the coaching, would feel good, but I still didn't feel. I still felt like, well, what about all the other people who see me on YouTube or who would eventually hear me on podcasts? Cause at this point, I hadn't started. What are they gonna think if they never work with me and they hear this message, which is so unaligned and that I don't actually feel is empowering them? And that was when it was the moment of, okay, the story you're telling yourself is just not one that's gonna end well. And you really need to shift it. You're going to have a breakdown if you don't stop. And now I feel a lot more. The story I feel now is that what I talk about, even if it's not in the perfect language to make someone just click immediately. I know that the transformation I'm offering, the support I'm giving, is completely aligned with what I know I can do for them and what they can change in their lives. So they're coming in knowing full well, like, what is the value, what am I going to get and how I can have so much change in my life? And yes, it means some people say no, but it also means that the right people, like we were talking about.

    [12:08] Aleya Harris: They say yes, and that's the goal. You don't want to be everything for everybody. That's actually bad marketing, right? Trying to be, because you're not, it's not possible. So it's an unattainable goal. How do you feel now that you've stepped into what I like to call your radically authentic self? How does that feel in your body, your mind, your spirit? How do you feel?

    [12:35] Chardét Ryel: It feels very light, I think is the best way to put it. So I remember when I used to do so, I did a lot of confidence coaching before when I was in the wellness sphere. And we would say, the goal is not for you to feel amazing after doing these programs. The goal is for you to no longer feel the heavy backpack that's pulling you down, because then you can do more of the things, have more of the joy, and you still have energy, and you fill your life with the right people and the right mission. And I feel like that now. I don't have that heavy backpack. I feel very light and nimble and like I'm fully present in the work that I do.

    [13:23] Aleya Harris: Oh, well, that just feels like a little bit of a hug. I don't know if anybody else, as she was talking, was envisioning, like, wow, that must feel amazing. Well, to you, my dear listener, if you are currently swindling. I was a swindler. Sardae was a swindler. It's okay. You're in good company. And you want to feel more like what Sada is saying she feels now, then I encourage you to do some of the work that you did, tell a different story, align more with your authentic self. But I'm sure it wasn't always quite like that. What would you say was the limiting belief that prevented you from telling that new story, from aligning with your new self? What was the main thing holding you back? And were there any really tangible things that you did to bust that belief or to put it aside or to dissolve it so that you can move forward?

    [14:18] Chardét Ryel: Yeah. I think the biggest limiting belief that I had was it's not possible to do it the way I want because I've never seen anyone do it this way. And who am I? Keep in mind, I had so many years of experience at this point, but who am I to do it? And that was a limiting belief that just kept making me follow what other people who were successful in quotes do and popularity at least. But behind the scenes, we don't know.

    [14:53] Aleya Harris: Again, Instagram followers does not equal money in your bank account, just in case you were needing another reminder of that to continue.

    [15:01] Chardét Ryel: Sade, this is a big PSA. We need to keep that on repeat of. I felt like that and what I've. It's so funny, too, because, you know, all this stuff when you're coaching other people, but it's so different when you put it in your own life. And what I had always said to people is, you might need to be the first. You might need to be the first person in your family to go and have this lifestyle. You might need to be the first person with this message. It is so much harder. Yes. But you are not only doing it for yourself, but for other people to see that it is possible. And so it was the small actions of being like, okay, well, if I'm in on this message, then what are the first things I'm gonna do? I'm gonna change what I write on social media. I'm gonna send out a full newsletter explaining my pivot. I'm gonna commit to this shift by making myself accountable to my audience and to my community.

    [16:04] Aleya Harris: Where did you find the bravery and the courage to be the first?

    [16:10] Chardét Ryel: I think it's one of those things where the pain of where you're at and what you're experiencing. So in my case, this tension of feeling so unaligned was so heavy and so challenging that I couldn't go another day living that life. It was easier for as hard as it was, and I'm sure people listening can relate to this, for as hard as you know it's gonna be, it was easier than continuing to live the lie that I didn't wanna be a part of anymore.

    [16:47] Aleya Harris: I really appreciate that you had an inciting incident, as we would call it, in story structure. Right. That you were like, ah, this world I'm living in has just gotten so uncomfortable. I have to move. I feel like your clients probably go through a similar journey journey when they're wanting to be more visible. What would you say are some of your top pieces of advice for those that are saying something along the lines of, I really want to step out into the world, but I just can't because, XYZ, what are some of the things that people could do right now, today, in addition to obviously working with you, which I would recommend, but in addition to that or in alignment also with that, what are some of those tangible things that people could do?

    [17:36] Chardét Ryel: The biggest one is the one that people don't want to hear. Even with clients, when I get them on the first week, we work on this, the first couple weeks in some cases, and they just ask me, why? Why are we doing this? Why is this the first step? And the first step is this. You really need to focus on what is the messaging that you really want to put out in the world. One of the biggest blocks is it can be that you're camera shy or you don't know the next step, definitely. But one of the biggest ones even before that, is you don't feel confident in the message that you are going to share. And so we work so much on this because when you feel confident in your message and you really know and understand it, it's less of a block for you to go out and share it, because for me to just say, okay, we're going to go on these shows and get you on these publications, and we're going to do this and you're going to partner with this person, but you don't have your messaging and you don't have really the core of what you do. It's going to be a much more difficult journey for you. And also probably you will end up with some partners that are not actually the best ones for you.

    [18:50] Aleya Harris: Well, as a strategic storytelling consultant myself, you're speaking my language. I do a lot of that as well because, and I end up, people are like, yeah, I just want to have some words for the website. And I'm like, well, we can do that, but this isn't that. These words that you currently want to use are not going to work for you. So I'm so glad that you said that. But what you mentioned, confidence. And one of the things that I have noticed in my work with people and my program sparked the stage, or even when I am speaking on stage and people come to me afterwards and they talk about confidence, it usually is rooted in a lack of clarity, clarity around who you are, what you want to say, why someone should listen all of those things. Do you find that once you get them clear, they are ready, good to go, they're confident, or is there something else after that? That is like a step two after.

    [19:48] Chardét Ryel: The clarity, it really depends on the person, because some people, yes, that's enough. That's enough to get them out to the first podcast or to the first speech or whatever other people know. And I can't give you like, oh, it's this percentage versus this. But I will say for the people that it's not where that's not enough, the clarity. The other thing is, honestly, it's this myth of perfectionism that you're just going to get it perfect and or if you don't, then therefore you shouldn't do it. And the only way we work through that is repetition. So I will have them fake record speeches. I will have them do mock interviews with me. I will have them record a two minute audio talking about some topic and have them listen to it again and again and again, because then they can start to see, okay, I did this, first of all, and the stakes are a lot lower because I'm not in front of an audience here. I can see that I'm good in these parts and this is what I can strengthen and this is what I can. And that has been so powerful for a lot of people because, too, a lot of times, and I'm sure you see this, people are so afraid of seeing themselves on camera or hearing their own voice.

    [21:03] Aleya Harris: I don't ever understand that. Like, so a large part of what I do is public speaking. And it baffles my mind that public speaking is the number one fear people still, year after year after year. And second is death. Second is death. And I'm like, so we're that afraid of getting up on stage and opening our mouths in front of other people that we would literally rather die. So I think that the work that you do is incredibly important. And I do see it all the time. When people work with me or even see me, they're like, ah, inspired by what I do. And I'm not saying it's like I'm, oh, I'm so good. They better be in awe, which is the truth. But it's more like, whoa, you're actually on a stage and you're talking like, it's just like, like, whoa, how do you do that? So I, and I want more people, especially women, to feel comfortable doing that. So I'm so glad that you do the work that you do. But speaking of that, there are lots of people that do some similar things, and I'm just gonna be real. So why would I choose you? What differentiates you? What makes you stand up from the crowd? Why should someone listening to your melodious voice right now pick up the phone or follow your link and go to your website and work with you?

    [22:31] Chardét Ryel: I mean, I think first it's the melodious voice.

    [22:36] Aleya Harris: Obviously.

    [22:40] Chardét Ryel: I think, you know, the one thing I'll say first is I've actually worked with some of my competitors. I've collabed with them. So I don't see it as either or. I think a lot of, I think for each person listening, there's different things that you want. You know, you and I, we do some overlapping work, but there's a different focus that you're on, and you're bringing a different energy to it than I am. And so I think, for me, when people come to me, a lot of times they do tend to be in an industry that is focused on helping people. So it could be psychology, it could be wellness, and that's because I have so much experience in that area, and it requires a lot of energy when you're working with those clients. Right. So I understand these people. I think that's a big thing. But it's also the fact that I'm not just focusing on the marketing stuff. I have this behavior change background that is all about helping you to go deeper than how do I just get in front of all these people? But how do I also feel like I am the expert to do it? And I think that that's the big change is kind of the value mix there.

    [23:47] Aleya Harris: I love that very, very well stated in your melodious voice. So how can people then take that next step and learn more about you and work with you? Where can they find you?

    [24:02] Chardét Ryel: Yeah. So there are two places you can find me. The first one is my name, Charda you can find the website, all the info in there. And the second one is there's, we've.

    [24:14] Aleya Harris: Discussed before recording, there are many ways to spell Sharde. So it's do continue.

    [24:24] Chardét Ryel: I thank you for doing that. I never know if I should spell it when I'm on shows, so I just say it and pray for the best.

    [24:30] Aleya Harris: Always, girl. This is your chance to be connected with the people. You better connect always. I spell a layah all day, every day. I should make it into a song. A l e y a. Like I spell it all the time.

    [24:42] Chardét Ryel: I think you should. I think you need to pull that little clip right there. And that's your intro.

    [24:47] Aleya Harris: There we go. Check. We are changing lives and marketing left and right here. Okay, so.

    [24:53] Chardét Ryel: So you can go to her first three and that is where my new podcast lives. All the mindset and business stuff is there.

    [25:07] Aleya Harris: What is her first three years all about?

    [25:09] Chardét Ryel: So I used to run entrepreneur groups in Bali, and one of the biggest things I noticed was I wanted to talk about marketing and I wanted to talk about all these fun scaling and all these ideas. But what people kept coming to me for was saying, I feel really alone. I feel really isolated. I feel like everyone else is doing so good in their business and I'm not. And all of them were in their first three years of business or in their first three years of their pivot. And the idea behind the show is we're gonna show you the messiness. We are gonna talk about the real journey from what you see beautiful on the stage to the times that you are falling up the stairs. And it is completely unfiltered about behind the scenes.

    [26:01] Aleya Harris: Okay, that sounds juicy. That sounds good. Her first three years. Everybody should go take a listen and dive into that. I know I am. I don't even know. I guess I'm in the first three years of someone's some pivot. I've pivoted. I've been doing the watutsie over here, so, yeah, sure. I'm in the first three years. Sounds good. It's a big old mess over here, so. Yeah, I promise.

    [26:23] Chardét Ryel: Oh, we understand. It's a community.

    [26:27] Aleya Harris: I'm your target. I am your target. Well, I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to you understanding visibility, hearing your expertise, hearing your story. Thank you so much for joining us here today.

    [26:38] Chardét Ryel: Charda, thank you so much for having me.

    [26:43] Aleya Harris: I don't know about you, but I am wanting to be even more visible than I am now. After that conversation, it's amazing to think about how you gain so much freedom from owning your authenticity and realizing that you will always be the first. Even if other people in your family, in your circle, have done the exact same business that you're trying to do now. There is only one you. So you will be the first, you will be the second, you will be the third, and you will be the last version of you. So own it. How many years have you gone spent and wasted not owning who you are, hiding it, denying it, being afraid of it, being embarrassed of it, realizing that there really is only one you and you can celebrate that fact or not, but when you celebrate it, you get to feel light like what Charda was saying. You get to step into purpose. You get to work with people you actually like, doing things you actually like to do, as opposed to constantly feeling this burden and this weight on your shoulders and your heart. My encouragement of you today is to do what Charda did. Stop swindling like I was doing, like Sade was doing, and start stepping into your power. Start stepping into the authenticity of you. Stop apologizing for taking up space and start taking it up. Proudly, proudly shine, baby shine glow, baby glow. This has been an episode of the flourishing Entrepreneur podcast, and my name is still and always Alayah Harris. I'm wishing you lots of love, light, and abundance. All right, bye for now.

    [28:39] Yuliya Patsay: Thank you for listening to this episode of the flourishing entrepreneur podcast with Alayah Harris. Vibing with what you hear, leave a five star review to spread the love and be sure to click subscribe. We wish you love, light, and abundance. See you next time.


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